Senator Lisa Murkowski to vote "Aye" on confirmation.

Let's get back to basics. The Constitution Thingy says that when there is a vacancy that they president shall choose a replacement and the Senate shall vote on it. It missed the part about tradition, about what happened in 2016, about waiting until after the next election. Yes, McConnel messed with tradition in the Garland case. That was probably infuriating to many. It was a violation of Senate rules, but they don't override the Constitution. The Senate voted on Barrett, which also didn't break any law or any statement in the Constitution. Some here want to hobble the Constitution rather than violate tradition. When the Senate rules and traditions violate the simple language of the Constitution then the president nominates and the Committee in the final case obeys the Constitution. Schumer represents the minority and McConnel represent the majority which wanted to proceed. Schumer and some on here want to ignore the Constitution.

As was said above, sometimes you lose. If you don't have the Constitution, and you don't have the votes, you are likely to lose. As Schumer threatened, there may come a time for paybacks. But that is not this time. It may come January 20th or four years later.
No. The people just want consistency. What McConnell did wasn't strictly against the constitution in 2016, but it was certainly in bad faith to the constitution's intent. Or if it wasn't then 2020 was. One or the other (voting on or not voting on noms in the last year of a president's term) has to be held as the preferable option... and it can't just be based upon the senate being in the same party as the president because the constitution doesn't address parties.

Altering the number of justices on the court isn't against the constitution either, though it might again be in bad faith with the intent of the constitution. Hence why we need to update the constitution to address such an issue.
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Good point. What is the difference between the precedent busting and partisanship of the last four years and concerns about the next four years?

I'm an equal opportunity offender. I thought Garland deserved a vote based on precedent. I thought doing away with the Senate super majority was a bad decision based on decades of precedent and would result in more partisanship and extremist laws and judges Unfortunately, those in DC are so consumed with power they take the "to hell with what's good for the country long term" approach. Sadly, that thinking is reflected on here from both sides at times.
No. The people just want consistency. What McConnell did wasn't strictly against the constitution in 2016, but it was certainly in bad faith to the constitution's intent. Or if it wasn't then 2020 was. One or the other (voting on or not voting on noms in the last year of a president's term) has to be held as the preferable option... and it can't just be based upon the senate being in the same party as the president because the constitution doesn't address parties.

Altering the number of justices on the court isn't against the constitution either, though it might again be in bad faith with the intent of the constitution. Hence why we need to update the constitution to address such an issue.
If the Dems don’t overtake the Republicans and Trump wins (which is more likely than ever now) this issue will be non existent but IMO definitely needs to be addressed and a fair, bipartisan solution created.
Investigators? Same ones who wrote emails that they hated Trump, and help hatch a plan to get rid of him.
There was only one (Strozak) and Mueller fired him. DoJ later cleared hm and his work of any anti-Trump bias.
I'm an equal opportunity offender. I thought Garland deserved a vote based on precedent. I thought doing away with the Senate super majority was a bad decision based on decades of precedent and would result in more partisanship and extremist laws and judges Unfortunately, those in DC are so consumed with power they take the "to hell with what's good for the country long term" approach. Sadly, that thinking is reflected on here from both sides at times.
One difference is that the precedent set by Reid was likely to benefit both sides as the control of the Senate fluctuated. The precedent set (and then unset) by McConnell regarding appointing justices in the final year of a president's term is unlikely to benefit both sides very often. Considering the last time it happened before Obama was Johnson ~50 years earlier (Johnson eventually withdrew his Noms even though the Senate was Blue as well) and it before that it was Benjamin Harrison 120+ years ago.
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If Trump wins the election, he has a good chance of nominating a fourth, and upsetting the balance of the court even more. Breyer is 82. That would be something if the same President nominated 4 justices. He would seal it up for a long time if he won, and still had control of the senate.
God help aston and watubryce if Biden wins and Republicans hold the Senate. I can only imagine the tantrum if you’re not only not able to pack the court, but also have to deal with the possibility of McConnell blocking another nominee in the next 4 years. You guys don’t lose well
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No. The people just want consistency. What McConnell did wasn't strictly against the constitution in 2016, but it was certainly in bad faith to the constitution's intent. Or if it wasn't then 2020 was. One or the other (voting on or not voting on noms in the last year of a president's term) has to be held as the preferable option... and it can't just be based upon the senate being in the same party as the president because the constitution doesn't address parties.

