Let's get through today.

You supper Trump. You support Amy Barrett. They are against gay rights. But you’re too stupid to know that and it’s funny. Lol@shon.
Again making yourself look foolish! I absolutely 1000% agree with the America first policies. I’m American and always want the best for my country. Did I vote for the author of that policy 🤔. NO! I have never endorsed ACB......NO........I bring up news to stimulate conversations. Nothing more nothing less!
lol@shon the stupid liar bigot hypocrite.

lolololololol@shon. All day long every day. He’s the Keith Burns of posters.
Where did I endorse her? Saying I don’t believe in Abortion is not endorsing ACB. The definition of bigot is: One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ. As a veteran, I absolutely am partial to my group (USA), not religious, No race preference as my family is half white half black, absolutely partial of politics (America First policies), and I am absolutely intolerant to communism.
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Lol@shon. You totally support Barrert and Trump. Lol@shon the hypocrite. He just wastes everyone’s time and doesn’t know what he’s taking about. Lololololol@shon
Lol@shon. You totally support Barrert and Trump. Lol@shon the hypocrite. He just wastes everyone’s time and doesn’t know what he’s taking about. Lololololol@shon
Lol 😂 it went from endorse to support. I support and wish the best for you and your family. That doesn’t mean I endorse your character.
Lol@shon. Keep wasting people’s time with your idiotic, illogical, hateful politics. It’s sad to watch. Shon sucks at life. Lolololol
Lol@shon. Keep wasting people’s time with your idiotic, illogical, hateful politics. It’s sad to watch. Shon sucks at life. Lolololol
😂 Nobody is forcing you to write back. Personal attacks don’t bother me. In fact, anybody who truly knows me knows I have never cared what others thought. You don’t have to like me, what I say, or what I believe. All I ask is be accurate when you voice your opinion and up to this point, you have been inaccurate on every level.
Lol 😂 almost every week I need to remind you about improving your reading comprehension. How you come up with this ridiculous accusation that me speaking about our country being at a tipping point equals a weekend civil war is beyond me. We won’t ever agree on anything politically but your continual lies and manipulation of my words is low even for you. I have largely left you alone due to your mental instability after the death of your parents. As a Veteran of 15 yrs, I very easily recognize your PTSD. Lashing out at others and trying to demean them is classic behavior of coping. I have encouraged and still encourage you to get a mental health assessment. It could very well help save your life. I feel bad for you. We may not agree on politics but humanity runs much deeper than politics for me. I know it’s not easy as I have lost my parent along the way as well. If twisting my words keeps you from physically hurting yourself via drug/alcohol abuse or worse than I encourage you to continue manipulating words and lashing out. I pray that the pain you feel heals soon!
yor so funnii !!!!

You really got me now, mentioning my dead parents.

I got you.(said philip I am Montgomery)

I'd recommend my therapist to you, but you might not like they.(Besides i only talk to they about non conspiracy theories, she doesn't let me bring up bs in our sessions.)
😂 Nobody is forcing you to write back. Personal attacks don’t bother me. In fact, anybody who truly knows me knows I have never cared what others thought. You don’t have to like me, what I say, or what I believe. All I ask is be accurate when you voice your opinion and up to this point, you have been inaccurate on every level.
You're so like Rippin!!! You guys could be twinkies.

He is so misunderstood, just like you.

Beer ladies just don't understand.

Do you have your own beer lady?
Again making yourself look foolish! I absolutely 1000% agree with the America first policies. I’m American and always want the best for my country. Did I vote for the author of that policy 🤔. NO! I have never endorsed ACB......NO........I bring up news to stimulate conversations. Nothing more nothing less!
Your conversations are so stimulating!!!!! o_O

My you look cute.
yor so funnii !!!!

You really got me now, mentioning my dead parents.

I got you.(said philip I am Montgomery)

I'd recommend my therapist to you, but you might not like they.(Besides i only talk to they about non conspiracy theories, she doesn't let me bring up bs in our sessions.)
Cause and affect. You are a good person, just overwhelmed and in greif. I’m glad you are getting help.
Your claim to fame is KB, our bestest coach,who took a bunch of used has beens.
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You couldn't win a game then, why do you think today is any different.
Yup.......I was horrible.......laughing looking at my 8 WAC player of the week plaques and all conference awards 😂😂😂😂
You so proud!!!

Going on about WAC player of the week like it meant u was a good player.

Be sure and arrange them in the hospital when you be on yo death bed in a decade or two.
You so proud!!!

Going on about WAC player of the week like it meant u was a good player.

Be sure and arrange them in the hospital when you be on yo death bed in a decade or two.
Jealous bro? 😂😂😂😂😂
Thru playin wit u, come back another time, I'm already bored.

Bye bye.
Shon got his feelings hurt. Let’s set up a go fund me for him. Lol@ pathetic ass shon.
Shon got his feelings hurt. Let’s set up a go fund me for him. Lol@ pathetic ass shon.
🤩 Dude......that would be awesome. Thank you so much! 😂 having my own personal fundraiser is a first.
🤩 Dude......that would be awesome. Thank you so much! 😂 having my own personal fundraiser is a first.
To make any use of the funds, you would have to sign a legal contract that it would be used strictly for your psychiatrist. We wouldn't want you using it for a psychologist, considering you would need some serious prescriptions filled.
That’s because the election was fair and anyone with half a brain can recognize that. They might be in denial that their gut lost. But few are going to riot over a fair but disappointing election.

