The bad news is still spreading

Here come the pleas from the OEA and NEA that we need to increase the gross production tax to give teachers a raise.
The primary national model was changed from almost 1000 projected deaths in Oklahoma to 359 two days ago. I have a hard time placing much faith in a model which changes almost 300% in mid April. .

Interesting... to date 151 people have been killed on oklahoma highways with projections of 650 for the year...

No word on if those deaths are CV-19 related or just due to Corona...
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This is when I wish the boring candidate had won the primaries. The best candidate to have won the presidency, in this situation would have been Jeb Bush. Not that it does any good to look back, but it isn't doing much good to look forward at this point either.
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This is when I wish the boring candidate had won the primaries. The best candidate to have won the presidency, in this situation would have been Jeb Bush. Not that it does any good to look back, but it isn't doing much good to look forward at this point either.
Too funny not to keep from crying.
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there are now reports that the poor and unprivileged are getting the virus at a higher rate than other groups. Most these people are on welfare, medicaid, and other government assistance.

Obviously then the government giving stuff to needy people isn't working.
Unfortunately this is actually true for a number of reasons.

whois the hidden enemy?

WHO is the invisible enemy. China is the hidden enemy. Bad actors in the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and beyond are the hidden enemy. The elites are the hidden enemy. They have been in bed with the Chinese for the last 4 administrations and it got so bad under Obama that they just didn’t care to hide it, they got fragrantly blatant with it. They sold us out & Trump put a stop to it thus they have decided to attack us for electing him & to attempt to stop him from exposing their crimes.

Benghazi is one example. NXIVM is another. The staged coup re: Russia is another. The impeachment caused by the fake whistleblower & IG Atkinson conspiring with IG Horowitz is another. I could continue but I’m not typing all the countless examples.

These people are not smart. They will stop at NOTHING to avoid being exposed for their corruption & treasonous crimes. They’d rather see it all burn. They do not care as long as they don’t get caught/exposed. They know they should be in jail or in some cases killed for being traitors.

2 if by sea. Let’s go!

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Most people can’t begin to understand what’s really going on here. One of the goals is clearly mail in voting which we’ve seen is absolutely flawed absentee ballots. It’s a way to rig the election.
There are so many things going on that most people (due to social conditioning/engineering) can’t even begin to understand.

Fauci is one of these bad actors. Birx is one of these bad actors. They’re both being given more than enough rope to hang themselves. Fauci said in 2017 that this admin would face a surprise outbreak after illegally sending $3.7m to the lab in Wuhan from where this virus was released. Indictments coming Brennan Clapper Comey Strozk Page McCabe Susan Rice Lynch Yates etc...
If you thought the earth had intelligence, you could say the earth is trying to cull the population, in order to combat environmental problems. I'm just waiting for some wacko left wing liberal to make that statement, and believe it.
If you thought the earth had intelligence, you could say the earth is trying to cull the population, in order to combat environmental problems. I'm just waiting for some wacko left wing liberal to make that statement, and believe it.

There's already a movie on that called The Happening
There's already a movie on that called The Happening
It figures.

Maybe they are saying it is the animal population who is adapting, through disease ridden natural selection, because of their lack of survivability.(wrd?) It would be a far fetched thing, to prove that was the case due to the environment. But I trust the far left already has attempted and/or will try to prove that as well.
It figures.

Maybe they are saying it is the animal population who is adapting, through disease ridden natural selection, because of their lack of survivability.(wrd?) It would be a far fetched thing, to prove that was the case due to the environment. But I trust the far left already has attempted and/or will try to prove that as well.
It shows a level of significance that is truly unprecedented when all I have to say is, “Yeah... General Flynn, though...” lmao y’all have lost so hard you don’t even realize it, yet!
It shows a level of significance that is truly unprecedented when all I have to say is, “Yeah... General Flynn, though...” lmao y’all have lost so hard you don’t even realize it, yet!
They are all going to prison, we're going to war with China, the racists are all not racist, the non racists are all racists, Trump's a stable Genius, yada, yada, yada.

