Roger Stone


I.T.S. Hall of Famer
Apr 17, 2012
Looks like he may become officially implicated in the Russia scandal soon. A person linked to high level Trump officials was just linked to the 12 Russians indicted by the Mueller probe today:

Why do you publicly indict Russian nationals? Such action ensures they will never step foot in this country or any country where we can enforce any sentences which are handed down. Wouldn't it had made more sense to keep the indictments sealed and wait until those named stepped foot in the U.S. or a country where they could be apprehended? Mueller is throwing away any chance to actually punish these individuals for a PR move...correct?
Or he's more concerned with Americans who had been working with them. If we (with a lot of luck and sealed indictments) grab these 12, Russia will just replace them with another 20. If we use them instead to catch people who work with foreign entities to the detriment of the US voter and we make an example of them (I.E. Throw stone in jail, strip the big Cheeto of his presidency)... maybe we'll deter people from taking the risk of working with the Russians again. You haven't heard of a whole lot of janitorial teams breaking into opponents headquarters since Watergate after all.
Or he's more concerned with Americans who had been working with them. If we (with a lot of luck and sealed indictments) grab these 12, Russia will just replace them with another 20. If we use them instead to catch people who work with foreign entities to the detriment of the US voter and we make an example of them (I.E. Throw stone in jail, strip the big Cheeto of his presidency)... maybe we'll deter people from taking the risk of working with the Russians again. You haven't heard of a whole lot of janitorial teams breaking into opponents headquarters since Watergate after all.

Again...makes zero sense. If the goal is to use them to catch people who work with them then ensuring you will never be able to catch those Russians ensures you will get zero info. Mueller indicted a bunch of Russians today and gave up any chance of catching or punishing them by doing so.
Again...makes zero sense. If the goal is to use them to catch people who work with them then ensuring you will never be able to catch those Russians ensures you will get zero info. Mueller indicted a bunch of Russians today and gave up any chance of catching or punishing them by doing so.
We were never going to get any of them. You think that Putin would let them leave the country (to an extradition country nonetheless) if they were going to jeopardize his plans for the US? This is the best we can possibly do short of international espionage and capturing one of them to bring back.
We were never going to get any of them. You think that Putin would let them leave the country (to an extradition country nonetheless) if they were going to jeopardize his plans for the US? This is the best we can possibly do short of international espionage and capturing one of them to bring back.

I could certainly see them traveling in Europe if they were unaware of the risk. Mueller made it a certainty that we would never be able to punish them or gather any information from them. The Feds are able to seal indictments for a reason. This appears to have been an ideal situation for such a thing. Again....makes zero sense other than PR for Mueller.
I could certainly see them traveling in Europe if they were unaware of the risk. Mueller made it a certainty that we would never be able to punish them or gather any information from them. The Feds are able to seal indictments for a reason. This appears to have been an ideal situation for such a thing. Again....makes zero sense other than PR for Mueller.
Everyone already knew we were investigating Guficer / the Russian hacking team. You can be sure the Russians aren't stupid enough to let them go to Europe and risk extradition. Especially since we don't even know if that's all they've done as far as hacking goes.

I think you would be thousands of times more likely to find these men dead in a ditch somewhere (assassinated by their own government) than you would be to ever see them face trial in the United States.
The charges were probably to force somebody elses hand. For instance it might be to put somebody like Stone in an uncomfortable position. It's hard to understand the motivation with so little info.
In the investigation of dt, Mueller has lots of dots. Problem for him, he can't connect them to dt.. meanwhile there age lots of dots connecting hrc and the dems party to election collusion.
We are now 1 or 2 dots away. Two dots where Stone told someone related to the president and they told Trump, or one dot where Stone told Trump himself.

On the same day (July 27 16) Donald Trump made the famous "Russia if you're listening" quip... we have evidence that the 12 indicted Russians began attacking the Clinton Campaign's email server. That's cause and effect and it's recorded on live TV for posterity. If you can connect Stone to Trump (does that seem so hard?) then you start really having a case.
In the investigation of dt, Mueller has lots of dots. Problem for him, he can't connect them to dt.. meanwhile there age lots of dots connecting hrc and the dems party to election collusion.
Only in the gentle spaces of your mind, where the USS Reliant is flying the friendly skies.
I don't blame Mueller. This is somewhere between a war and chess match. To follow the chess match idea this is a move to put pressure on the other side and thinking a couple of moves ahead. Mueller is simply doing his job.
I think we also should note the repeated pressure that the Republicans controlling both of congress' judicial committees for actual results (other than lying to the FBI charges).

Trey Gowdy has been a thorn to the FBI in the last couple weeks. This should help shut him up a bit.

Mueller can't "Finish it the Hell Up!!!" while waiting for one of 12 Russian Hackers to travel to an extradition country in Europe .
I think we also should note the repeated pressure that the Republicans controlling both of congress' judicial committees for actual results (other than lying to the FBI charges).

Trey Gowdy has been a thorn to the FBI in the last couple weeks. This should help shut him up a bit.

Mueller can't "Finish it the Hell Up!!!" while waiting for one of 12 Russian Hackers to travel to an extradition country in Europe .
Uh, you said they will never travel to Europe. Therefore, Mueller can never finish up.
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Uh, you said they will never travel to Europe. Therefore, Mueller can never finish up.

I read aston’s comment as agreeing with you the Mueller is just doing his job. Perhaps I misinterpreted it but I think that final sentence was sarcasm.

