G5 Hive Worker Bee Series

I love these shows. The difference between a pro like Cayden and two dudes in their spare bedroom is so stark.

Special thanks to Cayden for taking on a podcast with maybe 250 listeners tops. Nobody can say he isn’t a booster of local sports.
Cayden did an awesome job and definitely knows his stuff. I'm excited to our guys in action. Like cayden said this is our best class ever on paper. Our receiving group should be much improved this year. Hoping our defense takes a big step this season. I know the Indiana transfer they brought in, Jackson, looks like an absolute tank that is one massive dude.
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Cayden did an awesome job and definitely knows his stuff. I'm excited to our guys in action. Like cayden said this is our best class ever on paper. Our receiving group should be much improved this year. Hoping our defense takes a big step this season. I know the Indiana transfer they brought in, Jackson, looks like an absolute tank that is one massive dude.
He also said something to the effect of after watching the spring game, “the offensive line isn’t necessarily a disaster.” That does not inspire confidence. This could be a bridge year. Will be very happy if we get to 6-6 and the Tuesday Afternoon Bowl.
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He also said something to the effect of after watching the spring game, “the offensive line isn’t necessarily a disaster.” That does not inspire confidence. This could be a bridge year. Will be very happy if we get to 6-6 and the Tuesday Afternoon Bowl.
Yeah tackle on both sides is going to be a big question. I expect one or two true freshman to get a lot of playing time on the offensive side on the line with how thin we are there
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He also said something to the effect of after watching the spring game, “the offensive line isn’t necessarily a disaster.” That does not inspire confidence. This could be a bridge year. Will be very happy if we get to 6-6 and the Tuesday Afternoon Bowl.
Bahamas bowl would be nice... drink some Kalik and eat some conch .. gamble at the baha mar and dine at Graycliffe..mmmmm
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He also said something to the effect of after watching the spring game, “the offensive line isn’t necessarily a disaster.” That does not inspire confidence. This could be a bridge year. Will be very happy if we get to 6-6 and the Tuesday Afternoon Bowl.
Just waiting to see if a guy pops up at the last minute, at cause of some P2 making room on their roster, and Wilson swooping in to get a decent back up tackle out of it. If he doesn't have any injuries, and the guys pick it up relatively quickly, he could pull off 6-6 with the guys we have + 1 or 2 more. Like Cayden said though, I just hope our OT's aren't making our DT's look like pros, and vice versa.

I didn't realize that Jackson had moved over from DE to DT. That was nice to hear. Hoping one more of the guys playing DE is big enough to move to the inside on offense or defense. I doubt that will come to pass though. We're still 5 deep at DE on both sides. That's too many bodies taking up space on the bench at DE.
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I am SO ambivalent about this discussion.

Tulsa has played in the highest division of college football pretty much since those things started getting tracked. It is essentially a century long legacy.

How can the concept of any kind of separation from the top tier or an alternative playoff be accepted in that context? It would be hard for me personally to maintain interest I think. It would feel like a massive failure.

Very different context than the dude talking about Old Dominion. Context matters.
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I am SO ambivalent about this discussion.

Tulsa has played in the highest division of college football pretty much since those things started getting tracked. It is essentially a century long legacy.

How can the concept of any kind of separation from the top tier or an alternative playoff be accepted in that context? It would be hard for me personally to maintain interest I think. It would feel like a massive failure.

Very different context than the dude talking about Old Dominion. Context matters.
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I am SO ambivalent about this discussion.

Tulsa has played in the highest division of college football pretty much since those things started getting tracked. It is essentially a century long legacy.

How can the concept of any kind of separation from the top tier or an alternative playoff be accepted in that context? It would be hard for me personally to maintain interest I think. It would feel like a massive failure.

Very different context than the dude talking about Old Dominion. Context matters.
Yep. They all know this. They don’t care. They think they will make more money without us. It will fail spectacularly. The task for TU is to remain regionally relevant and after it sorts out, the regional schools that get left out still want to do business with us.
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Some of this is certainly of our own making. All kinds of bad personnel and strategic decisions the past decade. Really unfortunate that we are in a remedial position.

