Flu shot benefits...Corona virus

North Dakota spiked after their motor cycle weekend, and OK after Trump's rally.

More dishonesty. Oklahoma spiked before Trump’s rally and there is no evidence that his poorly attended rally had any impact. I posted a graph showing this clearly a while back.
Let's take the racial (genetic and cultural) issues out and look at the science.

More testing. The US has not and is not testing enough to provide the data in enough numbers and rapidly enough. Inadequate testing is not proof that testing doesn't work.

Masks do slow the spread. Again Trump and his followers have opposed and even ridiculed mask use. while public health officials supported their use. So...non-users such as Trump and much of the White House were infected. North Dakota spiked after their motor cycle weekend, and OK after Trump's rally. We now have rigorous testing that supports that masks protect both the users and others. You are critical of changes in public health recommendations, but the public health recommendations have been far, far more consistent since February (wash hands, wear a mask, socially distance, etc.), and their predictions more accurate than Trump's claims that the virus wasn't serious, would go away in the spring, would go away in the summer, was only the flu, etc. etc.. None of which were true.

Contact tracing. Contact tracing works before the virus has spread into the community to keep it from spending into the community Once a virus is out in the general population, it is too late.. Countries and communities that locked down early and used contact tracing have controlled the virus. The key difference between Korea and the US was not genetics or culture but if the country had leadership and acted quickly to take public health measures. Trump, Pence, Kusher, etc. were clueless and ignored the pandemic play book that was sitting on the White House shelf.

As the Woodward book testifies, Trump knew in February that the virus was deadly and decided not only to conceal the facts but to actively lie about them right until the bitter end....whenever that is.

You’re wanting to take out the most important factor....culture ? 😂😂😂😂😂. Let’s at least keep this discussion intellectually honest.

You do realize that Fauci dismissed this virus as not a serious threat in late January....correct ?

So every western nation doesn’t test enough or correctly thus making their use not effective but testing is in fact effective ? Makes sense
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Those republicans are really wreaking havoc on Europe

I heard a rumor Trump fans went to Europe without masks to ensure COVID spread there, entirely so they can say hey look Europe is having the same issue!!!!1

(The above is a very lame attempt at sarcastic humor)

Seriously though, @tbryce there are morons who identify with either party. Attempting to blame the outbreak in the US on one vs the other is disingenuous, will never unify the country, and you’ll never change anyone’s mind blaming anybody who thinks differently than you do.
I heard a rumor Trump fans went to Europe without masks to ensure COVID spread there, entirely so they can say hey look Europe is having the same issue!!!!1

(The above is a very lame attempt at sarcastic humor)

Seriously though, @tbryce there are morons who identify with either party. Attempting to blame the outbreak in the US on one vs the other is disingenuous, will never unify the country, and you’ll never change anyone’s mind blaming anybody who thinks differently than you do.

I don’t get the urge to blame the out-group when there are such glaring examples of non-compliance from his in-group. The anti-mask stuff on the right is really dumb and bizarre to me because it is such a small burden, but most of the dangerous large gatherings in 2020 have been by people who are decidedly not Trump supporters. Even the wedding that I attended was like 2/3 liberal TU law grads
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I don’t get the urge to blame the out-group when there are such glaring examples of non-compliance from his in-group. The anti-mask stuff on the right is really dumb and bizarre to me because it is such a small burden, but most of the dangerous large gatherings in 2020 have been by people who are decidedly not Trump supporters. Even the wedding that I attended was like 2/3 liberal TU law grads
I don't agree with that. It's been split pretty evenly in terms of liberals and conservatives going to large gatherings. Conservatives have been far more likely to go to large church events on a regular basis. They were also the ones pushing to get kids back into schools (prematurely). The biggest difference I've seen is that at least liberals have tended to wear masks when they go to gatherings... even during the protests / riots, you saw far more people on one side wearing masks than the other.
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I don't agree with that. It's been split pretty evenly in terms of liberals and conservatives going to large gatherings. Conservatives have been far more likely to go to large church events on a regular basis. They were also the ones pushing to get kids back into schools (prematurely). The biggest difference I've seen is that at least liberals have tended to wear masks when they go to gatherings... even during the protests / riots, you saw far more people on one side wearing masks than the other.