Nevertheless, I have to assume Mueller’s investigation has more detail than has been released publicly. No chance he makes it into the position he’s in to lay out all his cards publicly. I agree with you, TUme, this is a chess match. Americans and Russians are very good at chess though.
We were never going to get any of them. You think that Putin would let them leave the country (to an extradition country nonetheless) if they were going to jeopardize his plans for the US? This is the best we can possibly do short of international espionage and capturing one of them to bring back.
This was the post I was referring to. Actually, I was poking not attacking. I think we all mostly agree that we are not likely to nab one.
votet, votong we sing are song all night all night king kong. voteting for Kim Jong.
If we can get past partisan politics for a moment, the information made public is much scarier than anything the media has been assuming. The Russians not only hacked into government servers but also posed as Government officials to get information.

This is how war in the IT age will be played and this is incredibly dangerous. It potentially means foreign countries can, or have, gained access to our classified (or more secret) information.
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If we can get past partisan politics for a moment, the information made public is much scarier than anything the media has been assuming. The Russians not only hacked into government servers but also posed as Government officials to get information.

This is how war in the IT age will be played and this is incredibly dangerous. It potentially means foreign countries can, or have, gained access to our classified (or more secret) information.

Agree. I would submit that the Chinese hacking has been far worse and far more damaging as it relates to sensitive or even secret information / technology. At least what’s been made public. The media is focused on Russia due to political factors and have largely missed the boat on China.

I would also add that I assume we are active in this type of activity as well. We know we tapped the phone lines of the leaders of our European allies. I suspect that just the tip of the ice berg.
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I would also add that I assume we are active in this type of activity as well. We know we tapped the phone lines of the leaders of our European allies. I suspect that just the tip of the ice berg.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we aren’t among the most active countries in IT espionage. They’ve been heavily recruiting and training some of the smartest brains in computer science for military/government positions since around 9/11. Even if it’s only 15-20% of those trained involved in this activity, that’s still a massive force.

All of this above is based on educational guesses on my part, I don’t have hard evidence on it other than being heavily involved in the IT industry and casually following hacking related news (mostly non-government related).
TU's cyber corps is actively involved in this field. 350+ graduates involved in cyber corps from TU since 2001. Something like 70% went on to one of the top intelligence agencies like the NSA, FBI, DOD, DHS, or NASA.
TU's cyber corps is actively involved in this field. 350+ graduates involved in cyber corps from TU since 2001. Something like 70% went on to one of the top intelligence agencies like the NSA, FBI, DOD, DHS, or NASA.

Looks like he may become officially implicated in the Russia scandal soon. A person linked to high level Trump officials was just linked to the 12 Russians indicted by the Mueller probe today:

Did not get a fair trial for an impartial jury.

The Forman was a never trumpet, and texted negative things about stone. Yet she swore she could listen to the evidence and render an impartial verdict. I think Not!

Why is the person not in jail for obstruction of justice and lying to the court?
Did not get a fair trial for an impartial jury.

The Forman was a never trumpet, and texted negative things about stone. Yet she swore she could listen to the evidence and render an impartial verdict. I think Not!

Why is the person not in jail for obstruction of justice and lying to the court?
The fact that you are defending roger stone is amusing. He's the most crooked politician out there.
Did not get a fair trial for an impartial jury.

The Forman was a never trumpet, and texted negative things about stone. Yet she swore she could listen to the evidence and render an impartial verdict. I think Not!

Why is the person not in jail for obstruction of justice and lying to the court?

Using your reasoning....why aren't the Republican Senators, who openly admitted they would not be impartial in the impeachment trial, in jail??
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Did not get a fair trial for an impartial jury.

The Forman was a never trumpet, and texted negative things about stone. Yet she swore she could listen to the evidence and render an impartial verdict. I think Not!

Why is the person not in jail for obstruction of justice and lying to the court?
Hey, Venezuela is open for fascists. You should consider it.

I hate Trump and could be impartial on a jury. Plus there's 12 jurors and to convict, you need a unanimous vote. And after Assange rolls and releases emails from the Trumps about the plan, who's going to protect Trump then. Assange is going to roll because he doesn't want to end up in Switzerland for his kiddie rapes. It's just a matter of time. But not in time to save us from the damage Trump has done to society as a whole.

His time is coming...January 21, 2021 I suspect there will be a slew of federal charges waiting for him.
Hey, Venezuela is open for fascists. You should consider it.

I hate Trump and could be impartial on a jury. Plus there's 12 jurors and to convict, you need a unanimous vote. And after Assange rolls and releases emails from the Trumps about the plan, who's going to protect Trump then. Assange is going to roll because he doesn't want to end up in Switzerland for his kiddie rapes. It's just a matter of time. But not in time to save us from the damage Trump has done to society as a whole.

His time is coming...January 21, 2021 I suspect there will be a slew of federal charges waiting for him.
My point is she already had her mind made up; a violation of jury duty.
My point is she already had her mind made up; a violation of jury duty.
How the hell would you know if her mind wad made up. She was biased, just about everybody is biased. Biased isn't having your mind made up, especially if you listen to the facts with an open mind.
Lots of people come into trials with their minds made up. It's not always an retelling of 12 angry men.
I believe if the court finds out, you can be held in contempt, and can be a reason for appeal and a new trial.
My point is she already had her mind made up; a violation of jury duty.
Prove it. Find the e-mail, the text, the voice mail, FB/Twitter post where she says she was going to make him fry even if the evidence proved he wasn't guilty.

By your reasoning, you'd have a mistrial declared if there were any individuals registered as Democrats on the jury.
The total lack of fairness by Senate Republicans, especially given the special oath they take just before the trial to be impartial makes believing they have have any integrity whatsoever a joke.

Using your reasoning....why aren't the Republican Senators, who openly admitted they would not be impartial in the impeachment trial, in jail??
The total lack of fairness by Senate Republicans, especially given the special oath they take just before the trial to be impartial makes believing they have have any integrity whatsoever a joke.
And the house was not biased.