Let's get through today.


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
Three things need to happen today.

First, they need to get the new vaccine approved by officials. Nobody is going to make anyone take it, but it is time for it to be aproved for those who need and want it to be there.

Second, the Supreme Court needs to decide not to hear the Texas case. I am a Republican and I didn't want Biden. But it has gone its divisive way too long. The Courts have ruled upteen times that the election was valid. This isn't the first time someone has lost a close presidential race. Churning this again and again helps no one.

Third, there needs to by some kind of a compromise on aid for individuals and the ecconomy. Pelosi and McConnel can surely put together a stop gap compromise. People are suffering. Take a first step in getting them help.
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I can’t believe how such a large number of people in our country are blind to seeing how dangerous to the health of our nation it would be to let the will of 5 people overturn the will of 80 million people. Add that to the fact that one of those five people shouldn’t even be on the bench.

If the Supreme Court overturns this election there will be a constitutional and civil crisis on our hands. Not to mention the fact that it’s a terrible precedent to set which could be used against these same Republicans later if the power ever flips the other way.
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I agree. But we need to tighten up the election process and fix all areas where questionable practices can occur.
I can’t believe how such a large number of people in our country are blind to seeing how dangerous to the health of our nation it would be to let the will of 5 people overturn the will of 80 million people. Add that to the fact that one of those five people shouldn’t even be on the bench.

If the Supreme Court overturns this election there will be a constitutional and civil crisis on our hands. Not to mention the fact that it’s a terrible precedent to set which could be used against these same Republicans later if the power ever flips the other way.

Agree. The Supremes know this which is why it will never happen imo. Wish they would reign back in EO's next and put the checks and balances back in lawmaking.
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Agree. The Supremes know this which is why it will never happen imo. Wish they would reign back in EO's next and put the checks and balances back in lawmaking.
1) I believe with 21 states filing in support of this case, the Supreme Court Must now make a decision that will keep the Union together. Like or agree with it or not, a huge part of the population believes the election was tainted. There are a couple of things that could be done to remedy this by the Supremes but I think the only viable option to save us all from a full blown civil war is to hold a new election in the swing states run by the military. The results in theory should be the same and it would shut up the doubters forever.
2) I hope there is no stimulus deal. The unconditional reopening of our country without taking on more debt is the only solution. The People have and will continue to rise up against the tyrant leaders pushing lockdown.
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Trump has helped convince approximately 25m people that the election was a fraud. It was not.

You are rewarding Trump for his successful campaign to convince a small segment of our society that the election was invalid with a revote. Great Britain didn't have a revote over Brexit, and neither should we. Doing a revote over false allegations causes our election to be doubted in future elections. It opens our elections in the future to be exploited by a small # of politicians. That is treating our country like we are a third world country, especially if we brought in the military. And Republicans are at fault on this by coddling Trump.
Unforunately the group includes 106 members of the House and 17 states’ AGs who should know better. When tribalism is more important than democracry itself, the entire country is damaged.

it’s hard to beieve that the Texas AG’s hail mary move for a Trump pardon would attract this kind of backing.
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Unforunately the group includes 106 members of the House and 17 states’ AGs who should know better. When tribalism is more important than democracry itself, the entire country is damaged.

it’s hard to beieve that the Texas AG’s hail mary move for a Trump pardon would attract this kind of backing.
A revote in those states run by the Mil just like we do in other countries is better than civil war.
I find it interesting that Texas’ suit alleges that changes to the states voting practices should only be made by state legislatures... the same state legislatures that they’ve used to defraud millions of Americans from voting.

This was probably the first year in more than a century where we’ve actually seen nearly the full electorate provided the lawful right and logistical ability to vote because of the pandemic necessitating mail in voting en-mass

We finally saw that voter suppression tactics that various state parties traditionally use (but could not to the same extent this year) makes roughly the difference between 10 and 20 million votes on both sides of the aisle.. with a big benefit being seen by the Dems due to the Republican’s greater propensity to try and install methods to supress and disenfranchise voters.

We’re supposed to be okay with the fact that Republicans have tried and continue to try to take away the voices of the people and to sequester power through any means necessary. It’s wrong and it’s becoming legitimately dangerous to our Republic’s survival.

I can’t begin to imagine what will happen if this election is reversed. If the people in the majority rise up in opposition, what will that even look like? If they don’t rise up in opposition then what oligarchic despotism are we maligning ourselves with going forward? Either outcome is honestly terrifying. What happens the day after a court decision effectively stealing an election? Revolution or Nothing at all? It makes me shiver.
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1) I believe with 21 states filing in support of this case, the Supreme Court Must now make a decision that will keep the Union together. Like or agree with it or not, a huge part of the population believes the election was tainted. There are a couple of things that could be done to remedy this by the Supremes but I think the only viable option to save us all from a full blown civil war is to hold a new election in the swing states run by the military. The results in theory should be the same and it would shut up the doubters forever.
2) I hope there is no stimulus deal. The unconditional reopening of our country without taking on more debt is the only solution. The People have and will continue to rise up against the tyrant leaders pushing lockdown.
Nonsense, sometimes you lose. When you do you must try to find out what you did wrong and do better the next time. Or become a regular citizen. Trump pushed this way too far. I think the high court will simply decide this afternoon that this is re hashing arguments that constitutes beating a dead that is beginning to smell.

