If Minneapolis gets rid of their police...

the movement just lost credibility.. They let Al Sharpton speak at the funeral. He's been a so called black leader for the last 50 years. What has he done to fix the problem?
I personally don’t much care for Sharpton. But it really isn’t my place to decide who is a credible spokesman for black civil rights. And I will say that by your logic, we should totally fire everyone that has ever worked on cancer research. Why are people still dying of cancer?
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I personally don’t much care for Sharpton. But it really isn’t my place to decide who is a credible spokesman for black civil rights. And I will say that by your logic, we should totally fire everyone that has ever worked on cancer research. Why are people still dying of cancer?
If he was on the dais, someone thinks he a significant figure.
He is just an ambulance chaser.

Since the Civil Right s Amendment and MLK who has offered anything positive?
If he was on the dais, someone thinks he a significant figure.
He is just an ambulance chaser.

Since the Civil Right s Amendment and MLK who has offered anything positive?
Well, since you asked.... I’d say Barack Obama was and is an excellent role model for young people of color and has remained very positive.
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Well, since you asked.... I’d say Barack Obama was and is an excellent role model for young people of color and has remained very positive.
He was a nice guy. Hell I even voted for him, but name one thing he did for black relations?
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Thanks for the clarification, it is appreciated to have someone who knows more about these things around.

Question for you, Huffy: If you have looked at any of it, what do you think of the bill that the House Dems have put together on police reform? As far as I can tell, it doesn't disarm or defund police, but does make changes to the way qualified immunity can be used and such. It seemed very reasonable to me, but I would appreciate your perspective.
There isn’t a lot of innovative ideas in it. Most of it is off the shelf give aways or what is called “logrolling”. In pioneer days everyone in the area agreed to help you roll logs to build your house and once built you agreed to help them. Same principle in Congress. Everyone votes for everyone else’s spending because they got spent on in the past.

Much like the stimulus where we’ve seen hidden giveaways to constituencies this has them too because without them it wouldn’t pass.

The solution to this problem isn’t making it easier to sue cops. That’s just a give away to the trial lawyers who donate millions to the Dems pushing the bill.

So they give up a lot of credibility quick.

Abolishing no-knock warrants will get cops killed until they change it back because cops have been killed.

Essentially pre-emoting State laws that don’t require independent police shooting investigations is a good idea as long as it’s done by the feds or a statewide credentialed law enforcement body and not some citizen’s counsel where we have a pizza shop owner, a realtor and a retiree deciding who loses their badge.

The police misconduct registry is a GIGANTIC boondoggle. It will start out small, probably in DOJ, then eventually employ approximately one thousand rich upper class mostly ivy or Georgetown educated bureaucrats, who will do nothing but send memos around about how the system doesn’t work. The crime statistics registry is a good example of bad government. This will be a repeat. You might think you are getting a database like sex offenders or the National crime information center service, but what you’ll really get is a bunch of people arguing endless if words cause injury or whether an arm bar is serious injury. Police misconduct in Maine looks a lot different than in Alabama. But they have to be coded and entered the same. There’s no way. And every guilty defendant in America will file a claim. So we have to have skilled analysts, mostly lawyers at $114,000 a pop, read those and determine if they should be uploaded. It’s a cluster waiting to happen. It also wants to break data down by race and for a variety of reasons, that isn’t permitted by existing US law.

The community policing and racial bias training is a good idea and over due. But that should be grants to the states, again not a “let’s take advantage of this chance to create more over priced and inefficient bureaucracy in DC” to set the program up, take ten years and ten times the cost to do it, and not have it taken seriously in big parts of the country because it isn’t produced locally.

Lynching as a federal crime is ok though I oppose the expansion of federal criminal vehemently. As discussed previously, federal civil rights laws are likely sufficient and this is basically symbolic.

Most of this stuff was put together or re-hashed by the Obama people after Ferguson. House leadership was too busy talking about banning air travel and impeaching the President for nothing to really do anything on it until now. That should tell you what you need to know about whether Joe and Nancy truly are interested in this issue and whether AOC cared at all until it got her on TV talking about calling 911 is white privilege.

