Some positive news on the treatment front

That decision seems to go against all medical and scientific procedure which demands trials and proof before coming to conclusions. I would understand the CDC including or considering those in their final estimate of deaths but for NY to conclusively state COD as covid-19 is odd.

NYC mayor just said they will now count people who died “indirectly” from Covid-19 as Covid-19 deaths. Assume that means deaths from cancer, etc.. will be counted as covid deaths if present in the system. At least I believe I now understand the motive.

we can argue over methodology if you want, and I’d even agree that on its face, this seems weird choice.

But here is a link showing deaths in NYC over time for the last 20 years. It’s a couple of weeks out of date, but the official number of COVID deaths is not nearly enough to account for the enormous spike in deaths. Again, note this is older, and so applying today’s numbers or breakdowns won’t really work to account for discrepancies as of April 4.

I for one might question the methodology myself of trying to figure out what exactly is a COVID death. But unless you think the biggest spike in deaths (even after subtracting “official” COVID deaths) seen in over 20 years is just a coincidence, then I can’t see how anyone would think there is an overcount of COVID deaths. It’s pretty clearly an undercount, and I have to believe medical officials are making a good faith effort to get an accurate count, and not part of some conspiracy to make the death numbers match some model that they weren’t even involved with.

yes, yes, I know, it’s the nytimes which a lot of people have a problem with. But it’s just reporting on data, and you don’t have to read it if you don’t want. Just look at the numbers and graphs.
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I’m not arguing the actual numbers. My point is simply the departure from standard medical and scientific procedure. My preference would be to have every deceased person tested so we know the actual cause of death. Suppose we could also discuss what the proper COD for someone who is in hospice for terminal cancer but also contracts covid-19 and passes away. Those numbers are likely small and don’t really significantly effect overall fatalities. Just more of a discussion point.
I’m not arguing the actual numbers. My point is simply the departure from standard medical and scientific procedure. My preference would be to have every deceased person tested so we know the actual cause of death. Suppose we could also discuss what the proper COD for someone who is in hospice for terminal cancer but also contracts covid-19 and passes away. Those numbers are likely small and don’t really significantly effect overall fatalities. Just more of a discussion point.
That would be my preference as well. I hope eventually we can get there with increased testing capacity.

As for the edge cases, I am not sure you’d ever really figure out if someone on hospice with terminal cancer that also got COVID right toward the end should count as one or the other. But as you say, those numbers are (relatively) small.
That would be my preference as well. I hope eventually we can get there with increased testing capacity.

As for the edge cases, I am not sure you’d ever really figure out if someone on hospice with terminal cancer that also got COVID right toward the end should count as one or the other. But as you say, those numbers are (relatively) small.

I did find that under the CARE’S Act, hospitals receive and additional 15% reimbursement by Medicare if they list a patients primary or secondary diagnosis of Covid-19. Shall I assume a secondary diagnosis is an unconfirmed but suspected case?
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I did find that under the CARE’S Act, hospitals receive and additional 15% reimbursement by Medicare if they list a patients primary or secondary diagnosis of Covid-19. Shall I assume a secondary diagnosis is an unconfirmed but suspected case?
Exactly. Tie goes to the runner and the runner gets the cash. The people making the decisions early now need a sufficient death count to justify their extreme measures. Giving money to people who help them reach that goal is just part of it. Giving money to people in sufficient quantities to motivate a majority of those voters to vote for them is the real goal. You can start your closures and testing and social distancing, but at a certain point the political process will hold you accountable. That’s a hole unless you are digging a tunnel for yourself. The giveaways are part of that. “I was justified in getting you fired because I’m smarter than the other people you might vote for, but don’t worry, here’s plenty of free money to make you happy. Who cares if suburbia and the companies I don’t like suffer. You are covered. Who’s your daddy? Now tell yourself you are smart for voting for me and give me my payoff. You are dumb and maybe a racist if you don’t.”

Y’all read that letter from President Levit? Most of TU’s staff will actually get more actual short term take home pay than they get while working at TU. I can’t decide which is more depressing, that TU is in such a spiral and pays people such a low wage that it is financially beneficial for both the school and the employee to put the workers on the dole or that we as a people are so conditioned now to believe that America can do anything and can pay for anything that we have to throw the decreasingly respected US dollar in ever increasing quantities at every problem just to shut up the center-left in this country.
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interesting that trump is getting so much bad press while every other country is experiencing the sames issues.
interesting that trump is getting so much bad press while every other country is experiencing the sames issues.
If you repeat the post a third or fourth time, you'll be following in Trump's footsteps.
Im not a trump fan, he is a pompas ass; its just i dont like the dems, pelosi, shiff, schumer, cnn even more.
It is stupid to think China will pay us. It is also stupid to say it is racist. Our dislike of China is not based on race but on Communism. Communist is not a race. And most Chinese like most everyone else would rather not be communist. There are many Chinese in this country who are brilliant and hard working. One is a doctor that I go to.
My PCP is Chinese. She's pretty brilliant and also one of the few doctors I've ever been to that actually listens to her patients and treats them and not just the symptoms. The wait to actually be seen is insufferably long because of this.

