This is the Democratic Party.

3) Just because Congress is incompetent doesn’t mean that the president should be as well.
You can’t use Holmes as support for suppressing speech when he clearly states his test was in war time and Congressionally enacted. The suppression of speech we’ve witnessed over the past 3 years have neither. It also was directed towards speech other than pandemic related.
He was clearly blaming price gouging and corporate greed for rising food prices. He hit all the key buzzwords. Yet he somehow omitted the most important number…:net margins. There is no factual evidence based on financial of either price gouging or corporate greed here.
Well, that was just a small blurb in that, but nice job latching onto that morsel. Dynamic pricing is a thing, like when I go into Moody Store for the $4 sausage, cheese, egg biscuit, after 10 am that baby goes down to $2, then after noon it's a buck, but a little crusty.
Well, that was just a small blurb in that, but nice job latching onto that morsel. Dynamic pricing is a thing, like when I go into Moody Store for the $4 sausage, cheese, egg biscuit, after 10 am that baby goes down to $2, then after noon it's a buck, but a little crusty.
Small blurb. He wrote four sentences. The first two out of the box state price gouging and gross profit. He then ends with corporate greed. Can you explain why a 1.5% margin is corporate greed and price gouging ?

Do you have a problem with lowering the price on that biscuit the closer it gets to expiration ? Also, what is the point of citing a gross margin of 20% when everyone who understand financials understands it’s a largely meaningless number ?
He was clearly blaming price gouging and corporate greed for rising food prices. He hit all the key buzzwords. Yet he somehow omitted the most important number…:net margins. There is no factual evidence based on financials of either price gouging or corporate greed here.
I think you nailed him of this, good going sleuth.
Krogers net margins are a little less than 1.5% over the past 5 years and pretty much in line with historical averages. Gross margins are largely irrelevant as they typically don’t take into account operating expenses. Again, Reich is throwing irrelevant info out in hopes the uneducated will buy into it. Probably a pretty good bet.

A) you telling me that does nothing to solve the lack of information within and alongside the post. Go figure that Musk’s platform can’t fact check for crap.

B) One thing you don’t account for is the possibility that the operating expenses were artificially inflated by inflated payrolls or investments in stores that wouldn’t have otherwise been made but that increased gross returns allowed. I know that stores near me nearly all received operational renovations recently, and some implemented unnecessary anti theft devices in their cart’s wheels. Those are probably wasted dollars in the long run.

Then again, aside from the ridiculous Kroger merger that shouldn’t happen, I think we really should look upstream of the grocers for profiteering. It’s not Kroger that are the problem, some of the problem is the Pepsi, Coke, or General Mills of the world.

For example Coca Cola’s net profit margin went from a 5 year average of 14.89% in the (approximately) 5 years prior to COVID to 23.84% average in the years during and since. General Mills went from around 10 to around 13 in the same time. JBS and Tyson’s margins skyrocketed in 21-23 before coming back to earth recently. Mondelez (think Oreos) went from around 9 to around 13 post Covid. McCormick saw record net profit during Covid but has since returned to earth. There are some companies that look as if they’re operating fairly in the market and others that are essentially gouging.
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A) you telling me that does nothing to solve the lack of information within and alongside the post. Go figure that Musk’s platform can’t fact check for crap.

B) One thing you don’t account for is the possibility that the operating expenses were artificially inflated by inflated payrolls or investments in stores that wouldn’t have otherwise been made but that increased gross returns allowed. I know that stores near me nearly all received operational renovations recently, and some implemented unnecessary anti theft devices in their cart’s wheels. Those are probably wasted dollars in the long run.
I gave you operating margins going back for 15 years. Public companies generally aren’t in the habit of intentionally reporting lower net profits. You know….that stock price and all. They also aren’t typically in the habit of spending money on anti-theft measures if the cost of those measures exceed thefts.
I gave you operating margins going back for 15 years. Public companies generally aren’t in the habit of intentionally reporting lower net profits. You know….that stock price and all. They also aren’t typically in the habit of spending money on anti-theft measures if the cost of those measures exceed thefts.
I said margin not net profit. You can have increasing net profit without drastically changing your margin.

