

I.T.S. Redshirt Freshman
Nov 25, 2020
If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result the law suits based on claims of massive voter fraud qualify. But this new twist seems to based on just skipping the elections and letting the VP pick the winner. The number of elected Republicans in the Jouse and Senate(Hawley) backing this is frightening if you care about democracy.

“Vice President Mike Pence has the unilateral power to decide the outcome of the 2020 election, according to the latest filing in a lawsuit brought by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and other Republicans mounting a last-ditch bid to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

“Under the Constitution, he has the authority to conduct that proceeding as he sees fit,” Gohmert argues. “He may count elector votes certified by a state’s executive, or he can prefer a competing slate of duly qualified electors. He may ignore all electors from a certain state. That is the power bestowed upon him by the Constitution.”

In his suit, Gohmert indicates he expects more than 140 members of the House to join in challenging Biden’s victory on Jan. 6. He also noted that House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy and GOP Whip Steve Scalise dissented from the House’s legal arguments against Gohmert’s lawsuit.”
If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result the law suits based on claims of massive voter fraud qualify. But this new twist seems to based on just skipping the elections and letting the VP pick the winner. The number of elected Republicans in the Jouse and Senate(Hawley) backing this is frightening if you care about democracy.

“Vice President Mike Pence has the unilateral power to decide the outcome of the 2020 election, according to the latest filing in a lawsuit brought by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and other Republicans mounting a last-ditch bid to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

“Under the Constitution, he has the authority to conduct that proceeding as he sees fit,” Gohmert argues. “He may count elector votes certified by a state’s executive, or he can prefer a competing slate of duly qualified electors. He may ignore all electors from a certain state. That is the power bestowed upon him by the Constitution.”

In his suit, Gohmert indicates he expects more than 140 members of the House to join in challenging Biden’s victory on Jan. 6. He also noted that House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy and GOP Whip Steve Scalise dissented from the House’s legal arguments against Gohmert’s lawsuit.”
After the Georgia hearing the other day when the White Hat hackers found a smart thermostat at a polling station was communicating with the voting machines, revealing the voting systems were not only online but actively sending election data in real time from a polling station in Georgia back to China, the logical question is where else is did this take place? Arizona election officials are blocking their systems from being audited just as almost all of the states in question have. At this point, IMO the right thing to do would be to conduct a full investigation. It should have been conducted as a bipartisan effort from the very beginning. Now we are stuck with whatever happens moving forward.
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They knew about polling systems not voting machines being accessed online in Jan, 2020. It doesn't sound like the original counts could be affected, and that the machines original counts were looked at when the results were challenged. Yes it needs to be (quietly) investigated, which I am sure they are continually doing. At the end of the investigation they should take action, and report publicly the previous status and how much they didn't affect the election, but stipulate what measures are being taken to ensure the process is even more secure for the next election.

As to this specific report bout a voting machine in georgia communicating thru a thermostat w/ China...
I question the truth of that. I only found two places making reference to it. All I could find was some conspiracy theorist on youtube saying his story got removed by youtube, and another incredibly questionable 'Headline 360 News' site. They listing it along with every other news story talking about fraud in the election. There was nothing on their that wasn't related to the election, fraud, etc. That site didn't meet any standards for me to believe this was true. Couldn't even find a reference good or bad about that site. And I couldn't find any reference of this story anywhere else. So it seems to be BS. Unless I see reports of it from a real news source, I'm calling it fake news that Shon let himself be fooled by once again.
They knew about polling systems not voting machines being accessed online in Jan, 2020. It doesn't sound like the original counts could be affected, and that the machines original counts were looked at when the results were challenged. Yes it needs to be (quietly) investigated, which I am sure they are continually doing. At the end of the investigation they should take action, and report publicly the previous status and how much they didn't affect the election, but stipulate what measures are being taken to ensure the process is even more secure for the next election.

As to this specific report bout a voting machine in georgia communicating thru a thermostat w/ China...
I question the truth of that. I only found two places making reference to it. All I could find was some conspiracy theorist on youtube saying his story got removed by youtube, and another incredibly questionable 'Headline 360 News' site. They listing it along with every other news story talking about fraud in the election. There was nothing on their that wasn't related to the election, fraud, etc. That site didn't meet any standards for me to believe this was true. Couldn't even find a reference good or bad about that site. And I couldn't find any reference of this story anywhere else. So it seems to be BS. Unless I see reports of it from a real news source, I'm calling it fake news that Shon let himself be fooled by once again.

