Why do Libs riot ?

True...but I think it may run deeper than just a two term President. As I've said before....the Democratic party has the least amount of power at the state and federal level at anytime in at least the last 50 years. The decline at the state level began well before Obama. I suggest there's more going on here than simply a two term Dem President.
Yeah. It's called gerrymandering.
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Ya, pretty much. In combination with the fact that Dems don't tend to turn out in midterm elections because their base is disproportionately younger and poorer. (Not as many retired / well employed people that can get to the polls)

I read the article. Still unsure how gerrymandering effects the makeup of a STATE'S legislative bodies as well as the governor. It's fairly obvious how the party who controls the government at the state level can gerrymander Congressional districts. Dems controlled the majority of the state legislatures for decades. Over the past 30 years they have suffered significant losses at the state level. Not sure of the reasons. Maybe the Pubs began to focus on the state houses while the Dems ignored them or be Dems got away from Tip O'Neils famous strategy to keep elections focused on local issues.
Lol so smart that they gerrymandered state borders over a century ago.
That only accounts for the Governorships, the majority parties in states can redraw their state legislative districts. That's the big effort that the Pubs made. They started pouring money into downballot races in states, and off year election cycles, so they can redraw the district lines and block the major democratic strongholds in states into one area.
That only accounts for the Governorships, the majority parties in states can redraw their state legislative districts. That's the big effort that the Pubs made. They started pouring money into downballot races in states, and off year election cycles, so they can redraw the district lines and block the major democratic strongholds in states into one area.

I'm aware. Everybody does it, some more effectively than others. Probably needs to be reformed. I just laugh when I hear someone say republicans control the senate and 30+ governorships because of gerrymandering, because those are literally impossible to gerrymander
Elbridge Gerry was around during the war of 1812. It is not exactly a Republican idea since the RP wasn't formed for another 40 years. And as URedskin54 points out, you can't Gerrymander a Senate or Governorship election since those are a statewide vote. It would be almost impossible in Oklahoma to Gerrymander a House seat since every county often goes red.
Do you have any articles on the gerrymandering of state legislatures? I'm obviously familiar with Congressional Districts but the widespread practice of gerrymandering state districts is new to me.
Elbridge Gerry was around during the war of 1812. It is not exactly a Republican idea since the RP wasn't formed for another 40 years. And as URedskin54 points out, you can't Gerrymander a Senate or Governorship election since those are a statewide vote. It would be almost impossible in Oklahoma to Gerrymander a House seat since every county often goes red.
I'm referring more to states like Florida or Ohio or Nevada. Also, I didn't insinuate that Republicans invented Gerrymandering, just that it's a major part of their recent success in district level elections. (Senate and Executive are obviously a bit different because of what seats come up when)
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The crowd attacked a Starbucks and Bank of America. Both were Clinton donors.

I guess I'm just old fashioned but I don't think there is a good reason for rioting and I don't think the rioters do either. Nobody on here would think it was if it was happening on their street or they somehow got caught up in it.

I heard on radio, but can't confirm that one of the cars set on fire belonged to talk show icon Larry King at the DC rally. Have to wonder if he was reporting on the prot . . . er. . . I mean radical left wing riot,
I heard on radio, but can't confirm that one of the cars set on fire belonged to talk show icon Larry King at the DC rally. Have to wonder if he was reporting on the prot . . . er. . . I mean radical left wing riot,
Well, considering Larry King now works for the Russian state sponsored fake news channel. I don't really care.
Because they are always correct
Is it the Gayes', the Pips, or the McDonald's who are always right?

Bring it down baby,
i heard it through the grapevine, I heard it through the grapevine, I heard
How long did it take you to post that?
Been Waiting for that that post...

That reminds me of a song from my childhood.
'How long has this been going on?'

or even better,
'I been waiting on a girl like you.'