I think they’re grasping at straws with some anti theft measures, especially those in grocery stores.
I said margin not net profit. You can have increasing net profit without drastically changing your margin.
Not without increasing sales. Are you suggesting public companies like Kroger are intentionally suppressing sales? Can’t say I’ve ever heard that.
Not without increasing sales. Are you suggesting public companies like Kroger are intentionally suppressing sales? Can’t say I’ve ever heard that.
I was referring to the food producers, not Kroger. Also Kroger's sales revenues have risen every year for as long as I cared to look.
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I was referring to the food producers, not Kroger. Also Kroger's sales revenues have risen every year for as long as I cared to look.
I just glanced at the last four years. Looks like total sales may have actually decreased. The increase in sales revenue appears to be less than inflation over that period. Assuming the total revenue numbers haven’t been adjusted for inflation.
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Who’s being replaced? Racist democrats responsible for more blacks being killed all over USA cities… good job assholes
“I vote Democrat because I want to give the lesser than’s just enough social welfare to keep them happy, to keep them from revolting & storming my palace.”

I heard this for years at southern hills.

“the true secret to get what you want in life is only by earning it or by taking it & one is immensely easier than the other…” So they vote Democrat

Many of these guys are the people who never talk about someone’s daughter unless they’re tryna sleep wit her.

“I vote Democrat because I want to give the lesser than’s just enough social welfare to keep them happy, to keep them from revolting & storming my palace.”
Party as we burn it all down screw the average person… that’s the mentality. Why? “Because F them. We’re better than them.” This is their answer.

“I’m cool with 20% as long as they’ll never see 50% of what I’ve got…” before another corrects him “not 50%, 40%! They won’t see 40% of what I have!” That’s their ongoing joke their 20% price tag… which is often the difference in taxes between Democrat & Republican.

These people are racist af behind the scenes
getting an overload of TV political ads. The dems message is elect me and I will fix the mess in DC. Funny thing is, the dems have been in control for the past 4 years.
A) you telling me that does nothing to solve the lack of information within and alongside the post. Go figure that Musk’s platform can’t fact check for crap.

B) One thing you don’t account for is the possibility that the operating expenses were artificially inflated by inflated payrolls or investments in stores that wouldn’t have otherwise been made but that increased gross returns allowed. I know that stores near me nearly all received operational renovations recently, and some implemented unnecessary anti theft devices in their cart’s wheels. Those are probably wasted dollars in the long run.

Then again, aside from the ridiculous Kroger merger that shouldn’t happen, I think we really should look upstream of the grocers for profiteering. It’s not Kroger that are the problem, some of the problem is the Pepsi, Coke, or General Mills of the world.

For example Coca Cola’s net profit margin went from a 5 year average of 14.89% in the (approximately) 5 years prior to COVID to 23.84% average in the years during and since. General Mills went from around 10 to around 13 in the same time. JBS and Tyson’s margins skyrocketed in 21-23 before coming back to earth recently. Mondelez (think Oreos) went from around 9 to around 13 post Covid. McCormick saw record net profit during Covid but has since returned to earth. There are some companies that look as if they’re operating fairly in the market and others that are essentially gouging.
It's a complex problem at the grocer level, as you are appreciating.

Having a bunch of Tallegio cheese on hand is likely one of those things that does not actually pull much/any profit for the store, but having a good selection of perishables attracts the type of people in the door that care about that. So if they lose a bit by regularly carrying dragonfruit or something, they need to make it up elsewhere. With tens of thousands of products in the store, it ends up being complicated and I am sure you can find some items that are marked up way more than others, and some items that they may even regularly lose money on. I'm certainly not a grocer, but it doesn't surprise me that it all evens out to some pretty thin margins. Is setting a price on some items to be higher than others in order to offset losses "price gouging"?

Or, as others have pointed out, does selling fresh baked bread for $4/loaf and yesterday's bread for $1/loaf count as "price gouging"? Dynamic pricing isn't always nefarious, even on non-perishables. If a new blender model is out, you might heavily discount whatever older model stock you have left just to cut losses and get rid of it to clear up the space for the new version/product. Did the purchaser who bought the blender the day before it went on sale for 50% off get "gouged"? I don't think so. The devil is in the details and how you define it.

I agree you are much more likely to find "price gouging" at the level of individual industries or companies. Collusion on setting prices and things like that are always a thing, and are constantly getting investigated. Not going to point out a particular industry because I have no idea, but that's why we have anti-collusion and anti-monopoly laws.