I like your reaction better when you just stick to yeah.

I guess your pepper corn sized brain can only focus on one thing at a time. Stop trying to change every post topic to General Flynn.

I hope there is a felony on your record that keeps a wack job like u from voting. Your positions are only partially shared by you and the other four or so posters on the board that every body can't stand. That should tell you something, but....

It’s important to not ignore facts that go against what you believe.

Oh wait, that doesn't apply to what I was talking about. I guess I was just having a rippen moment.
If you thought the earth had intelligence, you could say the earth is trying to cull the population, in order to combat environmental problems. I'm just waiting for some wacko left wing liberal to make that statement, and believe it.

This was the pseudo plot of a Clancy novel way back when.

Rainbow Six dealt with a lab created ebola mutation that the Greenies were going to release at the Olympics in australia. They wanted to fast spread the virus and cull the population..
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Trump has done more for the green movement than Al Gore and Ralph Nader could have dreamed. This is some deep cut left wing academic stuff. Messed up the oil companies, cut air pollution, the hole in Arctic Ozone disappeared. And now we’re running out of meat.

Seriously though, I kept waiting for Lincoln to cry blood tonight. All I can say is syphilis is a hell of a disease. He couldn’t get the ball across the goal line with the friendliest possible interview panel and no follow ups. The man is a complete idiot. You’re against America if you vote for him in November.
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Trump has done more for the green movement than Al Gore and Ralph Nader could have dreamed. This is some deep cut left wing academic stuff. Messed up the oil companies, cut air pollution, the hole in Arctic Ozone disappeared. And now we’re running out of meat.

Seriously though, I kept waiting for Lincoln to cry blood tonight. All I can say is syphilis is a hell of a disease. He couldn’t get the ball across the goal line with the friendliest possible interview panel and no follow ups. The man is a complete idiot. You’re against America if you vote for him in November.
My side has over 400m firearms. Yours can’t figure out which bathroom to use. It’s not about Trump. This country has be sold out for far too long, it has been allowed (by previous administrations) for our universities to become Confucius institutes of communism/Marxism. This aggression will not stand. The kindest people you have met throughout your life are the ones capable of being the most dangerous.
Because the number of new cases has flattened?
But not really in OK where we are avg. about 130 new cases a day over the last week. Steady rise in # of new diagnosed cases. It's not exponential growth (like it will be in 2-3 weeks because of the ignorance of people and inability to control or entertain themselves without endangering others and themselves), but it is steadily rising. We haven't even come close to showing 14 straight days of declines in # of cases as recommended by the Fed. Gov't reopening strategy.

We can argue #'s all we want. Maybe the # we should have each day is # of tests vs # of positive cases. We never get those actual numbers but that is the only way to show a true decline in the % number of cases. I still have never seen an actual "# of people tested" figure. We always get an avg. of about 3k per day. And Stitt keeps moving the target. # of deaths one day, # of people hospitalized another, # of positives the next (but only if it's lower than the previous day). How can anyone really know where we are at in this thing without ALL the numbers in one place.
Trump has done more for the green movement than Al Gore and Ralph Nader could have dreamed. This is some deep cut left wing academic stuff. Messed up the oil companies, cut air pollution, the hole in Arctic Ozone disappeared. And now we’re running out of meat.

Seriously though, I kept waiting for Lincoln to cry blood tonight. All I can say is syphilis is a hell of a disease. He couldn’t get the ball across the goal line with the friendliest possible interview panel and no follow ups. The man is a complete idiot. You’re against America if you vote for him in November.
And only Trump would be so bold to call guys wearing masks, carrying machine guns, and toting Nazi and Confederate flags "some very good people". And there are groups in this country who don't think racism still persists here. If any of those protesters covering their faces and carrying guns to the capitol of Michigan were black, Latino, or middle eastern, we'd be reading about how they were gunned down and the officers who did it were exonerated. Trump would be extolling them for "saving many many lives". Fox News would be interviewing the leadership of the NRA (or what's left of it after Moms Demand neutered most of it).
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But not really in OK where we are avg. about 130 new cases a day over the last week. Steady rise in # of new diagnosed cases. It's not exponential growth (like it will be in 2-3 weeks because of the ignorance of people and inability to control or entertain themselves without endangering others and themselves), but it is steadily rising. We haven't even come close to showing 14 straight days of declines in # of cases as recommended by the Fed. Gov't reopening strategy.