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She's got the right amount of past due fame, wonder if shonny could tell us if he slipped in the back door at Mar a Lago, & she was playing along with Vanilla Ice & Berlin. If she was, too bad you missed seeing your idol shonny.

Those sources were = to the ones I mentioned, that doesn't cut it.
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Just so I’m clear, Are you refuting the testimony provided at that Georgia State hearing by the White Hats?
No, the lack of coverage by any bonafide news organizations is. And what little coverage there is out there, trashes these claims by the Pulizer guy.(Republicans are trashing his baseless claims.) He is the guy I mentioned earlier, that got stuff taken down on youtube.

Like I said, the internet access by voting systems(not voting machines) needs to continue being investigated, continue to be shut down as they see fit. It needs to be reported on occasionally, explaining weaknesses in the system, and what is being done in time, to make it more secure. Those weaknesses have not allowed our system to be affected, despite baseless claims by Pulizer. That Pulizer guy needs to put up, or shut up with real evidence.

You continue to let your self be manipulated by guys like him. If I were you, I wouldn't keep admitting it.
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No, the lack of coverage by any bonafide news organizations is. And what little coverage there is out there, trashes these claims by the Pulizer guy.(Republicans are trashing his baseless claims.) He is the guy I mentioned earlier, that got stuff taken down on youtube.

Like I said, the internet access by voting systems(not voting machines) needs to continue being investigated, continue to be shut down as they see fit. It needs to be reported on occasionally, explaining weaknesses in the system, and what is being done in time, to make it more secure. Those weaknesses have not allowed our system to be affected, despite baseless claims by Pulizer. That Pulizer guy needs to put up, or shut up with real evidence.

You continue to let your self be manipulated by guys like him. If I were you, I wouldn't keep admitting it.
😂.........Clearly You Never even knew this meeting happened let alone ever heard the info presented. I provided the hearing link for you so you can compare the original transcript of what was said with what was reported. Go educate yourself. I dare you to find one discrepancy. Oh and did you know they are doing another audit now? We know you don’t!
😂.........Clearly You Never even knew this meeting happened let alone ever heard the info presented. I provided the hearing link for you so you can compare the original transcript of what was said with what was reported. Go educate yourself. I dare you to find one discrepancy. Oh and did you know they are doing another audit now? We know you don’t!
I knew about the Georgia secretary of state(Raffensburger) debunking this stuff and I knew about a few other Republican officials debunking this and other claims. Meaning yes I knew about the hearings/meetings. At that point it didn't merit any further research. If they find anything of consequence, it will make it into respectable news sources. You act like your taunts make it true, and bother me. They do neither. I still think you still are making a fool of yourself. So does everybody else on this board, republicans and democrats alike. They just ignore most of your blatherings. If I hadn't commented about this crap, it would have just been ignored.

Bye bye
I knew about the Georgia secretary of state(Raffensburger) debunking this stuff and I knew about a few other Republican officials debunking this and other claims. Meaning yes I knew about the hearings/meetings. At that point it didn't merit any further research. If they find anything of consequence, it will make it into respectable news sources. You act like your taunts make it true, and bother me. They do neither. I still think you still are making a fool of yourself. So does everybody else on this board, republicans and democrats alike. They just ignore most of your blatherings. If I hadn't commented about this crap, it would have just been ignored.

Bye bye
If Raffensberger had any part in this, there would have never been an audit. You clearly didn’t even watch the hearing and still know nothing about what was said. Nonetheless, Results have been released. Maybe that will finally wake you up!
You keep on believing people like Pulizer. I'll believe somebody besides a treasure hunter/conspiracy theorist. I watched bits of the hearings before you mentioned it. Wasn't worth my time to follow that junk religiously like you do. I learned the guys name that went with the person I heard talking, so I'll give you that much. Thanks for the mental floss of a kook's name, which I'll forget in a month or two.

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