There does need to be a stimulus deal. If there isn't some help people will be losing their homes and jobs or small businesses. This is fighting a war against an invisible foe. Wars are always fought on credit which right now is about the only weapon we have. I have no axe to grind on this, I am doing okay thank you.
I think the person I hate the most in this whole election process is dead.

He did great damage to us in the way Fred Trump raised Donald.
Nonsense, sometimes you lose. When you do you must try to find out what you did wrong and do better the next time. Or become a regular citizen. Trump pushed this way too far. I think the high court will simply decide this afternoon that this is re hashing arguments that constitutes beating a dead that is beginning to smell.

There does need to be a stimulus deal. If there isn't some help people will be losing their homes and jobs or small businesses. This is fighting a war against an invisible foe. Wars are always fought on credit which right now is about the only weapon we have. I have no axe to grind on this, I am doing okay thank you.
I respect your perspective however, I believe should the Supremes choose to take this case, the claims made will be substantiated. We will see shortly if that motion is entertained.
In regards to the invisible enemy, forcing people to shut their businesses and taking away their livelihood for a virus that 99% of the population recovers from is a joke. I have seen Ebola up close and personal. Blood pours from your eyes. You have diarrhea and vomit uncontrollably. Covid is not even close!
Some is going to get hurt if this keeps going....

  • Dozens of Trump supporters, some armed, went to the home of Jocelyn Benson, Michigan’s Democratic secretary of state, and began shouting obscenities.
  • On Twitter, Trump supporters have posted photographs of the home of Ann Jacobs, a Wisconsin official, and mentioned her children.
  • In Phoenix, about 100 Trump supporters, some armed, protested at the building where officials were counting votes.
  • In Vermont, officials received a voice message threatening them with “execution by firing squad.”
  • Seth Bluestein, a Philadelphia official, received anti-Semitic and violent threats after Pam Bondi, a Trump ally, publicly mentioned him.
  • A Georgia poll worker went into hiding after a viral video falsely claimed he had discarded ballots.
  • Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, and his wife have received death threats, including by text message, and caravanshave circled their house.
  • Gabriel Sterling, another Georgia official, received a message wishing him a happy birthday and saying it would be his last.
Concerning my original post, it now looks like there is going to be a one week extension to keep Congress in business till a week from today. This satisfies the "get through today" but not in a very encouraging way.
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WATU04....agree as to someone is going to get hurt.

Guess we could have an elected representative calling for armed citizens to kill those who oppose her views. It's one thing to have ignorant citizens making inflammatory statements. Having elected officials is an entirely new level.

The election wasn’t close.

You’re an absolute idiot if you think these lawsuits have merit or there shouldn’t be further aid. I spent the morning in eviction court out on the way side of the state. People are hurting. Then again, we’ve established a couple of these posters are in fact mentally deficient several times.
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I find it interesting that Texas’ suit alleges that changes to the states voting practices should only be made by state legislatures... the same state legislatures that they’ve used to defraud millions of Americans from voting.

This was probably the first year in more than a century where we’ve actually seen nearly the full electorate provided the lawful right and logistical ability to vote because of the pandemic necessitating mail in voting en-mass

We finally saw that voter suppression tactics that various state parties traditionally use (but could not to the same extent this year) makes roughly the difference between 10 and 20 million votes on both sides of the aisle.. with a big benefit being seen by the Dems due to the Republican’s greater propensity to try and install methods to supress and disenfranchise voters.

We’re supposed to be okay with the fact that Republicans have tried and continue to try to take away the voices of the people and to sequester power through any means necessary. It’s wrong and it’s becoming legitimately dangerous to our Republic’s survival.

I can’t begin to imagine what will happen if this election is reversed. If the people in the majority rise up in opposition, what will that even look like? If they don’t rise up in opposition then what oligarchic despotism are we maligning ourselves with going forward? Either outcome is honestly terrifying. What happens the day after a court decision effectively stealing an election? Revolution or Nothing at all? It makes me shiver.
I can’t begin to imagine what will happen if this election is reversed. I

it was in 2016 and the dems have sdpent the entire time trying to undo it
The courts have already spoken on the matter. It's not going to be deliberated by the supreme court. The supreme court dismissed it. It's over, again.
It still makes me uncomfortable that we’ve been this close to a Pandora’s box being opened and that long established norms of election acceptance have been breached with so little in the way of evidence to substantiate the accusations
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Obviously the honor system no longer works. We need better security of the voters and the ballots. No to suppress voting, but to validate each voter and the authenticate each ballot.
It's over. That's the main thing. How he reacts to that is his problem, but it does reveal something about him.

Only one of the three goals happened. We need final approval by the government for the use of the Pfizers drug. Two people had problems in the UK. It would be hard to get Asprin approved today.