Based on what we’ve seen from studies by our European counterparts, schools maintain similar levels of infection as the surrounding community and generally do not accelerate outbreaks so they should never have been closed to begin with.
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I don't agree with that. It's been split pretty evenly in terms of liberals and conservatives going to large gatherings. Conservatives have been far more likely to go to large church events on a regular basis. They were also the ones pushing to get kids back into schools (prematurely). The biggest difference I've seen is that at least liberals have tended to wear masks when they go to gatherings... even during the protests / riots, you saw far more people on one side wearing masks than the other.

I’m not sure the purpose of those masks being worn by rioters are public health :)
I don’t get the handwaving of the protests by saying “well at least they’re wearing masks” either. Leaving aside the fact that there were lots of people at these protests without masks, including some of our government officials, masks are not magic. If you’re huddled tightly together with 5,000 other people yelling chants and screaming at police, masks aren’t doing :crap:. And beyond that, it’s not just the protests themselves, it’s what happens before and after. These were more than protests. They were social events where young people went out and finally got to spend time out of isolation. They were meeting up at people’s homes and hanging out in large groups before and after the protests.
The National Interest founded by President Nixon is a conservative organization founded to bring realism to international relations. Here's their take on how countries have handled the virus. Probably a waste of time to post here; one last try for serious discussion.

Why the West Failed to Learn How to Combat the Coronavirus from East Asia

We get it WATU. You love the chicoms. Even after they lied causing a pandemic, distributed faulty equipment and tests to other countries, and murdered their doctors that tried to warn the world, we’re supposed to take queues from them on pandemic response
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We get it WATU. You love the chicoms
The point is that it's a different culture that has been molded over centuries. We, and the British, and pretty much the rest of Europe are never going to be...

Turning Japanese, Turning Japanese, Turning Japanese.

I really (don't) think so.
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The point is that it's a different culture that has been molded over centuries. We, and the British, and pretty much the rest of Europe are never going to be...

Turning Japanese, Turning Japanese, Turning Japanese.

I really (don't) think so.

One thing I think I’ve learned over the course of this is that any time I feel like I should draw a conclusion I should probably wait longer. It would have been really easy to conclude in August that Germany was the country that had things figured out, or that New York and New Jersey had been successful after terrible starts, or that Texas and California were doing a good job keeping cases relatively low while keeping their economies open. But as soon as you want to make a conclusion circumstances change and it gets completely turned on it’s head.
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The National Interest founded by President Nixon is a conservative organization founded to bring realism to international relations. Here's their take on how countries have handled the virus. Probably a waste of time to post here; one last try for serious discussion.

Why the West Failed to Learn How to Combat the Coronavirus from East Asia

You seem to be having a difficult time understanding the cultural element here. Not sure how to explain it clearer than has already been attempted.
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You seem to be having a difficult time understanding with the cultural element here. Not sure how to explain it clearer than has already been attempted.
Maybe he's been turning chinese, turning chinese...

The conversion might be almost complete, and that's why he can't understand what the difficulty is. He may have gone through their propaganda, I mean cultural immersion program.
Okay, I think of this guy as Thrice which, is another way of saying WATU3.
The CDC has some interesting mobility data. In El Paso County at least, mobility seems to have no correlation with rise in cases aside from the pattern that we've seen everywhere, which is that when cases rise sharply people naturally curtail their behavior on their own.

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The point is that it's a different culture that has been molded over centuries. We, and the British, and pretty much the rest of Europe are never going to be...

Turning Japanese, Turning Japanese, Turning Japanese.

I really (don't) think so.

I don't accept the view that Asians are inherently smarter than Causcasians and therefore are more willing to follow well demonstrated science to protect themselves. Restricting our results to comparisons with Europe is basically an admission that the US is no longer an Division 1 team, so we should only compare ourselves with Division 2 teams. Meanwhile NZ is racing up pretty good numbers.

