This is the Republican Party

Even the haters have to admit, him standing at the podium reading aloud news articles that say things he can’t say because of the gag order is brilliant. Maybe the most brilliant thing any of his lawyers have ever done.
You don't think he came up with that idea? ;) ;)
Even the haters have to admit, him standing at the podium reading aloud news articles that say things he can’t say because of the gag order is brilliant. Maybe the most brilliant thing any of his lawyers have ever done.
Barack sent me to Detroit for the pandemic.
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Even the haters have to admit, him standing at the podium reading aloud news articles that say things he can’t say because of the gag order is brilliant. Maybe the most brilliant thing any of his lawyers have ever done.
Any of his lawyers have ever done, or is it The Human Printer, aide to Trump?
CBO has come out and said that Trump’s promise to fully extend his Tax Cuts and Jobs Act benefits could add an estimated 4.6 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years…. Biden just came out with a proposal to extend the benefits for those making under 400K and reverting (to what degree is unknown) the corporate taxes that were cut from 35% to 21%.

Of course Trump comes out and says he would rather just get rid of income tax all together in favor of tarrifs which is basically taking a page out of Hoover’s failed economic playbook and has little chance of passing through Congress.
CBO has come out and said that Trump’s promise to fully extend his Tax Cuts and Jobs Act benefits could add an estimated 4.6 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years…. Biden just came out with a proposal to extend the benefits for those making under 400K and reverting (to what degree is unknown) the corporate taxes that were cut from 35% to 21%.

Of course Trump comes out and says he would rather just get rid of income tax all together in favor of tarrifs which is basically taking a page out of Hoover’s failed economic playbook and has little chance of passing through Congress.
Our politicians are going to sit back and watch us drown in debt until this all burns down. No one has a viable plan to address the issue. Raising taxes and taking away free stuff doesn’t win many votes apparently and most Americans are too dumb to understand where we’re headed
CBO has come out and said that Trump’s promise to fully extend his Tax Cuts and Jobs Act benefits could add an estimated 4.6 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years…. Biden just came out with a proposal to extend the benefits for those making under 400K and reverting (to what degree is unknown) the corporate taxes that were cut from 35% to 21%.

Of course Trump comes out and says he would rather just get rid of income tax all together in favor of tarrifs which is basically taking a page out of Hoover’s failed economic playbook and has little chance of passing through Congress.
Pretty sure that until Woodrow Wilson started the income tax wagon that Tarriffs and excise taxes funded the govt.. since Wilson all the govt has done has expand and insert itself into every aspect of American lives.
CBO has come out and said that Trump’s promise to fully extend his Tax Cuts and Jobs Act benefits could add an estimated 4.6 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years…. Biden just came out with a proposal to extend the benefits for those making under 400K and reverting (to what degree is unknown) the corporate taxes that were cut from 35% to 21%.

Of course Trump comes out and says he would rather just get rid of income tax all together in favor of tarrifs which is basically taking a page out of Hoover’s failed economic playbook and has little chance of passing through Congress.
there is enough revenue: there is too much spending
When govt spending accounts for almost 40% of gdp... its true
The problem isn't the percentage of spend of GDP. The Baltic / European states spend quite a bit more than us in terms of total GDP percentage.... they also get more back in revenue (through more taxes for things like public healthcare). The problem really is the difference between the two numbers which is a measure of the net lending / borrowing that a country does as a percentage of GDP......

There are very few developed nations in the list of lenders right now. Most of them are petrol states that have government control of energy revenues.

In terms of net borrowing rating we're better than the UK, India and China, but worse than a handful of others.

Our government revenue as a percentage of GDP is under that of Japan, Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia, Spain, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Sweden, etc... etc... etc... On one hand that's good for our businesses..... on the other hand it's basically our government borrowing to subsidize the wealth of businesses and private citizens.... (mainly those who would pay the most taxes if they were raised to comparable levels. )
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The problem isn't the percentage of spend of GDP. The Baltic / European states spend quite a bit more than us in terms of total GDP percentage.... they also get more back in revenue (through more taxes for things like public healthcare). The problem really is the difference between the two numbers which is a measure of the net lending / borrowing that a country does as a percentage of GDP......

There are very few developed nations in the list of lenders right now. Most of them are petrol states that have government control of energy revenues.

In terms of net borrowing rating we're better than the UK, India and China, but worse than a handful of others.

Our government revenue as a percentage of GDP is under that of Japan, Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia, Spain, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Sweden, etc... etc... etc... On one hand that's good for our businesses..... on the other hand it's basically our government borrowing to subsidize the wealth of businesses and private citizens.... (mainly those who would pay the most taxes if they were raised to comparable levels. )
You assume that their spending levels are sustainable.. if we didnt keep the world peace with our treasury those countries would be bust tomorrow..

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