It’s official. You’re all racists & diversity is not our strength


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
What was the name of that song in the LEGO movie? “Everything is Awesome?”

Well, the song being sung today is “everything is racist!” I don’t know how we’ve arrived at this point where people like Samantha Bee & Lilly Singh & John Oliver actually get paid to get on camera & hate on half the country.

Seriously, a New York Times Editorial Board member named Mara Gay (a step down from gorgeous due to her woke-ness but she is very easy on the eyes) gets on MSNBC with Brian a Williams (a straight white male, you know - the worst people in the history of US civilization) & claims that because she cited a tweet by some journalist *cough woke activist* that claimed because Bloomberg spent over $600m on campaign ads for nothing & there are 330m people in the USA means he could’ve given $1m TO EVERY PERSON IN THE USA & STILL HAD SOME MONEY LEFT OVER & this Mara Gay & Brian Williams both says it’s true on air. They both catch enormous heat for the terrible math (I don’t even blame them as that segment & tweet had to have been cleared by at least 4 people before they were allowed to say it on air - though they should’ve caught it if they knew 4th grade math).

So what does NYT Editorial Board member Mara Gay do? She claims the “twitter mob” that came after her was racist for coming after her for not noticing her error in simple math. Nevermind that her cohost caught just as much heat on Twitter & he’s a rich, straight, white male. No, it’s racist. At least, that’s what Mara Gay claims in her op-Ed in the NYT. She also tweeted the link to this op ed & in that tweet she once again called the attacks racist.

AOC makes a video saying that Asian restaurants are suffering due to COVID-19 & it’s due to racism (she offers no proof, of course). She is so stupid I can’t even start to go in on her in this post. Point being:

You have certain schools (could be the Seattle public school district whatever it’s called) claiming mathematics is a racist subject.

This has been a long time coming. It started with affirmative action. Then we had essentially gotten rid of racism - the affirmative action was more than enough reparations for anyone to complain. Then we got Obama. Now it’s “white privilege” & “intersectionality” (a bs term which just means the more minority boxes you can check the more right your opinion is) & all these other bs terms I never heard of until the Mike Brown shooting.

Let me fill you guys in. Mike Brown deserved to be shot. Go for a cop’s gun, you better get it or count on getting shot & killed. It’s like Russian Roulette with a 2 shot revolver & 1 round loaded. Obama could’ve kept us from regressing down this path of becoming a self-loathing nation (although, really only the white people are supposed to hate themselves - the land belongs to everyone else not the white people who fought off the British for it in 1775-76 & 1812).

This has to stop. No wonder “diversity is our strength” was drilled into our heads nonstop. I actually believed it at the time, too.