It will be interesting to find out what plans the Pandemic Response team in the White House had in place before Trump dismantled it after a year in office. The US knew one was coming and was developing plans for it. Instead of that expertise we got Pence and Kushner winging it.
I don't accept the view that Asians are inherently smarter than Causcasians and therefore are more willing to follow well demonstrated science to protect themselves. Restricting our results to comparisons with Europe is basically an admission that the US is no longer an Division 1 team, so we should only compare ourselves with Division 2 teams. Meanwhile NZ is racing up pretty good numbers.

It will be interesting to find out what plans the Pandemic Response team in the White House had in place before Trump dismantled it after a year in office. The US knew one was coming and was developing plans for it. Instead of that expertise we got Pence and Kushner winging it.
It has nothing to do with thinking the Asians are smarter. You are putting racial divisions into mine and other posters posts, that aren't there. It has to do with Asian culture being a more submissive culture, it has to do with some of those culture's having more of a worker bee society, it has to do with things that were evident at the Olympics, World Cup, where some of the Asian cultures were cleaning up after the events when nobody else was. I could go into it in more detail, but I think you get the gist of what I was referring to with my post.
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New York hit 9,600 new cases today and California hit 19,000. These are both very red states so it looks like the WATU hypothesis is correct, only red state governors are having a big surge in cases
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My 1st post here in 4-5 years & it's totally apolitical, HA! Got an e-mail from a buddy about all things Covid which you might have heard before. I'm sorry he didn't quote the source but it certainly sounds like solid science &/or common sense, so, believe it or not
: A runny nose & sputum is most likely a head cold or allergies, Covid is a DRY cough with no sputum; The virus lives on metal surfaces for up to 12 hours. When you're out touching carts, door handles, etc. use soap or that anti-bacterial liquid dispenser most stores have anyway; drink less than cold water-early & often. Warmer is better for virus prevention.

The virus first affects the throat. A sore throat lasting for 3-4 days means you should probably get tested. Four or five days later, pneumonia sets in with high fever & difficulty in breathing. Your lungs are probably screwed so get your a$$ to a hospital, fast. Once again, drink water early & often. This will wash any virus in the mouth into your stomach where acid will surely kill it.

Finally, here's a really easy self help test to do every morning: take a deep breath & hold it for 10-15 seconds-if no dry cough, tightness or discomfort in the lungs-you are probably OK for that day. None of the above is meant to imply I'm Fauci giving you the gospel, or that anyone has been exposed & not yet symptomatic or is asymptomatic, only that the info was passed along to me & I'm merely passing it along to you- my fellow TU fans. Stay safe.
My 1st post here in 4-5 years & it's totally apolitical, HA! Got an e-mail from a buddy about all things Covid which you might have heard before. I'm sorry he didn't quote the source but it certainly sounds like solid science &/or common sense, so, believe it or not
: A runny nose & sputum is most likely a head cold or allergies, Covid is a DRY cough with no sputum; The virus lives on metal surfaces for up to 12 hours. When you're out touching carts, door handles, etc. use soap or that anti-bacterial liquid dispenser most stores have anyway; drink less than cold water-early & often. Warmer is better for virus prevention.

The virus first affects the throat. A sore throat lasting for 3-4 days means you should probably get tested. Four or five days later, pneumonia sets in with high fever & difficulty in breathing. Your lungs are probably screwed so get your a$$ to a hospital, fast. Once again, drink water early & often. This will wash any virus in the mouth into your stomach where acid will surely kill it.

Finally, here's a really easy self help test to do every morning: take a deep breath & hold it for 10-15 seconds-if no dry cough, tightness or discomfort in the lungs-you are probably OK for that day. None of the above is meant to imply I'm Fauci giving you the gospel, or that anyone has been exposed & not yet symptomatic or is asymptomatic, only that the info was passed along to me & I'm merely passing it along to you- my fellow TU fans. Stay safe.
Just to let you know, there a 200 different varieties of viruses referred to as the common cold.
Four of those varieties are coronaviruses, so that answer/explanation is not so absolute.
Alas the majority of cold varieties are not caronaviruses otherwise all the research and money spent finding a vaccine, might have eventually led to a cure for the common cold.
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