Harris is pandering here by selling a simple solution to a complex problem because she thinks it will be popular. She's a politician, it's unfortunately what they do. They've been trying to sell simple solutions to get elected for so long that half the public thinks all problems actually are very simple and that the politicians are just idiots or even nefarious for not having it all worked out. The real question is which politicians actually believe their own BS and will try to implement it, and which know they are selling snake oil on certain issues and might make a show of trying to prod Congress on something, but realize it will quietly die in committee and are content to leave it at that and say "I tried". I know exactly which type of politician Trump is. I think he actually believes he is a super-genius and all problems are simple and others are just too stupid to realize it. For Harris, it remains to be seen.

See also "No taxes on tips" which both candidates have endorsed. That sounds nice, but is going to be a bear to actually implement in the intended way because it is far more complex than either candidate is letting on.
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it's not price gouging when the price hike is caused by gov caused inflation
Food and healthcare are to of the most fundamental commodities that human beings rely on to stay alive. A person using an inflationary environment to pass off price increases that don’t align with the actual inflationary pressures elsewhere in the economy (like transport costs, supply chain costs, etc…) and just giving the excuse that “this is the price that the market will pay” are who we are talking about and they exacerbate inflation. They are actually harming the economy and harming common people. Not all vendors fit into that description but some do. Coke was one of the worst abusers.
Food and healthcare are to of the most fundamental commodities that human beings rely on to stay alive. A person using an inflationary environment to pass off price increases that don’t align with the actual inflationary pressures elsewhere in the economy (like transport costs, supply chain costs, etc…) and just giving the excuse that “this is the price that the market will pay” are who we are talking about and they exacerbate inflation. They are actually harming the economy and harming common people. Not all vendors fit into that description but some do. Coke was one of the worst abusers.
if you don't like the price of a coke, don't buy it.
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Food and healthcare are to of the most fundamental commodities that human beings rely on to stay alive. A person using an inflationary environment to pass off price increases that don’t align with the actual inflationary pressures elsewhere in the economy (like transport costs, supply chain costs, etc…) and just giving the excuse that “this is the price that the market will pay” are who we are talking about and they exacerbate inflation. They are actually harming the economy and harming common people. Not all vendors fit into that description but some do. Coke was one of the worst abusers.
Do you know what profit margins really are in groceries?

The people you read articles about give you something called GROSS PROFIT, which is not at all the same as NET PROFIT. This is how they lie to you. After expenses like labor & marketing, bills (a lot of that food costs to carry bc it’s got to be refrigerated) the street level vendors profit margins are really around 1%. I imagine the whole vendors’ are the same…

I saw this recently on X someone tweeted griping about Albertson’s or the Kroger books showing “20% profit…” it was 20% GROSS PROFIT, not (ever) a true representation of price gouging! No one talking about price gouging for real would mention gross profit I mean maybe if it’s over 100% lol even then it’s misleading…
if you don't like the price of a coke, don't buy it.
lol this is so true…

I remember talking to people members of my own family who are MILLIONATED persons I’m sorry misspelled it they’re black & they said the reason black ppl have higher rates of health problems is what they eat they choose to eat unhealthily. I would argue a big cause of this is democrats’ robbing public school attendees of their education but when I brought that up my brother said “no, bc even when we are educated we don’t do it.”

I don’t think it can be understated, though, as the programs Big Mike born Michael LaVaughne Robinson or who yall know as Michelle Obama touted as being healthy have turned out to not only not be healthy, he is now hocking a terrible energy drink to kids! It’s disgusting & to give a speech about “look at those who take too much suspiciously” this is from a person that I guarantee you is a thief in ways normal thieves would pay to learn how to execute.
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It’s wild because the democrats really don’t do anything good for blacks people anymore. I love how Aston just glosses over black people being murdered & kicked out of their own homes by these illegal migrant gang members he still thinks it’s better to have open borders…

This is why the democrats are so bad not just for black people but for the entire country. I often highlight the blacks because they prey on them so hard that they actually support them at their own detriment to the tune of 90%, though I think this November we will see at least 30% of black men voting Trump.
It’s wild because the democrats really don’t do anything good for blacks people anymore. I love how Aston just glosses over black people being murdered & kicked out of their own homes by these illegal migrant gang members he still thinks it’s better to have open borders…

This is why the democrats are so bad not just for black people but for the entire country. I often highlight the blacks because they prey on them so hard that they actually support them at their own detriment to the tune of 90%, though I think this November we will see at least 30% of black men voting Trump.
Not only this but they do it in the worst way telling them it’s because they’re black. In a way they’re not lying bc the dems really do look down on blacks but they’re bad for everyone they hate this country. That’s how you see ppl on cnn claiming it’s patriotic to burn the American flag.
It's a complex problem at the grocer level, as you are appreciating.

