Trump owns you and Putin owns Trump.Biden owd Zelensky money, not a solution.
Trump owns you and Putin owns Trump.Biden owd Zelensky money, not a solution.
If Putin owns Trump, why didnt he move on the Donbas with Trump in office.. Obama gave him the Crimea and Syria, yet he chose not to act on the rest of Ukraine until Biden was in office.. why?Trump owns you and Putin owns Trump.
Perhaps that should tell you something.. the EU talks a mean game and sends a few Euros, but none of their youth are running to the front..all you guys that want to fight, i am sure that Zelensky will take you for cannon fodder.. i am pretty sure he will take anyone.. only he cant get the thousands upon thousands of fighting age Ukrainian males that are partying in clubs all over Europe to join his cause.. ( i had multiple Ukrainian exchange students and they me send pics of Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, and Vienna clubs)
Ok.. so Birkenstock Vegans need not apply..This is not true. Lots of people without military experience have shown up and been shown the door.
Where the heck do you get that Biden owed Zelensky money. Do you ever get on your rocker?Biden owd Zelensky money, not a solution.
If Putin owns Trump, why didnt he move on the Donbas with Trump in office.. Obama gave him the Crimea and Syria, yet he chose not to act on the rest of Ukraine until Biden was in office.. why?