Spoiling the nest


I.T.S. Redshirt Freshman
Nov 25, 2020
Some children leaving home for good or for college act up damaging ways or as some call it, spoiling the nest.

what do make of allowing a preoccupation with bogus election claims? Meanwhile

Russia hacks our most secure cyber systems including those that control our nuclear weapons. Crickets from the administration. Meanwhile Putin is poisoning his main political rival.

Distribution of vaccines is unorganized, leaving vaccines sitting in warehouses. The virus expands at a record pace without comment from the president.

The Senate breaks a 125 year tradition of rushing through last minute judicial nominations.

Firings of anyone who ever disagreed with Trump continue, and White House staff leak that waves of pardons are expected for supporters and family.

All this sets a precendent for future adminstrations, weakens our institutions, and deepens our divisions.

Putin and Xi are having very good years.
everyone is outraged with the "Bogus election claims".

where was this fever during the bogus Russian Investigation, or the bogus impeachment, or the lack of investigation into hrc, or the lack of biden investigation into cutting off funds to the Ukraine, or BLM wanting dead cops, or antifa denying conservative speaker on campuses, or anarchists taking over cities and occupying them, or protester(rioters) burning and looting with out penalty,
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Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer said on Thursday that it has "millions" of vaccine doses waiting for delivery instructions from the Trump administration after governors complained that their shipments would be drastically cut. Governors in more than a dozen states reported that the CDC informed them that next week's shipments of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine would be significantly smaller than expected. The agency did not offer any explanation.

Officials in California Washington, Hawaii, and Nevada said that the CDC notified them that their allocation would be slashed by about 40%, The Associated Press reported. Michigan, Missouri, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, and Indiana were also told to expect fewer doses than expected.
I don't know why, but here are two possibilities.

1. More drugs have been added. Pfizher no longer has a monopoly. The other guys wll share the market.

2. There were reactions to the drug that were stronger than expected. One lady said she will not take the second shot. Maybe they decided to proceed with caution.

I don't pretend to know, but those seem possible.
I don't know why, but here are two possibilities.

1. More drugs have been added. Pfizher no longer has a monopoly. The other guys wll share the market.

2. There were reactions to the drug that were stronger than expected. One lady said she will not take the second shot. Maybe they decided to proceed with caution.

I don't pretend to know, but those seem possible.

No no no, the most important thing here is to get very upset even if you're not sure what to be upset about
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer said on Thursday that it has "millions" of vaccine doses waiting for delivery instructions from the Trump administration after governors complained that their shipments would be drastically cut. Governors in more than a dozen states reported that the CDC informed them that next week's shipments of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine would be significantly smaller than expected. The agency did not offer any explanation.

Officials in California Washington, Hawaii, and Nevada said that the CDC notified them that their allocation would be slashed by about 40%, The Associated Press reported. Michigan, Missouri, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, and Indiana were also told to expect fewer doses than expected.
The hack has put a halt on everything inside of DoD. That’s the unexpected downside of the Mil running the distribution. Additionally, one of the companies now realized they have enough for three doses rather than two. I see no connection to POTUS.
I would think caution would be wise prior to mass vaccination of the elderly even if we delay mass distribution for a week or so. Remember...we have gone from research and development to production and distribution of a vaccine in ten months. Something mankind had never accomplished. I want mass distribution but another 7 days if being done for safety is probably wise. Looks like we will have enough doses in 90 days or so vaccinate everyone whose willing to take one. Remember, if we want hundred of millions to take this vaccine we need as little bad media coverage of side effects as possible. Slowing the roll out a little bit hopefully gives some time to access and prepare. The nurse passing out minutes after taking the vaccine during a tv interview wasn’t a good start
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Impressed to see the x-general in charge of vaccine distribution take responsibility for miscommunication in expectations of vaccine delivery.
Lesson learned and move on. Reassuring.

OTOH Trump’s contradicting Pompeo and his own admistration for the Russian hacking of US companies and vital systems only plays into his Russian connection narrative.
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Impressed to see the x-general icharge of vaccine distribution take responsibility for miscommunication in expectations of vaccine delivery.
Lesson learned and move on. Reassuring.

OTOH Trump’s contradicting Pompeo and his own admistration for the Russian hacking of US companies and vital systems only plays into his Russian connection narrative.
The DNI only had communication with POTUS concerning this matter when Pompeos made his statement. Nobody within the IC has confirmed or denied anything so Pompeos statement was either a guess or a disinfo tactic.
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Good article from the WSJ regarding the Moderna vaccine rollout this week and explains why the Pfizer vaccine wasn’t sent to certain locations last week. Might explain the comments coming from Pfizer as it appears the Moderna vaccine is easier to store and distribute and looks to likely be the vaccine of choice at this point should a surplus develop.

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Nice to see that WATU made it out of Wuhan safely and no longer has to use his secret identity.
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Might explain the comments coming from Pfizer as it appears the Moderna vaccine is easier to store and distribute and looks to likely be the vaccine of choice at this point should a surplus develop.
My biotech friends say they would prefer the Moderna one as it is less likely to have been mishandled and damaged in shipment. Also say it unlikely consumers will know which one they are getting or have a choice.
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My biotech friends say they would prefer the Moderna one as it is less likely to have been mishandled and damaged in shipment. Also say it unlikely consumers will know which one they are getting or have a choice.
It seems hard enough without having multiple "different flavors." Suppose you want brand X but the nearest supply is in Colorado. Now also suppose you want that brand because someone thought it was great in an internet post. Obviouly you can't satisfy 300 million customers.

They are, also, now saying that the virus is mutating and can sometimes fool the tests and additionally be more dangerous in some areas. The UK is preparing for a stricter lockdown. South Africa is also seeing mutations.

One more thought is will the vaccine have to be taken yearly like the flu shot. I still want it if it is safe and effective.
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It seems hard enough without having multiple "different flavors." Suppose you want brand X but the nearest supply is in Colorado. Now also suppose you want that brand because someone thought it was great in an internet post. Obviouly you can't satisfy 300 million customers.

They are, also, now saying that the virus is mutating and can sometimes fool the tests and additionally be more dangerous in some areas. The UK is preparing for a stricter lockdown. South Africa is also seeing mutations.

One more thought is will the vaccine have to be taken yearly like the flu shot. I still want it if it is safe and effective.
We are in a complete lockdown but these lockdowns are based on a computer projection of estimated cases not actual cases. BOJOs critics have absolutely crushed him over his use of what’s now a third time using this faulty statistical model to shut down. As of now, hospitals are not crowded and deaths are at normal levels. You will see major protests here. BOJO knows he will be sacked as soon as BREXIT is complete and many believe he is now intentionally slowing it down to remain in power.
Is anyone besides Trump denying the hacking is Russian and serious? Barr said it was Russia today.
As far as I know, POTUS never said it wasn’t. I have heard multiple gov leader’s to include POTUS mention via MSM that there were three countries involved and possibly more.
Who besides Trump says it wasn’t. Russia? No one else in his adminstration.

POTUS did promise 20 million vaccinations by year end. Not even close. As of the 29th there are @ 2 million.

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