Jewish Space Lasers

This supports my contention that it’s loaded language devoid of nuance and pushed mainly by activists
I’ve been inside maybe 20 prisons in four states. I’ve been to the border with Gaza. There’s a lot of similarities.
It’s a bit like calling a detention facility along the southern border an internment camp. Under some definitions could you argue that’s technically correct? Sure. But calling it that strips out the context and nuance around their detainment and implies a moral judgement and assumptions about motivations that aren’t there.

A prison is its own thing with its own definition and context and the whole point of activists adopting the term “open-air prison” is to encode a moral judgement and assumed premise that is not agreed upon. They do the same thing with the word apartheid and saying that Israel uses Palestinians as “human subjects for weapons testing.”

It’s fine to do that, but you can’t then say we need to keep it nuanced
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I think anything that might help someone to look at the subject from a different perspective than what they’ve been told is a good thing. Especially people such as yourself who haven’t been there to see it for yourself.

Go. And while you are there ask yourself two questions:

1. Is this a system of government I would want my children to lead?

2. Is this country worthy of being counted alongside countries like France and the UK who we fought alongside for centuries?

In both instances, I often struggle to answer those questions as “yes” in Israel.

This doesn’t diminish my belief and prayer for the continued safety of the Israeli people. But I, like many Israelis, see the current government and settlement policies as short sighted, ham handed, and undemocratic.
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Especially people such as yourself who haven’t been there to see it for yourself.

This is true. Whether from you or my IDF friend or my wife’s family who lives there, I only have second hand knowledge of any of it.
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To quote a wise man....

"We don't eat pigs. You don't eat pigs. It seems it's been that way forever. So if you don't eat pigs and we don't eat pigs. Why not...not eat pigs.... together?"

why are we supporting the Palestinians? Don't these people advocate the killing of infidels; non Muslims, and they cheared the attack on the Twin Towers?
Super weird that there’s been a huge wave of anti-Semitic attacks and harassment in the US by Palestinian activists. Very surprising and not at all informing of their motivations and feelings toward Jews in general
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Super weird that there’s been a huge wave of anti-Semitic attacks and harassment in the US by Palestinian activists. Very surprising and not at all informing of their motivations and feelings toward Jews in general
I don’t agree with or condone any violence against anyone based on their religion. My qualm is with the Israeli government’s tactics, not the Jewish faith.

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