Which tells you their voters really don’t care so long as they don’t see it. Which is sad.
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the movement just lost credibility.. They let Al Sharpton speak at the funeral. He's been a so called black leader for the last 50 years. What has he done to fix the problem?
That's pretty ridiculous. The movement doesn't lose credibility because they let a guy speak. He and Jesse Jackson have sort of taken a back seat at most of these things in their later years. I'm not a huge fan of Sharpton's because his message comes across as acerbic at times. But the movement doesn't lose credibility because someone you don't like is involved.
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He was a nice guy. Hell I even voted for him, but name one thing he did for black relations?
He engaged POC in the process. Voter turnout during his two terms for the Presidential election was the highest ever. When people didn't show up 4 years ago they realized it was a huge mistake. Now you're seeing HUGE turnouts in midterms, primaries, etc. In Wisconsin during the height of the pandemic in the US, huge turnout from the minority populations and they turned over a seat on the WI Supreme Court (which had been functioning like the KKK High Council). In the midterms 2 years ago, WI ousted the Republican governor who may be Hitler reincarnate. In Georgia where the Sec. of State basically gutted voting locations in urban precincts so a massive turnout yesterday despite the obvious obstruction. The ants finally realize there are more of them than there are grasshoppers and they're turning out, and largely due to Obama's candidacy in 2008.

BTW, if you ever want to see the closest thing to an American Nazi State, it's Wisconsin. (Oklahoma is right on its heels). What their legislature is doing should be considered criminal and proven to disenfranchise voters.
WI ousted the Republican governor who may be Hitler reincarnate.

BTW, if you ever want to see the closest thing to an American Nazi State, it's Wisconsin. (Oklahoma is right on its heels).

YES!! We finally got a reference to Hitler and the Nazi Party. The ultimate Argumentum Ad Hominem.
Take comfort present day republican "nazis" and "racists." Like GWB, the only thing you have to do to no longer be labeled a nazi is criticize a future republican president.
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YES!! We finally got a reference to Hitler and the Nazi Party. The ultimate Argumentum Ad Hominem.
The WI GOP gameplan is very similar to what Hitler and the Nazi party did to ensure they remained in power for a long time (save for that faux pas of WWII). While they may not be exterminating a race, they are trying to exterminate certain sectors of the electorate by making it nearly impossible to vote. OK is not far behind with their latest proposal to do away with total vote and make it 1 vote per precinct based on that precinct's vote outcome. Basically eliminates Tulsa's and OKC's vote.
Do those Nazi’s on the right try to ban TV shows or is this a left wing exclusive thing ?
There are some TradCons that still want to ban porn and certain video games. One has a regular byline in the NY Post
He was a nice guy. Hell I even voted for him, but name one thing he did for black relations?

I get the feeling that no matter what I say, you will dismiss it as "not good enough" or "not like how MLK did it". Fine. But you originally asked who has been a positive leader for the black community like MLK since his assassination, not for what achievements he has had, which can be tricky to elucidate in the best of circumstances. For example, what, specifically, did MLK do for race relations? A lot of white people hated him at the time. It got him killed. And he wasn't a politician, so he didn't sign or enact any landmark bills. He was just a positive voice for change, and one that has been rightly singled out as a particularly effective one.

I am not going to try and convince you that BHO's policies or politics are something you should embrace. Let's try to set aside the politics for a moment. You can disagree with that, vehemently if you wish, and that is completely valid.

Barack Obama was a black man who was elected to the presidency. He did so by being a positive voice for change. He did so by engaging white people and black alike, because you can't win the presidency with only black voters. He got the black community invested in the process more than ever before and got them to vote in numbers never seen before. And he did it not by yelling "Kill whitey!", but by selling his vision of a post-racial society and an optimistic vision for the future. He showed white people that they have nothing to fear from successful black people, and he showed black people that the existing system we have can actually work for them. He never criticized or judged anyone or played the "racism" card a single time, although he no doubt heard some pretty racist rhetoric being aimed his way. He was nothing if not positive.

You say you yourself voted for him. If he was able to reach out to you and engage you enough to take a chance on him, I fail to see why you need his positive role for black people across America and race relations to be explained to you. He didn't get your vote by complaining about racism and saying anyone who opposed him was a racist. Some of his supporters may have levelled those claims, but not him. He won your vote with his positive vision, presumably.
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Portland City Council yesterday approved a budget with $15 million in cuts to the PPB's $230 million budget with $5 million diverted to a street response team modeled after Eugene's CAHOOTS program. Both sides of the issue are angry that it's not enough (or it's too much) so I think it's a good first step. And, unlike Minneapolis' solution, they won't be stuck in courts fighting over the legality of disbanding an entire department and the union that accompanies it.
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So in a given day we have millions of interaction of cops and civilians that end satisfactorily, but one ah :crap: and they are all rscist and and all cops are bad.
So in a given day we have millions of interaction of cops and civilians that end satisfactorily, but one ah :crap: and they are all rscist and and all cops are bad.
There are many race oriented and profiling events that happen every day,. We just don't hear about them because nobody died in a situation they shouldn't have, and/or there was no blatant proof.