So.. this was my vacation..

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”
You missed the point... why would people risk getting shot and their families tortured to leave what the press and the left would have us believe is the perfect Socialist paradise? The prostitutes all have college degrees and their hospitals make the Mayo Clinic look purely stone aged... their tables overflow with food and honey flows from public fountains..

Why even the people on the next terrace were singing the praises of socialism and praising the progress of Cuba... all while travelling on a ship built from profits derived from exploiting starving musicians and powered by fossil fuels.
You missed the point... why would people risk getting shot and their families tortured to leave what the press and the left would have us believe is the perfect Socialist paradise? The prostitutes all have college degrees and their hospitals make the Mayo Clinic look purely stone aged... their tables overflow with food and honey flows from public fountains..

Why even the people on the next terrace were singing the praises of socialism and praising the progress of Cuba... all while travelling on a ship built from profits derived from exploiting starving musicians and powered by fossil fuels.
The press and the left never argue that Cuba is the shining star that we want to emulate. (Not to mention the fact that our embargo stunted their economic development for decades)
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The press and the left never argue that Cuba is the shining star that we want to emulate. (Not to mention the fact that our embargo stunted their economic development for decades)
The whole of the Western World (other than us) use Cuba as their tropical playground and trade with them freely. Not trading with us hasn't stunted anything.

Cuba is the end result of the Biden/Democrat agenda.
The whole of the Western World (other than us) use Cuba as their tropical playground and trade with them freely. Not trading with us hasn't stunted anything.

Cuba is the end result of the Biden/Democrat agenda.
And by that logic, Nazi Germany is the end result of a Trump / Republican one.
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