Fixing immigration


I.T.S. Senior
Mar 19, 2021
Congress continues to ignore creating new immigration legislation to address problems at the border. Until the legislation is changed, the ability of the President or governors is insufficient to fix or even improve the situation. The last major reform was over 40 years ago although small restrictive changes have been made since. Meanwhile US businesses are pushing to allow increased immigration to help fill the 10 million. Bush and Obama both pushed new legislation and there have been vagarious bipartisan bills that passed in the Senate, but those bills have stalled in the House. Here's the latest. If governors want changes at the border, they should be putting pressure on their legislators in Congress to get something done. Sending buses to DC is fun, but won't fix anything until Congress acts. For some reason McCarthy has promised that no new immigration bill will be voted on in the House in the next two years if he becomes Speaker. Why, so he can hammer at the President who doesn't have the power to fix the situatiion?

Congress needs to get off its butt.
Always thought it was odd that Pelosi never got behind an immigration bill. Especially with the number advantage they had in the House. Same for a federal Abortion rights legislation. Sometimes it’s better to have a talking point then fix a problem.
The chaos resulting from the end of title 42 is enforcing the law. A judge ruled that the Biden administration can no longer use it.; it was a temporary measure. Until Congress stops playing silly games and addresses a national priority, the excuctive, regardless of party, is stuck with half measures or illegal policies that will eventually be reversed in the courts. Where's the pressure on Congress to do its job?

The chaos resulting from the end of title 42 is enforcing the law. A judge ruled that the Biden administration can no longer use it.; it was a temporary measure. Until Congress stops playing silly games and addresses a national priority, the excuctive, regardless of party, is stuck with half measures or illegal policies that will eventually be reversed in the courts. Where's the pressure on Congress to do its job?

Pretty obvious that Pelosi and crew have no interest in passing anything regarding immigration.
And McCarthy has promised that no immigration bill will come to a vote in the house if he is Speaker.
And McCarthy has promised that no immigration bill will come to a vote in the house if he is Speaker.
Can you link any post in the last 4 years during which time your party controlled the House where you called for them to act on an immigration bill? Just making sure this isn’t purely partisan for you.
Well not only is Congress not interested in immigration but it appears the new $1.7T specifically prohibits any of those funds to be used on the border. Waiting for WATU’s call for Congress to do its job before the new Congress is seated.

we wont spend to build the wall and enhance border security, but we will spend billions supporting the illegals that are here
Neither side has any incentive to fix the problem while they can raise money off of it on both sides. And what’s really sad is that both sides often tell each other that in plain terms.

There’s a multi billion dollar apparatus set up to do just that. And your taxes fund it when we don’t just print money out of the air to pay to prop up organizations that turn around and seek direct donations from the public to perpetuate their agenda which they pass along in campaign donations.

Ever wonder why FTX isn’t an outrage right now? Few consumer victims and it’s a bipartisan scandal. Few people are going to get rich off the controversy. Some of the pro reg crowd will, but it’s not a career spanning endeavor like the paupers who became millionaires off abortion, same sex marriage, border control and all the other issues that focus group well amongst motivated white donors.

Don’t focus on the problem. That’s them tricking you. You’ll lose the overall.
Well….WATU seems to be on a ledge all of a sudden demanding an immigration bill from Congress. I do assume the “next” Congress.
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during hard times in the 50s and 60s, people would work multiple jobs to pay their bills.

today people apply for multiple handout programs from the Government.
“No one works hard these days”

The real problem is that employers make it exceptionally difficult to work multiple jobs, especially when they’re menial because of unreliable scheduling. Trying to work a job as a student when I was in school. They weren't willing to schedule me around my course so I had to say I quit. Happened twice In different semesters.

I did have a long time work study that was pretty successful because I could schedule it around courses.
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The real problem is Congress' continuing refusal to create effective legislation that allows the excutive to deal with the problem. That refusal has forced the last four administrations to try to find executive work rounds to substitute for the missing legislation. Those measures are at best temporary and often illegal, so the situation festers. Governors playing stupid pet tricks with immigrants is a waste of time, money, and distracts from putting pressure on Congress where it belongs. Two fingers down the throat.
The real problem is Congress' continuing refusal to create effective legislation that allows the excutive to deal with the problem. That refusal has forced the last four administrations to try to find executive work rounds to substitute for the missing legislation. Those measures are at best temporary and often illegal, so the situation festers. Governors playing stupid pet tricks with immigrants is a waste of time, money, and distracts from putting pressure on Congress where it belongs. Two fingers down the throat.
The only way chance in the last few years to get meaningful immigration legislation passed was the last two years. Dems controlled all three branches and could have gotten the legislation pushed through. Dems and pubs don’t agree on the solution. Thus this issue is dead until one party again controls all three branches.
meaningfull immigration reform, not.

open borders. more freebies, citizenship for illegals, more cost to the taxpayers.

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