The problem isn't our dislike of their heavy handed fascist approach to their government or being a different ethnicity...the biggest problem is the majority of Americans don't understand the difference. Trump may use China virus to slam their governmental structure and secrecy (while secretly wishing he had that type of authority and power to kill those who oppose him), but the ordinary, ignorant, rural American is not noting that. They're noting Chinese (different eyes, different skin tone, don't pronounce their L's) are the cause of the virus and the worldwide pandemic. To that American it's all about race and ethnicity. And unlike most of the communist bloc around the world that has been destroyed because the ants realize they outnumber the grasshoppers, it hasn't happened in China for some reason. Maybe the government is taking care of people just enough to reduce the numbers willing to sacrifice all they have for a free society.
And then there's this:
So let's let Donnie keep pushing this drug where more info comes in that it does more harm than good (still anectdotal evidence, not scientifically or statistically significant enough yet due to low numbers studies so far).

Disappointed if the huge NY trial which Cuomo said was looking promising has the same results.
It could turn out to not have any benefits whatsoever and it still would have been worth trying for our elderly population. The percentage of them dying is too high to simply say there's nothing we can do and make no attempt when there is nothing else available showing any promise.
From Bla:
"The problem isn't our dislike of their heavy handed fascist approach to their government or being a different ethnicity...the biggest problem is the majority of Americans don't understand the difference. Trump may use China virus to slam their governmental structure and secrecy (while secretly wishing he had that type of authority and power to kill those who oppose him), but the ordinary, ignorant, rural American is not noting that. They're noting Chinese (different eyes, different skin tone, don't pronounce their L's) are the cause of the virus and the worldwide pandemic. To that American it's all about race and ethnicity. And unlike most of the communist bloc around the world that has been destroyed because the ants realize they outnumber the grasshoppers, it hasn't happened in China for some reason. Maybe the government is taking care of people just enough to reduce the numbers willing to sacrifice all they have for a free society."

I am not going to waste my time rebutting all the mistruths and attacks on "rural Americans."
From Bla:
"The problem isn't our dislike of their heavy handed fascist approach to their government or being a different ethnicity...the biggest problem is the majority of Americans don't understand the difference. Trump may use China virus to slam their governmental structure and secrecy (while secretly wishing he had that type of authority and power to kill those who oppose him), but the ordinary, ignorant, rural American is not noting that. They're noting Chinese (different eyes, different skin tone, don't pronounce their L's) are the cause of the virus and the worldwide pandemic. To that American it's all about race and ethnicity. And unlike most of the communist bloc around the world that has been destroyed because the ants realize they outnumber the grasshoppers, it hasn't happened in China for some reason. Maybe the government is taking care of people just enough to reduce the numbers willing to sacrifice all they have for a free society."

I am not going to waste my time rebutting all the mistruths and attacks on "rural Americans."

My uncle from Spiro who adopted two chinese girls, raised them, and sent them to college would be surprised to learn that his hatred of China is due to racism. Avert your eyes. The picture below is of a racist rural American, my aunt, and my two cousins

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My PCP is Chinese. She's pretty brilliant and also one of the few doctors I've ever been to that actually listens to her patients and treats them and not just the symptoms. The wait to actually be seen is insufferably long because of this.

The problem isn't our dislike of their heavy handed fascist approach to their government or being a different ethnicity...the biggest problem is the majority of Americans don't understand the difference. Trump may use China virus to slam their governmental structure and secrecy (while secretly wishing he had that type of authority and power to kill those who oppose him), but the ordinary, ignorant, rural American is not noting that. They're noting Chinese (different eyes, different skin tone, don't pronounce their L's) are the cause of the virus and the worldwide pandemic. To that American it's all about race and ethnicity. And unlike most of the communist bloc around the world that has been destroyed because the ants realize they outnumber the grasshoppers, it hasn't happened in China for some reason. Maybe the government is taking care of people just enough to reduce the numbers willing to sacrifice all they have for a free society.

Damn....that description of what are very good people who live in the country is one of the most disturbing things I've read someone post when describing a group of Americans. It's right up there with another poster on the other side of the political spectrum. Rural Americans for the most part are some of the kindest most generous people I've ever met in my life. They are genuine, honest as the day is long and far from ignorant. Ironic that you throw such language in a post where you denounce racism. You simply hate a group of people based on geography instead of race.