I am a natural optimist though. Fight until you really see no hope at all IMO.
I am SO ambivalent about this discussion.

Tulsa has played in the highest division of college football pretty much since those things started getting tracked. It is essentially a century long legacy.

How can the concept of any kind of separation from the top tier or an alternative playoff be accepted in that context? It would be hard for me personally to maintain interest I think. It would feel like a massive failure.

Very different context than the dude talking about Old Dominion. Context matters.
Assuming there is a G5 and it has a playoff, it won’t feel like a failure to me. It will feel artificial or wrong. It will inevitably turn into a league solely devoted to playoff hype to the exclusion of all other teams at that level. So four or five money schools. And the playoffs themselves will become nothing but a showcase for five or six “named” players to raise their transfer value the following season. Instead of ESPN spending twenty minutes talking about Notre Dame and putting our game into a small box in the corner like back in 2007 when we were up by 40, even if we make it to a playoff the commentators will only talk about whether the next Zaven will be at OU or Notre Dame next year.
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Assuming there is a G5 and it has a playoff, it won’t feel like a failure to me. It will feel artificial or wrong. It will inevitably turn into a league solely devoted to playoff hype to the exclusion of all other teams at that level. So four or five money schools. And the playoffs themselves will become nothing but a showcase for five or six “named” players to raise their transfer value the following season. Instead of ESPN spending twenty minutes talking about Notre Dame and putting our game into a small box in the corner like back in 2007 when we were up by 40, even if we make it to a playoff the commentators will only talk about whether the next Zaven will be at OU or Notre Dame next year.
I will still cheer for TU, but I won’t have anymore interest in “ the p4 “ or whatever they call it , I don’t watch pro sports now , and I won’t watch them either if that happens , greed has ruined college football , if you are THAT good, just go to the NFL, nobody can convince me that getting a free college education isn’t enough for playing a game , especially how expensive college is now
Assuming there is a G5 and it has a playoff, it won’t feel like a failure to me. It will feel artificial or wrong. It will inevitably turn into a league solely devoted to playoff hype to the exclusion of all other teams at that level. So four or five money schools. And the playoffs themselves will become nothing but a showcase for five or six “named” players to raise their transfer value the following season. Instead of ESPN spending twenty minutes talking about Notre Dame and putting our game into a small box in the corner like back in 2007 when we were up by 40, even if we make it to a playoff the commentators will only talk about whether the next Zaven will be at OU or Notre Dame next year.
If we lose Memphis and Tulane from this conference we are pretty much back to the pre-WAC days from a status perspective. How can that feel like anything other than a failure?

I guess we will know within the next few years how it plays out. In the interim, I will keep working on learning the guitar so that I have alternative past times.
If we lose Memphis and Tulane from this conference we are pretty much back to the pre-WAC days from a status perspective. How can that feel like anything other than a failure?

I guess we will know within the next few years how it plays out. In the interim, I will keep working on learning the guitar so that I have alternative past times.
The way it is shaping up, area schools from the Big 12 and ACC may be joining us rather than Memphis or Tulane going elsewhere. OSU is likely safe, most likely, but Kansas State and others may be scratching their heads about how they got left out. TCU too. Others.
I think Wilson hasn’t pulled in some transfers is because he is satisfied with the new players coming in he thinks what we have coming maybe better than what he can get in transfer portal especially with our limited NIL.
I’m interested to see what happens ratings wise when the playoffs are scheduled up against NFL games this year. I don’t think that was a good decision.
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The way it is shaping up, area schools from the Big 12 and ACC may be joining us rather than Memphis or Tulane going elsewhere. OSU is likely safe, most likely, but Kansas State and others may be scratching their heads about how they got left out. TCU too. Others.
Hope so. Will see I guess.
The way it is shaping up, area schools from the Big 12 and ACC may be joining us rather than Memphis or Tulane going elsewhere. OSU is likely safe, most likely, but Kansas State and others may be scratching their heads about how they got left out. TCU too. Others.
If TCU comes back down the totem pole, then I'm guessing so do Houston, UCF, and Cinci. So those rivalries might just be on hold for a few years.
UCF is probably OK. Cincy and Houston need to worry.

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