Junk health insurance warning

This type of crappy policy had been sold for decades before the ACA.. Matt Damon and Danny DeVito even starred in a 1997 movie about these corrupt insurance practices: The Rainmaker. Trump just let them be sold again to claim he did something regardless of the outcome.
Buyer beware on any health insurance policy costing $100 a month. The ole saying “you get what you pay for” comes to mind.
Sounds like they need to regulate the crappy and misleading plans out of existence.
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Wish someone would do a story on the network / out of network BS involved in health insurance. We’re at the point where you have to check every medical care provider for surgical procedures to verify they’re “in-network”. As my father in law recently discovered, just because the hospital and surgeon are in-network doesn’t guarantee the anesthesiologist is as well.
Or at least regulate the deceptive marketing elements out of those plans. The ACA attempted to put in minimum standards and subsidize the extra costs for those who couldn't afford them. Almost every other modern country uses some form of single payer or treats health care as a regulated utlity to cover everyone at a much lower cost. Hard to imagine the US getting there in this political environment.
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Neither side is thirsty for that fight as long as they both make more money fighting about it.

I know several people who lobbied themselves into multimillion dollar mansions and paid cash over the last ACA fight and they are/were teeny tiny minnows in Washington politics.
Neither side is thirsty for that fight as long as they both make more money fighting about it.

I know several people who lobbied themselves into multimillion dollar mansions and paid cash over the last ACA fight and they are/were teeny tiny minnows in Washington politics.
I'm sure. We looked at living in D.C in the mid eighties. The real estate market was white hot. The explanation I received was the every industry and lobbying group in the country realized that they needed a sizable office in DC to considered a relevant player and were moving head offices in from all directions. Why...because as Willie Sutton said, "That's where the money is". Two decades ago we were working on DoD project and found young guys barely 30 were earning seven figures as lobbyists.

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