We can argue #'s all we want. Maybe the # we should have each day is # of tests vs # of positive cases. We never get those actual numbers but that is the only way to show a true decline in the % number of cases. I still have never seen an actual "# of people tested" figure. We always get an avg. of about 3k per day. And Stitt keeps moving the target. # of deaths one day, # of people hospitalized another, # of positives the next (but only if it's lower than the previous day). How can anyone really know where we are at in this thing without ALL the numbers in one place.

14 straight days of declining cases is a dumb requirement that may actually encourage states to do less testing. Oklahoma's increase in known cases is pretty much entirely a function of more testing. The numbers bounce around a lot because negative tests get reported in batches, but positive test % and hospitalizations have been trending down. The true number of cases has almost certainly been going down. We'll see if that holds true in the next two weeks with things opening up though.
But not really in OK where we are avg. about 130 new cases a day over the last week. Steady rise in # of new diagnosed cases. It's not exponential growth (like it will be in 2-3 weeks because of the ignorance of people and inability to control or entertain themselves without endangering others and themselves), but it is steadily rising. We haven't even come close to showing 14 straight days of declines in # of cases as recommended by the Fed. Gov't reopening strategy.

We can argue #'s all we want. Maybe the # we should have each day is # of tests vs # of positive cases. We never get those actual numbers but that is the only way to show a true decline in the % number of cases. I still have never seen an actual "# of people tested" figure. We always get an avg. of about 3k per day. And Stitt keeps moving the target. # of deaths one day, # of people hospitalized another, # of positives the next (but only if it's lower than the previous day). How can anyone really know where we are at in this thing without ALL the numbers in one place.

Again....we will not have 14 straight days of declining cases for a very long time due to Oklahoma’s inconsistent reporting of tests. Oklahoma closed a number of testing sites over the weekend and certain labs don’t process tests. Thus the weekend numbers tend to be low and the catchup days (Tuesday and Wednesday) reports tend to be high.

Here’s the hard truth. The experts are still wrong with their models and have been from the beginning. Quarantine and social distancing was about flattening the curve. The numbers in places where a spike didn’t occur were never going to steeply decrease. Places like Oklahoma are going to continue to have “x” number of cases for months to come. Whether the post May 1 measures were continued or not. The obvious problem is that you can’t keep everything shut down until next March when hopefully a vaccine will be distributed to enough people to finally beat this things. I’m not sure when the “experts” are going to admit to the fact that we will not see large decreases in infection numbers in places who successfully flattened the curve but it’s coming. The numbers are what they are. The American people need to face the reality of the next 10 months.
The problem is this is half-assed. Some things are open and others aren’t. You don’t really have an economy if the factories aren’t running and the planes are sitting on runways and you can’t pay for child care. Most of the day camps in Tulsa have canceled. So you can argue people to work, but someone has to watch the kids and there isn’t much point in working if there is nothing to sale.

My wife and I have legitimate work to do. But we have relatives who qualify for the at risk category and we are both about to start spending time in places where the risk of social spread is significant.

The child care and elder care angles on this are really the story to me. We have these Medicaid funded nursing homes that many people are ignorant of. They are ticking time bombs. And the lack of childcare means that you can’t really get everyone back to work in a coherent manner. It all sounds to me like you have a bunch of inexperienced and ill informed idiots at the state level who aren’t aware of many issues and have lived mostly privileged lives.
Speaking of day care issues, our public school officials are already making plans to teach remotely via zoom.

