So did you know that in Latin America, if you make the "come here" motion with your index finger, that you are basically asking a prostitute to come over? So when you want a loved one to come to you, you make the come here motion with your fingers pointing downward. So is that going to change how you make a signal that is ingrained in your memory?
Put things in context. Making a Reign Cane sign to other blue-wearing, friendly faces at a TU football game will likely not be construed that you are calling that person a derogatory name.
Disclaimer to snowflakes: 'Reign Cane' does not confer nor imply any superiority of hurricanes to tornadoes, cyclones, typhoons or any other weather phenomena.
To those who gave thoughtful feedback, thank you. I have forwarded the idea of the chant done during pregame to the marketing folks.
I figured this thread would devolve quickly when I posted it. To those who made my prediction come true, thanks for that I suppose.