I'm from rural American if you can't tell.
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You simply hate a group of people based on geography instead of race.

It's just basic tribalism. Assume that the out group's worst actors are representative of them as a whole, while assuming that your in group's worst actors are aberrations.
It's just basic tribalism. Assume that the out group's worst actors are representative of them as a whole, while assuming that your in group's worst actors are aberrations.

I don't understand how a proud liberal who preaches (and correctly so) against grouping people by the acts of a few behaves in a way he supposedly opposes. TU_BLA is a great guy. Hoping he comes on and clarifies that statement.

What's up with you left wingers anyway? Aston calls Chinese lazy and dishones and BLA calls people who don't live in the big cities ignorant. Yet you guys are the first ones to protest characterizing people by groups.
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I don't understand how a proud liberal who preaches (and correctly so) against grouping people by the acts of a few behaves in a way he supposedly opposes. TU_BLA is a great guy. Hoping he comes on and clarifies that statement.
Yes, my statement was very generalized and included a stereotype. I am also smart enough to know that not everyone from rural Oklahoma fits that stereotype or generalization. Honestly, I do.
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Yes, my statement was very generalized and included a stereotype. I am also smart enough to know that not everyone from rural Oklahoma fits that stereotype or generalization. Honestly, I do.

No big deal. Being from rural Oklahoma along with the rest of my family it struck a bit of a nerve :) The people I know from the rural areas are the salt of the earth. If you're sick/disabled they're on your land taking care of your animals (or you) without being asked. Someone parked out in front of our property while we were gone or while my dad was gone you can guarantee there would be a neighbor there in a matter of minutes making sure everything was ok. Something you just don't typically see these days.
No big deal. Being from rural Oklahoma along with the rest of my family it struck a bit of a nerve :) The people I know from the rural areas are the salt of the earth. If you're sick/disabled they're on your land taking care of your animals (or you) without being asked. Something you just don't typically see these days.
I'm never said they weren't neighborly or nice and yes, I know and understand that. My grandparents lived in rural VT and they always went to check on older 'neighbors' who lived 20 miles away because they somehow knew they were sick (way before social media and text messaging was around.Hell, every call they made was considered long distance). I should have left the rural part of my post off and left it that Trump and his propaganda spreaders prey on the ignorant and gullible.
You acted as if I had said the very things that I quoted from your post.

All I said was that I wasn't going to waste time on it. Note that all of racial, group, national dislike was in quotes and was copied from your post. Perhaps you didn't relies how bad your post looked until you read it.
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a national 'one size fits all' plan will not work. different areas need different plans. what is needed in nyc is not what will work in other ares. Its probably not what is needed in Buffalo. . .
a national 'one size fits all' plan will not work. different areas need different plans. what is needed in nyc is not what will work in other ares. Its probably not what is needed in Buffalo. . .
A "x tests per x thousand people" is sure as hell a start
Test availability isn’t currently the problem here in Tulsa. It’s people willing or wanting to take a test. Current criteria for testing is symptoms or exposure to someone who has tested positive. Guess you could give a test to anyone who wanted one?

Quick shoutout to America private industry which has manufactured and made available 110,000 ventilators in the last 100 days. Quite an accomplishment.
Ask your pcp if she likes trump. Id say its a decent chance she doesnt mind him. I work with 3 or 4 asian surgeons and anesthesiologists and they all support trump.
Test availability isn’t currently the problem here in Tulsa. It’s people willing or wanting to take a test. Current criteria for testing is symptoms or exposure to someone who has tested positive. Guess you could give a test to anyone who wanted one?

