Rivals mobile AAC teams?


I.T.S. University President
Mar 16, 2003
I somehow got backed out to the main rivals page and attempted to get back to ITS via the conferences link. We are under CUSA. Some teams are listed under both conferences. (UCF)

Is that just mobile or are we wrong half a year later on the desktop site too? :/
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Checking from my desk top, they had us in the AAC and nut CUSA.
Originally posted by TUBballJunkie:
I somehow got backed out to the main rivals page and attempted to get back to ITS via the conferences link. We are under CUSA. Some teams are listed under both conferences. (UCF)

Is that just mobile or are we wrong half a year later on the desktop site too? :/

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Just mobile. It's been correct from the get-go on regular site. They are in the process of revamping the mobile sites, which is causing a lot of problems. It is tied into the testing for the new message boards that are coming.
A slightly off topic aside, the basketball roster is still last season's. Are we going to get updated in April to this year's roster in April, and be stuck with it all next year? ;0)
A semi facetious bump for Chris's sake, wondering whether rivals is going to get a little more on the ball on updates like this.

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