POLL: Senate Breakdown After Midterms


I.T.S. University President
Gold Member
Jan 2, 2004
I think it will be 53-47. North Carolina could go to the Reps, but Georgia might go to the Dems in close races. This will be an interesting election. But as I've stated before, as long as Obama exceeds his power and does as he wishes (with that phone and pen) without congressional approval, it may not matter who is in control.


This post was edited on 10/20 4:06 PM by rabidTU
Well, it looks like the "new" chairman of the senate energy committee will very possibly be our own Jim Inhofe. So all those man caused global warming radical fanatics can go throw up.

This was the equivalent of a landslide.
54-46 or maybe 55-45 depending in what the Ind from Maine does. We all missed it.
Looks like 54, I'm not going to trust anyone who won't say where they will caucus. Louisiana and Alaska will got red, Warner will squeak by in Virginia. Some shockers on governors.

Two Obama Quotes

"Make no mistake this election is about my policies."
"Elections have consequences."

Hopefully, both branches decide it's time to govern. Bills will still have to get through a Senate where there is the filibuster, so maybe some things can get passed after satisfying both sides. Obama can either sign them or be the one blocking things.
Originally posted by TUMe:

Looks like 54, I'm not going to trust anyone who won't say where they will caucus. Louisiana and Alaska will got red, Warner will squeak by in Virginia. Some shockers on governors.

Two Obama Quotes

"Make no mistake this election is about my policies."
"Elections have consequences."

Hopefully, both branches decide it's time to govern. Bills will still have to get through a Senate where there is the filibuster, so maybe some things can get passed after satisfying both sides. Obama can either sign them or be the one blocking things.
I'm pretty sure that both Alaska and Louisiana will go "red". But this was truly amazing and a come to Jesus moment for Obama and the radical left. Obama's legacy is now in the toilet imo. Its truly unfortunate, because he had so much going for him in 2008-9 - both houses and the executive - and the good will of the majority of americans as the first black POTUS. Obamacare was his downfall and things are about to get worse when the employer mandate kicks in. He is now officially the reincarnation of Jimmy Carter. IMO our next black president will be a republican conservative. Thats what I'm waiting for.

The look and demeanor of the radicals at CNN, MSNBC and some of the others at CBS, ABC, NBC last night and this morning was really comical. No more war on women. No more racial dividing. No more 99% garbage.

But I predict that within a week or so, Obama will be back on vacation or at the Golf Course. "Fore!"
Originally posted by TUMe:

"Elections have consequences."

Hopefully, both branches decide it's time to govern. Bills will still have to get through a Senate where there is the filibuster, so maybe some things can get passed after satisfying both sides. Obama can either sign them or be the one blocking things.
Hopefully the house and the senate reclaim the power of the purse and rein in the Man Who Would Be King.

The shift to the GOP will mean nothing if spending continues, the emperor is allowed to continue to rule by executive decree, and the bureaucracy continues to stick itself into our daily lives.

I am afraid that the McCain-Graham-McConnell-Cornyn machine will be nothing but a bunch of overspending warhawks
If I were the republican leadership in the senate, I think I'd approach Joe Manchin and some of the more moderate Dems and invite them to sit in or even causcus with the Republicans over the next couple of years (Obamas last 2). That would overrule any attempts Obama has to radicalize legislation or use that pen and that phone to dictate his wishes. A couple of "blue dogs" could change the balance of power against the POTUS.

Also, that poll a few months ago that listed Obama was the worst president since WWII, may have been very accruate regardless of how the left tried to dismiss it.
Obama's legacy is now in the toilet imo. Its truly unfortunate, because he had so much going for him in 2008-9 - both houses and the executive - and the good will of the majority of americans
With all that going for him he accomplished nothing. He even had to twist Congressional Dem arms to pass obamacare.

Maybe to be a good president you need more than being a good speaker and experience being a "community organizer".
I hate to admit that I did not so much enjoy the Republican Landslide as I did the total rejection of the Democrats.

That being said, I really don't expect much to change. I don't think the GOP will repeal Obama Care even if they have the chance. Ileagal Immigration will continue to flourish.

I suppose the upside is, the next President, Democrat or Republican, could be the second worst we've ever had and be an improvement.
Originally posted by aTUfan:
maybe a presidential candidate should have more ecperience that being a "community" organizer.
You posted this exact sentence, sans typo, literally 2 posts above this. How embarrassing.
I think what we are beginning to see is Obama's Chicago-style gangster/mafia/thug/union tactics. He won't compromise. He won't discuss whats best for the nation - only what he wants and what he'll allow. He sees himself as "ruler" of his realm and regime. This is what we previously discussed about Obamas narcisistic personality that everyone ignored 6 years ago. Under BHO, the constitutional document is something in the way and will be ignored when it doesn't fit his wishes. The only good coming from this is that he'll be out of office in two years. But it'll be a long 2 years unfortunately. We need to have better leadership in the future.

