I believe Nancy...


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
She isn’t out to get Trump on the 25th Amendment. If she could somehow get Pence to go along, he would never work again in Washington.

No one is going is going to be shocked when I say Harris would certify Biden in a New York minute and be President. The so called Harris Administration. This is something Pelosi could live to regret. Wait, she is already eighty.

Signed, Captain Obvious.
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Lot's of hubub about nothing. Trump's not going anywhere before Nov. Nancy just needs to keep her mouth shut. I really wish that they would make Katie Porter the speaker. She's got like zilch in terms of backroom dealing experience and her seat's in a historically red district, but she's an outstanding House Member. She was the one that made the CDC commit to paid Covid Tests for all Americans.
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She isn’t out to get Trump on the 25th Amendment. If she could somehow get Pence to go along, he would never work again in Washington.

No one is going is going to be shocked when I say Harris would certify Biden in a New York minute and be President. The so called Harris Administration. This is something Pelosi could live to regret. Wait, she is already eighty.

Signed, Captain Obvious.
It takes an extreme amount of time, money, and effort to do something like this. This is a strategic move. I believe her party feels confident that the Dems have a good chance to win and the first time Biden contracts COVID, they will make their move. Biden made a huge mistake that Trump goaded him into the other day during the debate. Trump asked him about his support of the Green New Deal. Biden answered saying he didn’t support the Green new deal and that his ideas represented his party. Trump immediately said he just lost the left and warned that they would turn on him.
As much as they are different, Trump and Nancy have a couple of things in common. Both can be confrontational beyond reason. The second thing is that they both feel like if they don't walk away a couple of times that they didn't get the best deal possible.
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As much as they are different, Trump and Nancy have a couple of things in common. Both can be confrontational beyond reason. The second thing is that they both feel like if they don't walk away a couple of times that they didn't get the best deal possible.
Nancy is the one leading Democrat who I just never get her strategy. It's like the staffers that she has in Congress are trying for the opposite of what they should be. I would certainly support a different person for the Speakership.
dems have made the same claim, when it was their turn. so is it hypocrisy, whining or just politics.
Politics is holding up a bill so you can get something you want in your own bill. It’s not changing the rules on lifetime appointments multiple times. There’s politics and then there’s straight up ass-hattery.
Glad you are a liberal who stands against packing the courts. According to your candidate, you don’t deserve to know what he will do! 😂 even though you know what he will do. Those steroids are really kicking in for him 😂
Politics is holding up a bill so you can get something you want in your own bill. It’s not changing the rules on lifetime appointments multiple times. There’s politics and then there’s straight up ass-hattery.
no. Politics is; justifying when you do something, and whining when someone else does it.
Just wondering how many times the rules on lifetime appoints have been changed. I remember Earl Warren was there quite awhile. He came in during the Eisenhower years. There never has been a rule about not choosing someone in an election year. McConnell pronounced it and enforced it. Nancy tries it on other topics. In a perfect world both of them would be censured. But 2020 is far from perfect.

Those old farts could help politicians out by scheduling their death. A few actually retire but many hang on as long as they can. Whoever has the Senate, makes the rules. How many votes are needed is a Senate rule. Both Reed and McC know how to change that. The majority leader simply challenges the rule.
Just wondering how many times the rules on lifetime appoints have been changed. I remember Earl Warren was there quite awhile. He came in during the Eisenhower years. There never has been a rule about not choosing someone in an election year. McConnell pronounced it and enforced it. Nancy tries it on other topics. In a perfect world both of them would be censured. But 2020 is far from perfect.

Those old farts could help politicians out by scheduling their death. A few actually retire but many hang on as long as they can. Whoever has the Senate, makes the rules. How many votes are needed is a Senate rule. Both Reed and McC know how to change that. The majority leader simply challenges the rule.
It's not just declaring a new unwritten rule that the other side then has to play by... it's declaring a new rule that the other side has to play by, then not playing by the same rule later on. Inventing a bogus rule was bad enough... but inventing a bogus rule and then breaking your own rule a short time later is the kind of thing that will get you punched in the mouth in the schoolyard.

It's called playing dirty.... and if that's the way you want to play, you don't get to whine when the other side starts doing the same thing to you and worse. If we're going to invent and dis-invent rules so we can have Republican packed courts... then there will be no rules on packing the courts anymore and that Republican majority will go away fast as the court expands.
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no. Politics is; justifying when you do something, and whining when someone else does it.

Trump supporters are the whiniest, most fearful people I know right now.

Socialism 😱, they’ll take our guns 😱, they’ll stack the Supreme Court before we do 😱, they’ll make us wear masks 😱, they’ll support all methods of voting 😱, they’ll support people peacefully protesting 😱, they’ll condem division 😱, they’ll support a diverse and United Nation 😱.
Yea, a whole bunch of horribleness is to follow if the dems get elected because the republicans have made life so phucking grand in the last 4 years.

Trumps effect American is the worse thing to happen to America since.... ever.
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As much as the Dem party has whined over the last 3 yrs about everything Trump, you are in no position to open your mouth about anything!!!!!!!!! If you think this figurehead (Trump) is the reason for division or the idealisms of what he represents will magically disappear once he is no longer in office, you are clearly out of touch.

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