Quick shoutout to America private industry which has manufactured and made available 110,000 ventilators in the last 100 days. Quite an accomplishment.
In my neck of the woods they won’t test you even if you do have symptoms. They only test those being admitted to hospitals, hospital staff, and those with know contact with a confirmed case. That leads to people spread by those in the early no-symptom phase of the virus.
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In my neck of the woods they won’t test you even if you do have symptoms. They only test those being admitted to hospitals, hospital staff, and those with know contact with a confirmed case. That leads to people spread by those in the early no-symptom phase of the virus.
Are you sure that is still the case, or are you only sure that was the case when you were first trying to get tested.
Are you sure that is still the case, or are you only sure that was the case when you were first trying to get tested.
It’s still the case according to the local news and the releases from the state. Not speaking from my experience.
a national 'one size fits all' plan will not work. different areas need different plans. what is needed in nyc is not what will work in other ares. Its probably not what is needed in Buffalo. . .
All areas will need to same approach with regards to how the numbers are interpreted and understood, i.e. number of active cases compared to Rate of infection and modeled future #'s of infections. The Rate of infection and number of current positive infections gives you an idea of what numbers you will be looking at in 2,3,4 & 5 weeks from present. The rate of infection needs to fall, they need to know more about herd immunity and whether or not individuals who have already had the virus can get sick again...if that's a hard and fast rule or if there will be exceptions and what people (typical) are at risk for a 2nd infection. Smaller towns and rural areas (less population density) will likely reach the lower rate of infection and flattened curve earlier while high population/more densely populated cities will take longer. This is why the governor of Georgia is a moron and everyone in Georgia (and South Carolina) know it. You might be able to open up rural areas but places like Atlanta, Athens, etc. are almost not certainly in a place where this can happen. This is also the criticism for Florida.
I’m not arguing the actual numbers. My point is simply the departure from standard medical and scientific procedure. My preference would be to have every deceased person tested so we know the actual cause of death. Suppose we could also discuss what the proper COD for someone who is in hospice for terminal cancer but also contracts covid-19 and passes away. Those numbers are likely small and don’t really significantly effect overall fatalities. Just more of a discussion point.
Apparently they did this with 2 patients in CA that died the 1st week of February and determined they died from COVID-19. 3 weeks before the reported 1st death in early March in the Pacific NW. At the time everything was focused on nursing homes and cruise ships.

Can't blame Trump for not knowing...but you can blame him for not using what he did know and some foresight to know what was coming and acting earlier. TBH, I'm not sure anything would have helped or slowed it down because Americans are stubborn. I find it ironic the people protesting about the government telling them what they can and can't do are the same ones who will fight for laws telling women what they can/can't do.
Apparently they did this with 2 patients in CA that died the 1st week of February and determined they died from COVID-19. 3 weeks before the reported 1st death in early March in the Pacific NW. At the time everything was focused on nursing homes and cruise ships.

Can't blame Trump for not knowing...but you can blame him for not using what he did know and some foresight to know what was coming and acting earlier. TBH, I'm not sure anything would have helped or slowed it down because Americans are stubborn. I find it ironic the people protesting about the government telling them what they can and can't do are the same ones who will fight for laws telling women what they can/can't do.

Doesn’t that go both ways? The people who are arguing the most for government restrictions on what we can and cannot do are the same ones fighting any government restrictions on what women can or cannot do?
Strangely enough, you can be in favor of some laws that restrict what people can/cannot do and be against other laws that restrict what people can/cannot do. If only there were a political philosophy out there with a simple principle outlining where a government should and shouldn't step in.
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Test availability isn’t currently the problem here in Tulsa. It’s people willing or wanting to take a test. Current criteria for testing is symptoms or exposure to someone who has tested positive. Guess you could give a test to anyone who wanted one?

Quick shoutout to America private industry which has manufactured and made available 110,000 ventilators in the last 100 days. Quite an accomplishment.

That’s not entirely accurate and you should know that. If you call, from what I’ve been told by people who did call, you get insufferably long questions to verify that you have symptoms. I drove by OU Tulsa yesterday and there was no line (you can see the tents from Yale). There’s no reason to discourage people from testing if there is plenty of capacity, which is something that Stitt and Pinnell keep saying.

However, I don’t believe there is plenty of capacity. They wouldn’t be making it hard to get a test if there was. Likewise, there aren’t really any antibody tests, which is what people really want. There is a story out today suggesting Oklahoma is way behind, based on the White House’s methodology.

I think the elected leadership here, outside of Bynum and Holt, is so glued to Trump that they can’t think independently (well, Inhofe probably knows better, but he don’t care). They certainly won’t say anything.

I like how Lankford and Stitt scheduled a town hall during the NFL draft.
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That’s not entirely accurate and you should know that. If you call, from what I’ve been told by people who did call, you get insufferably long questions to verify that you have symptoms. I drove by OU Tulsa yesterday and there was no line (you can see the tents from Yale). There’s no reason to discourage people from testing if there is plenty of capacity, which is something that Stitt and Pinnell keep saying.

However, I don’t believe there is plenty of capacity. They wouldn’t be making it hard to get a test if there was. Likewise, there aren’t really any antibody tests, which is what people really want. There is a story out today suggesting Oklahoma is way behind, based on the White House’s methodology.

I think the elected leadership here, outside of Bynum and Holt, is so glued to Trump that they can’t think independently (well, Inhofe probably knows better, but he don’t care). They certainly won’t say anything.

I like how Lankford and Stitt scheduled a town hall during the NFL draft.

One of my intents in posting that there are no lines here at the Tulsa drive thru site was to encourage people to use said site and get tested if they have symptoms or have been exposed. It's fairly quick, easy and painless. I cringe every time I see Dr. Dart at these pressers. Dude is a clown. Bynum needs to be listening to someone with a better track record with this virus in Tulsa County.

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