TU Men's Soccer Recruiting Class


I.T.S. Junior
Jul 3, 2006
Earlier this month, TU signed 5 kids to LOI's in Men's Soccer. 3 of the 5 were 4-star recruits on TopDrawer Soccer and 2 of the 5 were ranked in their National Top 150 (#63 & #145).

Seems like a pretty legit group with some high-level talent. Anyone have any info on the new guys beyond what was mentioned in the TU article? Anyone seen any of these guys play in person?

Also, anyone know if any of our guys (besides the graduating seniors) are leaving or have left early to pursue a pro career?

I'm looking forward to soccer season already! Going to the soccer matches beat going to the football games by a wide margin for me last fall.

TU Signs 5 to LOI's
Let's just say Tom Mc has become one of the best coaches around the nation who has a reputation for being tough but fair. He is going to play the kids who work the hardest and give the team the best chance to win. Tom will get these kids in shape and he still has some absolute great players on campus to continue growing TU Soccer.
I haven't heard anything official, KC. But if I were a betting man, you won't see Christian Mata or Barrett next season. Mata more likely so that Barrett.
With the substitution rules, conditioning and other considerations, it's tough for players to make an impact in the first couple of seasons in soccer, versus football or basketball. Yes, this class has talent. But the class two years ago was amongst the best in the nation. Most of those players are struggling to stand out on the pitch. A solid class for TU, but not the best in awhile and it may be a year or two before these names jump out at you a again in the box score. That said, I'm glad they are here and I hope they prove me wrong.