Ticket Sports Radio in Dallas--announced

that facinating. The Ticket "Sports" radio show in Dallas was actually talking sports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmm ok--

So don't cite my source? or I should listen to 103.3 ESPN? a station that tries to hard to be all sports all the time with second rate broadcasters.
The ticket is all schtick.

Sports is only a passing thought.

For REAL sports talk, I prefer ESPN or Fox sports.
Hmm Schtick meaning they joke around and have fun with their jobs--sure--they also have the best guests (Aikman. Peter King, Jason Witten) oh yeah and 20 years longevity. Last time I checked sports are games --hence you should have fun. Just ask Lil Eric Coley( I am sure he enjoyed the ride of the Royals)--Glad you take your sports so serious aTUfan--you must be REAL fun to watch a game with.
Originally posted by aTUfan:

For REAL sports talk, I prefer ESPN or Fox sports.
I listen 2 the man!

they don't do as much sports compared to ESPN and Fox sports.
I listened when they first started, but it became too painful to wade through their inane bits and juvenile crap.

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