Ole Mitch says he wants to compromise and will probably be taken to the backyard for a good old fashion "switch whippin". The republicans are weak and the democrats are too radical - thats what we have imo.
Originally posted by rabidTU:

Ole Mitch says he wants to compromise and will probably be taken to the backyard for a good old fashion "switch whippin". The republicans are weak and the democrats are too radical - thats what we have imo.
Don't underestimate Mitch. He's been around a long time and has been in the Minority Party for most of it. I'm betting he knows a few tricks himself. Harry Reid has, unfortunately, proven one thing. The Majority Leader controls the agenda. Votes can now be brought that make a Senator chose between what the people of his state want and what the national party wants. Because of a smaller legislative body and a smaller majority deals can be made. More importantly you will no longer have Reid playing defense for the White House.

Don't get me wrong, it's not time to sing Happy Days Are Here Again, but there will be some chances to do some things. We'll find out if Mitch is an old dog or an old fox. I'm hoping for the latter.

Edit: Why do you think the Democrats made such an effort against his re-election?
This post was edited on 11/6 10:12 AM by TUMe
Originally posted by TUMe:

Edit: Why do you think the Democrats made such an effort against his re-election?

This post was edited on 11/6 10:12 AM by TUMe
I assume it was to cause disarray in the republican ranks in the same way the military attacks their enemies' command and control. But it didn't work because the folks in Kentucky saw through the tactic.

Its funny to me how many democratic women lost (including Mitch's opponent) and so many republican women won. So much for that war on women. It showed me the difference between the arrogant and meanspirited democratic women and their tactics and how the republican women were professional and knowledgeable on the issues. BTW, why didn't the media ask the Rep. women if they voted for Romney? Just a thought.

This post was edited on 11/6 12:24 PM by rabidTU
One of the oddest stories I've ever read. CNN has a nice breakdown of exit polling. Number one issue was the economy. Obama's approval rating at 42%. Dems lost the middle class by 10 points...a number which pretty much tells us all we need to know about why they had the night they did. Dems have lost almost 70 house seats since Obama was elected...historic numbers.
It's really amazing that both sides always feel when they win that the American voters finally have gained wisdom and when they lose that the voters have lost their minds, memories and moral convictions.
An interesting sidenote on the pre election polling was this. According to real clear politics, there were supposed to be several close races and some used the "rv" = registered voters in their survey. Others used the "lv" = likely voters. And others simply polled a random group. But from what I see, the most innaccurate groups turned out to be "likely" voters. That tells me how inncarrate these polls CAN be. The Rassmussen poll used to be very accurate but now has turned into an "outlyer" on data. Scott Rassmussen sold his poll service to a liberal leaning poller and it has been consisitently innaccurate compared to the other polls - showing Obamas approval much greater than the others thus messing up the average in RCP.

Some parties use polls to scew political opinions by influencing voters to stay home on election day, but this time it worked against some of them. How they could get the Virginia senatorial race so wrong shows how innaccurate this is. But it also shows how determined a lot of voters were to show their complete disgust for Obama and his minions. Obama has become a modern day Nixon-Carter morph. Only the most ardent lieberal radical still thinks he is good at what he does. He now has to give out "goodies" like amnesty to keep his base together.

An example of the "Rasmussen" outlyer polling, here is todays polling data. The poll is Obama's job approval rating.









*(r) = random
(LV) = likely voters
(RV) = registered voters

So as you can see, Rasmussen is considerably higher on Obama's job approval than the others. Polls as innacurrate as that (Rasmussen) either show a sampling bias or an attempt to influence opinion by discouraging "some" voters. This is why RCP uses several polls to make up the average. But Rasmussen is now so inaccurate that it can skew the entire RCP average.

IMO the lieberals will do anything to prop up Obama right now including voter fraud (that obviously didn't work last Tuesday) and "tricks" similar to this that "can" suppress the will of the country. These are just more dishonest ways to make the nation cower down to their will and their ideology.


This post was edited on 11/10 9:19 AM by rabidTU
I hadn't considered the Voter Fraud angle. If it hadn't been for that, the
Democrats may have lost every election.

Some of you may or may not know, my girlfriend and I signed up to be Poll Workers about six years ago. Before IDs were required, anyone could just walk in, claim to be someone, and if their name was in the register, you were required to let them Vote. Heck, if someone had a name like Lee, or Terry, you wouldn't even know if it was supposed to be a man or a woman.

While requiring an ID may serve to hinder that...... here in OK at least, you are allowed to use your Voter ID Card, which has no picture, age, or gender information. And they are printed on some cheap piece of card stock paper making it where any six year old with a home printer could probably make one.

Now, I am not saying there is or is not widespread Voter Fraud. Just that even Beavis and Butthead could probably pull it off.

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