Also, the two parties need to have a compromise on getting money to people who are hurting. They keep getting closer but never quite get there. They are asymptotic.
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Its almost official; Trump lost.

Some of his supporters have been protesting the outcome, but where is the shooting civil war CNN claimed would happen?

Are the proud boys still standing down and the White Supremest standing by. Are they waiting for the dog whistle or the secret code word?

So far no cities have been occupied burned or looted, just a few lawsuits.
Its almost official; Trump lost.

Some of his supporters have been protesting the outcome, but where is the shooting civil war CNN claimed would happen?

Are the proud boys still standing down and the White Supremest standing by. Are they waiting for the dog whistle or the secret code word?

So far no cities have been occupied burned or looted, just a few lawsuits.
The odds were always long, especially after electors had been chosen and certified.
Its almost official; Trump lost.

Some of his supporters have been protesting the outcome, but where is the shooting civil war CNN claimed would happen?

Are the proud boys still standing down and the White Supremest standing by. Are they waiting for the dog whistle or the secret code word?

So far no cities have been occupied burned or looted, just a few lawsuits.
That’s because the election was fair and anyone with half a brain can recognize that. They might be in denial that their gut lost. But few are going to riot over a fair but disappointing election.

The civil war stuff was in reference to what might happen if trump illegitimately seized power.
FDA Authorized both vaccines. Saturday Morning.
Oh good, Trumps threats worked. :rolleyes:

Glad to get it on it's way to resolving this. Hope folks like parts of my family, who won't take a vaccine, don't hinder the effort/slow it down.
Shon's bigly civil war: At best 15,000 people in DC

Proud Boys, BLM, & I'm assuming a smattering of Antifa(though they weren't mentioned in various articles) reported to be in the crowd.

Trump's civil war fizzled down to, at the very most, 5% of his inauguration crowd.

After this tiny brouhaha, the civil war has probably petered out.

Four people in critical condition from stabbings. So, at most we might lose 4 people in this massive civil war.

Oh, the humanity!!!

Probably 4 bikers stabbed four other counter protestors, or vice/versa.

Hopefully there won't be a single death in this bigly civil war.
Shon's bigly civil war: At best 15,000 people in DC

Proud Boys, BLM, & I'm assuming a smattering of Antifa(though they weren't mentioned in various articles) reported to be in the crowd.

Trump's civil war fizzled down to, at the very most, 5% of his inauguration crowd.

After this tiny brouhaha, the civil war has probably petered out.

Four people in critical condition from stabbings. So, at most we might lose 4 people in this massive civil war.

Oh, the humanity!!!

Probably 4 bikers stabbed four other counter protestors, or vice/versa.

Hopefully there won't be a single death in this bigly civil war.
Lol 😂 almost every week I need to remind you about improving your reading comprehension. How you come up with this ridiculous accusation that me speaking about our country being at a tipping point equals a weekend civil war is beyond me. We won’t ever agree on anything politically but your continual lies and manipulation of my words is low even for you. I have largely left you alone due to your mental instability after the death of your parents. As a Veteran of 15 yrs, I very easily recognize your PTSD. Lashing out at others and trying to demean them is classic behavior of coping. I have encouraged and still encourage you to get a mental health assessment. It could very well help save your life. I feel bad for you. We may not agree on politics but humanity runs much deeper than politics for me. I know it’s not easy as I have lost my parent along the way as well. If twisting my words keeps you from physically hurting yourself via drug/alcohol abuse or worse than I encourage you to continue manipulating words and lashing out. I pray that the pain you feel heals soon!
Gmoney pwn3d shon. Then again, it’s not hard. He’s the equivalent of a Keith Burns team on here. Lol@shon.
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Gmoney pwn3d shon. Then again, it’s not hard. He’s the equivalent of a Keith Burns team on here. Lol@shon.
I got some red lipstick for you to put on to go along with your pom poms and skirt! 😂😂😂
Lol@shon. He thinks homophobia is still funny and his butt even hurts. He lost the election multiple times, has issues with logic, and doesn’t believe in science. Shon sucks at life.
Lol@shon. He thinks homophobia is still funny and his butt even hurts. He lost the election multiple times, has issues with logic, and doesn’t believe in science. Shon sucks at life.
Wow..........shame on you! I have family members who are homosexual and proud of it whom I love and are proud of. There is not a homophobic bone in my body! You and money are truly birds of a feather! You cheering money on only hurts him. He needs help! You know better
You are homophobic bro and align with politicians who are, also. It must suck to live in the self-contradictory and otherwise pathetic world you do. It’s kind of funny. lol @ shon.
You are homophobic bro and align with politicians who are, also. It must suck to live in the self-contradictory and otherwise pathetic world you do. It’s kind of funny. lol @ shon.
Interesting 🤔 Which politicians do I align with? Have i ever talked to you or even know who you are outside of you being money’s cheerleader? Stop posing like you know bc you don’t!
You supper Trump. You support Amy Barrett. They are against gay rights. But you’re too stupid to know that and it’s funny. Lol@shon.

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