My parents are very high risk. I haven’t seen them in almost two months and won’t in the near future. Some good news is that we’ve gotten hospitalization rates for those over 65 now down to levels of a severe flu season. Fatality rate still greater but I would expect that to begin to come down as well.

I’ll post week over week hospitalizations tomorrow.

14 straight days of declining cases is a dumb requirement that may actually encourage states to do less testing. Oklahoma's increase in known cases is pretty much entirely a function of more testing. The numbers bounce around a lot because negative tests get reported in batches, but positive test % and hospitalizations have been trending down. The true number of cases has almost certainly been going down. We'll see if that holds true in the next two weeks with things opening up though.
And for Lawpoke too....this is why they need to report the # of tests done along with the # of positive tests. We need to know the percentage. The other thing about this that is a complete negative is the expense of said test. It's not free as a matter of public safety and health in most instances thus people with no insurance are less likely to seek one out if they suspect they are sick.
Speaking of day care issues, our public school officials are already making plans to teach remotely via zoom.

Bwahahahahaha. That’s not going to work. The state would be better off just getting rid of schools and giving out food stamps. Maybe that’s the goal.

I’m absolutely against homeschooling in all but very special circumstances. Children need socialization. If they don’t have that, you end up with Nathan Dahm. But the lack of discipline, supervision, and responsibility will be nuts. Not to mention there are a lot of parents who just can’t afford that. Talk about wrecking small business.
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The child care and elder care angles on this are really the story to me. We have these Medicaid funded nursing homes that many people are ignorant of. They are ticking time bombs.

This. The lack of attention and lack of resources devoted to nursing homes in state after state (and nearly all countries) thus far makes zero sense to me. In many places more than half of all deaths are occurring in nursing homes, so why have we done nothing to address this? And for all that I praised Cuomo a while back, forcing nursing homes to accept covid patients was dumb af on his part
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Bwahahahahaha. That’s not going to work. The state would be better off just getting rid of schools and giving out food stamps. Maybe that’s the goal.

I’m absolutely against homeschooling in all but very special circumstances. Children need socialization. If they don’t have that, you end up with Nathan Dahm. But the lack of discipline, supervision, and responsibility will be nuts. Not to mention there are a lot of parents who just can’t afford that. Talk about wrecking small business.

I agree 100%. I’m just sharing what is currently being discussed as well as current contingency plans. We’re obviously months away from August but the reality of what this is going to look like this fall in beginning to set in.
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Given the data emerging on coronavirus' extremely low threat to children and the apparent low rate of transmission by children I'd be very surprised if kids weren't back in school in the fall. There will be tons of suburban moms raising hell (that's all they do anyhow) but it will be really hard to justify the costs of keeping them home.
You mean lots of death....

Suppose it depends on what you mean by “lots”. I still don’t believe we will see exponentially more than we typically see in a bad flu season (800 here in Oklahoma) but people are going to continue to die due to the fact that the modeling has been wrong regarding the disappearance of this virus.

There’s not a good test tracking site but you can use some simple math to calculate daily tests reported. Goal for May is 90k tests so we’re significantly increasing these numbers .
This. The lack of attention and lack of resources devoted to nursing homes in state after state (and nearly all countries) thus far makes zero sense to me. In many places more than half of all deaths are occurring in nursing homes, so why have we done nothing to address this? And for all that I praised Cuomo a while back, forcing nursing homes to accept covid patients was dumb af on his part

New York operates differently. I don’t know that we have the whole story on Cuomo and the nursing homes or that the story translates to punditry style news. A lot of times, these nursing homes separate people from dying on the streets.

I deal with this some in my job. I’m convinced most people are completely ignorant about what happens when they are too old to work and didn’t save a dime. It’s not pretty. (Our legislature effectively exempting estates worth less than $50k from probate didn’t help much either.). Most people die with an eff ton of credit card debt and bills they can’t pay. Some end up in these urine smelling nursing homes that are just sad.