...wait a minute, ooh crap, that didn't come
out right, oops/
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Somewhat on cue....students at UC Berkley protest (which turn violent) a conservative speaker who was scheduled to speak on campus. They succeed and the speaker was cancelled due to safety concerns. Again....this is occurring in college campuses where the free exchange of ideas and thoughts was once valued.
Somewhat on cue....students at UC Berkley protest (which turn violent) a conservative speaker who was scheduled to speak on campus. They succeed and the speaker was cancelled due to safety concerns. Again....this is occurring in college campuses where the free exchange of ideas and thoughts was once valued.'re saying it worked?
I don't like Bannon. But free speech is about letting someone speak when you disagree. We don't need freedom of speech to protect people who like to talk about puppies being cute. Nazi's marched through Skoki. We survived.

I know Trumpers who were glad he didn't get chief of staff, but he seems to have even more power than the chief of staff. Still there is the very first amendment about freedom of speech. People who disagree can peacefully protest but violence is not acceptable.
Yep. Hate, violence and intolerance prevailed once again on a college campus. Congrats Libs.
It helped pressure the administrations to get us out of Vietnam. You're welcome. I'd say thank you to the kids that died at Kent State.
It helped pressure the administrations to get us out of Vietnam. You're welcome. I'd say thank you to the kids that died at Kent State.

Surely even you can see a difference in protesting a war fought by our government versus protesting and rioting against speech from a gay man on a college campus bases soley on the grounds that you disagree with its content?
Surely even you can see a difference in protesting a war fought by our government versus protesting and rioting against speech from a gay man on a college campus bases soley on the grounds that you disagree with its content?
.....AAAAAAAAND we've come back to the hate speech topic. If Hitler were scheduled to speak at TU next week do you think we should let him? By and large, these speeches aren't even being organized by students. They're being organized by right wing non-profits that Milo and Breitbart are buddies with.

The students of a university have a right to voice their opinion on what kinds of speakers they invite to campus, and it's funny that this is getting as much attention as it is because on Milo's wikapedia page it lists the protests that have occurred throughout the US and UK against him that haven't turned overtly violent.

University of Manchester
University of Bristol
UC Davis
Washington (state)

Now he's using it as propaganda to further his cause and you're falling for it.
Hate speech huh.....ok. It's political speech which is contrary to the left's views and now your justifying violence, hate and intolerance because of the same. Protesting is fine. Violence and hate which we saw last night at UC is not...but congrats....the exchange of ideas was once again stopped on a college campus thanks to the intolerant.
Hate speech huh.....ok. It's political speech which is contrary to the left's views and now your justifying violence, hate and intolerance because of the same. Protesting is fine. Violence and hate which we saw last night at UC is not...but congrats....the exchange of ideas was once again stopped on a college campus thanks to the intolerant.
See you say all that stuff and I just hear "Yesterday, Goebbels was stopped from giving his speech on the merits of eugenics at the University of Tulsa by a protest that turned violent." I don't feel bad about it at all.

You can't yell fire in a crowded theater either. Damn the supreme court for taking away the free exchange of thought. /s The thought being, "I should yell fire and see what happens"
I don't like Bannon. But free speech is about letting someone speak when you disagree. We don't need freedom of speech to protect people who like to talk about puppies being cute. Nazi's marched through Skoki. We survived.

I know Trumpers who were glad he didn't get chief of staff, but he seems to have even more power than the chief of staff. Still there is the very first amendment about freedom of speech. People who disagree can peacefully protest but violence is not acceptable.
I can agree that the extent of the violence last night was counterproductive to the overall message the protesters should have sought to convey. I don't care that they were adamantly protesting the speaker though.
See you say all that stuff and I just hear "Yesterday, Goebbels was stopped from giving his speech on the merits of eugenics at the University of Tulsa by a protest that turned violent." I don't feel bad about it at all.

You can't yell fire in a crowded theater either. Damn the supreme court for taking away the free exchange of thought. /s The thought being, "I should yell fire and see what happens"

Idiotic analogy. can choose to be intolerant but the Nazi references are ridiculous. You do realize that the Nazi's were the ones who used violence to silence speech during their rise to power...right? I mean....if we are bringing up Hitler's crew.
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Idiotic analogy. can choose to be intolerant but the Nazi references are ridiculous. You do realize that the Nazi's were the ones who used violence to silence speech during their rise to power...right? I mean....if we are bringing up Hitler's crew.

Yeah as annoying as Milo can be, I'm pretty sure he's not the fascist in this scenario

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