Having a bunch of Tallegio cheese on hand is likely one of those things that does not actually pull much/any profit for the store, but having a good selection of perishables attracts the type of people in the door that care about that. So if they lose a bit by regularly carrying dragonfruit or something, they need to make it up elsewhere. With tens of thousands of products in the store, it ends up being complicated and I am sure you can find some items that are marked up way more than others, and some items that they may even regularly lose money on. I'm certainly not a grocer, but it doesn't surprise me that it all evens out to some pretty thin margins. Is setting a price on some items to be higher than others in order to offset losses "price gouging"?

Or, as others have pointed out, does selling fresh baked bread for $4/loaf and yesterday's bread for $1/loaf count as "price gouging"? Dynamic pricing isn't always nefarious, even on non-perishables. If a new blender model is out, you might heavily discount whatever older model stock you have left just to cut losses and get rid of it to clear up the space for the new version/product. Did the purchaser who bought the blender the day before it went on sale for 50% off get "gouged"? I don't think so. The devil is in the details and how you define it.

I agree you are much more likely to find "price gouging" at the level of individual industries or companies. Collusion on setting prices and things like that are always a thing, and are constantly getting investigated. Not going to point out a particular industry because I have no idea, but that's why we have anti-collusion and anti-monopoly laws.

Harris is pandering here by selling a simple solution to a complex problem because she thinks it will be popular. She's a politician, it's unfortunately what they do. They've been trying to sell simple solutions to get elected for so long that half the public thinks all problems actually are very simple and that the politicians are just idiots or even nefarious for not having it all worked out. The real question is which politicians actually believe their own BS and will try to implement it, and which know they are selling snake oil on certain issues and might make a show of trying to prod Congress on something, but realize it will quietly die in committee and are content to leave it at that and say "I tried". I know exactly which type of politician Trump is. I think he actually believes he is a super-genius and all problems are simple and others are just too stupid to realize it. For Harris, it remains to be seen.

See also "No taxes on tips" which both candidates have endorsed. That sounds nice, but is going to be a bear to actually implement in the intended way because it is far more complex than either candidate is letting on.
thats actually not true as tips have to be reported by the taxpayer…
I know there are democrats who read this that say it is patriotic to burn the American flag. If so, speak up & I will eat crow & agree with you & call it patriotic. Just one caveat…

THUS I will be pro-Alphabet community if I burn the rainbow flag, pro-Marxist (or black ppl if you ask Dems who aren’t BLM executives) if I burn the BLM flag! I’M IN!
I know there are democrats who read this that say it is patriotic to burn the American flag. If so, speak up & I will eat crow & agree with you & call it patriotic. Just one caveat…

THUS I will be pro-Alphabet community if I burn the rainbow flag, pro-Marxist (or black ppl if you ask Dems who aren’t BLM executives) if I burn the BLM flag! I’M IN!
I just quoted your last post, but this goes for all of your posts.

You seem come here lost, and thinking we have any interest in your multiple posts. Let me show you the light, point you towards a board that would have interest in your posts. Someone who cares.
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You do understand that Coca Cola owns more brands than just the red bottle right?
For those inquiring minds.

For those inquiring minds.

I want to see him go to some places and get a beverage that is not Coke owned.

Heck if you go to Disney world you can’t get a drink (even a water) that’s not owned by coke.

And their competitors (Pepsi + Dr. Pepper) just up charge their brands to match….
I want to see him go to some places and get a beverage that is not Coke owned.

Heck if you go to Disney world you can’t get a drink (even a water) that’s not owned by coke.

And their competitors (Pepsi + Dr. Pepper) just up charge their brands to match….
1). Coke’s margins have zero to do with what Disney charges.

2). There’s a little shop just inside the main gate which sells bottles of Dr Pepper in the back btw. No clue how they get away with it.
That's funny. In your face coca cola.
Nice … now on whom did you use this info to astroturf? Hmm? Which poor hombre had hear you learn them?

Liberals always do this

* Tiger wood fist pump is hammered & hairpin’d!*

Will he place his ball or balk at the opp & pick up his marker & WALK ??? Lmao!
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