This is why relief to the states matters. They can’t subsidize Medicaid facilities that are already subsidized by federal government. They will have to cut spending, which will most likely be the schools. (If It were up to me, I’d go after patronage related smaller colleges first. We don’t need Rose State.)
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New York operates differently. I don’t know that we have the whole story on Cuomo and the nursing homes or that the story translates to punditry style news. A lot of times, these nursing homes separate people from dying on the streets.

I deal with this some in my job. I’m convinced most people are completely ignorant about what happens when they are too old to work and didn’t save a dime. It’s not pretty. (Our legislature effectively exempting estates worth less than $50k from probate didn’t help much either.). Most people die with an eff ton of credit card debt and bills they can’t pay. Some end up in these urine smelling nursing homes that are just sad.

This is why relief to the states matters. They can’t subsidize Medicaid facilities that are already subsidized by federal government. They will have to cut spending, which will most likely be the schools. (If It were up to me, I’d go after patronage related smaller colleges first. We don’t need Rose State.)

And it's something the federal government could have easily taken the lead on. Not only is protecting the nursing homes good policy, it would have been good politics as well for a president/congress that are perceived to have not done nearly enough. I truly don't understand it. I'd hate to think that the thought was that people near the end of their lives just aren't worth the resources.
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There will be tons of suburban moms raising hell
It won't be the stay at homes...they want the kids back in school so they can do the things they like to do (nails, hair, gossip). The ones that will gripe will be the dual income homes.

Mark it...we're heading for a 2nd peak. Things opened too early and even when closed there are a small percentage who acted ignorantly and irresponsible. It's people like that threatening store workers in Stillwater with violence because the mayor enacted a "must wear a mask" ordinance. People get all pissed off at legislators who even suggest expanded background checks when a crazy person goes in and shoots up a school but they get even more pissed over having to wear a mask to protect themselves and others? To me these are the lowest of the low. Put a damn mask on, wear gloves, and do your part to get this behind us.
It won't be the stay at homes...they want the kids back in school so they can do the things they like to do (nails, hair, gossip). The ones that will gripe will be the dual income homes.

I think this underestimates the extent to which they are super protective over their kids. I don't blame them for it necessarily, but the helicopter parents are real. It's part of the reason the "tough on crime" GOP did so well for so long with them.
And it's something the federal government could have easily taken the lead on. Not only is protecting the nursing homes good policy, it would have been good politics as well for a president/congress that are perceived to have not done nearly enough. I truly don't understand it. I'd hate to think that the thought was that people near the end of their lives just aren't worth the resources.

To that my point above, if you asked Jared Kushner right now how 401ks work, how nursing homes are funded, and what Medicaid is, I don’t think you would get a coherent answer. Same with Sean Kouplen and Matt Pinnell here.
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Possible good news from Denmark. They haven't seen any measurable worsening of their outbreak since beginning to re-open. Though if this were to actually hold in most places I think that would raise some questions about the efficacy of lockdowns

People in those countries are much more respectful of one another and less prone to derp-iness. Here, people are already back to coughing on taquitos at QT.

“Here, lemme git the door fer ya, I got my hands lubed up with this here Okie hand lotion.”

We really like Shawkat’s. I picked up to go the other night and noticed this church concert going on in parking lot. They had some guy in the restaurant trying to get the Lebanese family to come to their evangelical event.

Anyway, I have the news on yesterday and they were one of the few churches in the area that opened up. Shawkat’s is off the list for a couple of months.
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I think this underestimates the extent to which they are super protective over their kids. I don't blame them for it necessarily, but the helicopter parents are real. It's part of the reason the "tough on crime" GOP did so well for so long with them.
The new term is "Snowplow parent". They clear away all obstacles so the kid never has to ace any adversity. It follows all the way to college and even into job interviews. It's ridiculous. I'm glad I don't deal with it any more.
Here, people are already back to coughing on taquitos at QT.
And apparently in Michigan, the Trumpers are now sneezing on their hands and wiping it on employees of Dollar Tree stores to protest against having to wear a mask. C'mon lawyers...there's got to be a case for assault or battery in there right?