The civil war stuff was in reference to what might happen if trump illegitimately seized power.
Do you believe that there would have been this small of an amount of civil unrest if Trump had won a fair election?
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Biden was just a fill in candidate who's campaign rallies could not fill a phone booth, while Trump filled arenas. The math just doesn't add up. Especially the part where he even out numbered bho.
Biden was just a fill in candidate who's campaign rallies could not fill a phone booth, while Trump filled arenas. The math just doesn't add up. Especially the part where he even out numbered bho.
Everyone in the US knows voter fraud occurred during this election. Voter fraud occurs in every election. The thing many Americans can’t get past is the level of fraud that was being claimed to have taken place. I personally know some of the most brilliant Analyst in the world have been working this. The evidence is 100% there but the strategy implemented to bring evidence out has negatively swayed lots of people.
I find it interesting that Texas’ suit alleges that changes to the states voting practices should only be made by state legislatures... the same state legislatures that they’ve used to defraud millions of Americans from voting.

This was probably the first year in more than a century where we’ve actually seen nearly the full electorate provided the lawful right and logistical ability to vote because of the pandemic necessitating mail in voting en-mass

We finally saw that voter suppression tactics that various state parties traditionally use (but could not to the same extent this year) makes roughly the difference between 10 and 20 million votes on both sides of the aisle.. with a big benefit being seen by the Dems due to the Republican’s greater propensity to try and install methods to supress and disenfranchise voters.

We’re supposed to be okay with the fact that Republicans have tried and continue to try to take away the voices of the people and to sequester power through any means necessary. It’s wrong and it’s becoming legitimately dangerous to our Republic’s survival.

I can’t begin to imagine what will happen if this election is reversed. If the people in the majority rise up in opposition, what will that even look like? If they don’t rise up in opposition then what oligarchic despotism are we maligning ourselves with going forward? Either outcome is honestly terrifying. What happens the day after a court decision effectively stealing an election? Revolution or Nothing at all? It makes me shiver.
More people eligible to vote, did and that's always a good thing no matter which candidate wins. Now that people see that their vote matters in the big picture, lets hope they make it a plan to vote in every election moving forward whether it is a national election, state election, or a local school bond issue. Voting is the way to have your voice heard about what you think is important.

And for Shon, do you find it interesting or at least hypocritical that challenging the mail-in voting process in PA and calling it illegal and nefarious but not challenging the same mail-in process in North Carolina, which was amended by the state legislature there for this election to provide expanded mail in voting AND to accept ballots up to 9 days after November 3rd, is a little shady? The reason why North Carolina was not called by any network for up to a week after the election was because they allowed mail in ballots to be returned/postmarked up until November 12th because of the pandemic. It's hypocritical to only challenge those same adjustments in states Trump lost while saying North Carolina did an exemplary job.
Biden was just a fill in candidate who's campaign rallies could not fill a phone booth, while Trump filled arenas. The math just doesn't add up. Especially the part where he even out numbered bho.
You can shut up now...the smart people are discussing things. For you to even think Biden was attempting to fill any indoor arena or stadium during a pandemic is just pure lunacy. And as we've seen Trump's events have been major COVID spreaders amongst his legions of mindless brainwashed followers.

And yes, I will agree Biden is a fill in candidate. He was the one who could knock Trump out of our politics in an effort to bring the governing back to the middle where more voters are than the fringes.
You can shut up now...the smart people are discussing things. For you to even think Biden was attempting to fill any indoor arena or stadium during a pandemic is just pure lunacy. And as we've seen Trump's events have been major COVID spreaders amongst his legions of mindless brainwashed followers.

And yes, I will agree Biden is a fill in candidate. He was the one who could knock Trump out of our politics in an effort to bring the governing back to the middle where more voters are than the fringes.
Did it ever occur to you that POTUS followers reject and absolutely hate liberalism in the same manner in which liberals hate conservatism? Most Americans welcome constructive criticism. Americans become unhinged when the Cristian becomes personal and violent when threats are made. Tread lightly. The same person you bash today May be the same person you need tomorrow.
Did it ever occur to you that POTUS followers reject and absolutely hate liberalism in the same manner in which liberals hate conservatism? Most Americans welcome constructive criticism. Americans become unhinged when the Cristian becomes personal and violent when threats are made. Tread lightly. The same person you bash today May be the same person you need tomorrow.
We're all tired of the same arguments, backed by nonsense and no evidence. You keep quoting these ultra right wing nut job conspiracy theory that only have taken hold in QAnon and Parler discussions and have ZERO credibility in reality. For what? To keep your authoritarian, racist, and fascist "savior" in place?
We're all tired of the same arguments, backed by nonsense and no evidence. You keep quoting these ultra right wing nut job conspiracy theory that only have taken hold in QAnon and Parler discussions and have ZERO credibility in reality. For what? To keep your authoritarian, racist, and fascist "savior" in place?
That’s weird🤔 we as in liberals and Never Trumpers? Because that’s all I see here with the exception of a few. You are tired of hearing the Right disagrees with the left? You are tired of hearing treat others how you want to be treated? Because that’s what I wrote! No conspiracy about that.
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You can shut up now...the smart people are discussing things. For you to even think Biden was attempting to fill any indoor arena or stadium during a pandemic is just pure lunacy. And as we've seen Trump's events have been major COVID spreaders amongst his legions of mindless brainwashed followers.

And yes, I will agree Biden is a fill in candidate. He was the one who could knock Trump out of our politics in an effort to bring the governing back to the middle where more voters are than the fringes.
Biden on got 80% of of the votes in the Nebraska primary. He was unopposed.

??? only 80% ?????
We're all tired of the same arguments, backed by nonsense and no evidence. You keep quoting these ultra right wing nut job conspiracy theory that only have taken hold in QAnon and Parler discussions and have ZERO credibility in reality. For what? To keep your authoritarian, racist, and fascist "savior" in place?
Conspericy theories?
The muller report.
The dossier.
Third party hewhistle-blower
Dog whistles

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