Altering the number of justices on the court isn't against the constitution either, though it might again be in bad faith with the intent of the constitution. Hence why we need to update the constitution to address such an issue.
You always come back to wanting to change the Constitution. That's fine. Just follow the process. Your first paragraph is looser talk, pure and simple. You need to realize that they are not going to make the Constitution fit your guidelines.
If Trump wins the election, he has a good chance of nominating a fourth, and upsetting the balance of the court even more. Breyer is 82. That would be something if the same President nominated 4 justices. He would seal it up for a long time if he won, and still had control of the senate.
If he wins he wins and if he loses he loses. But the voters will decide that. We had a lot of old justices, now it's shift change. I'm still skeptical about Trump winning...I don't think he will. But if he does that is our system. I voted third party last time. I haven't checked to see if that option is available this time. Biden v Trump is a hold your nose choice either way.
If he wins he wins and if he loses he loses. But the voters will decide that. We had a lot of old justices, now it's shift change. I'm still skeptical about Trump winning...I don't think he will. But if he does that is our system. I voted third party last time. I haven't checked to see if that option is available this time. Biden v Trump is a hold your nose choice either way.
I threw my two cents in, but it won't matter in OK. Our electoral votes are gonna go Trump no matter what I do. I just don't like relying on any one president selecting 4 Judges, whether they be conservative or liberal. I doubt the Senate and the Presidency go GOP though. I'm skeptical of a Trump win, and hopeful there isn't one! Course everybody knows how I voted. Nobody would've believed me if I said I voted for Trump.

Third party or Democrat on your actual ballot will change nothing, so go protest!
Protest was interesting last time, not so much this time. The 2012 Libertarian vote was 1 per cent. 2016 the same candidate got 5 per cent. There was a message there, in fact, it was part of the reason Hillary won the popular vote. But it also showed that you need something on the order of Ross Perot to change things very much.
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Protest was interesting last time, not so much this time. The 2012 Libertarian vote was 1 per cent. 2016 the same candidate got 5 per cent. There was a message there, in fact, it was part of the reason Hillary won the popular vote. But it also showed that you need something on the order of Ross Perot to change things very much.
There's always KANYE!

You have him and three others to select from other than Biden and Trump.
Doj says no bias, his emails say other.
Paige, brennen, comey, Steele. Winestein...
What the heck does Weinstein have to do with it. Or is that Winestain? I think you spelled it something like that. Actually that would be a humorous spelling.
God help aston and watubryce if Biden wins and Republicans hold the Senate. I can only imagine the tantrum if you’re not only not able to pack the court, but also have to deal with the possibility of McConnell blocking another nominee in the next 4 years. You guys don’t lose well
I'll be surprised if Biden wins but Dems lose the Senate. Its likely to go one way or the other.
God help aston and watubryce if Biden wins and Republicans hold the Senate. I can only imagine the tantrum if you’re not only not able to pack the court, but also have to deal with the possibility of McConnell blocking another nominee in the next 4 years. You guys don’t lose well
Even if Biden wins and the Democrats take the Senate that still might happen. Don't think the Democrats can hold the Senate thru Biden's full term. I'm sure the Donkeys pack that court up front if they win on both.
Even if Biden wins and the Democrats take the Senate that still might happen. Don't think the Democrats can hold the Senate thru Biden's full term. I'm sure the Donkeys pack that court up front if they win on both.
Yes, Pelosi is always when she is tearing up her copy of the State of the Union address.

Much nicer than yelling "You lie" during the SOU. Not even close to stiffing Garland and pushing through Barrett.

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