Why is the gun problem the only time when many Republicans care that laws are made to be broken?I’m all for making everyone safer. I just haven’t heard a viable plan which gets the guns out of the hands of criminals and doesn’t create a new revenue stream for gangs and organized crime. The two guns involved in this shooting were being carried in violation of current laws and appear to have been obtained illegally as well.
Drugs? "We have to keep them off the streets! We need to create school organizations to discourage our kids from using them and we need to impose harsh penalties on those found with them!"
Abortions? "We're going to make them so illegal that a woman's only recourse is to flee the country or give herself a life threatening 'procedure', and we're going to impose stiff penalties on those who we find engaging in any activity related to giving or receiving one"
Alcohol? "We're going to impose laws on who, where, and when it can be bought.... We're going to impose restrictions on what strength (caliber) it can be sold at in certain locations and we're going to heavily criminalize what happens if you're caught abusing it in public!"
Guns? " I don't know man.... it seems like we've let the cat out of the bag. Better to just let the local cheerleaders get smoked by some gang banger"