Feinstein got a letter from....

She won't testify without full FBI investigation. I call bull on that. She is afraid of perjury. This is not a criminal case. Confirmation is done by the Senate so she has to satisfy the Senate. The Constitution says "advice and consent" of the Senate. She comes in at the very last minute and wants to change the rules based only on her accusations. Feinstein had this since, what July?
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My concern is the increasing politicization of the Supreme Court which will lead to its being delegitimized as just another political machine with justices owned by the party that nominated them. With at least one justice (Kennedy) as a 'swing' vote, there was a sense that the issues not the politics were the basis of decisions.

Kavanaugh is Trump's fulfillment of a key campaign promise to pick justices who will reverse Roe V. Wade which is about as politicized as one can make it. The Republican Senate's refusal to even hear Garland's nomination was another.

Chief Justice Roberts is seems concerned about this issue which led him to uphold the ACA against claims that the mandate was a tax. If the Supreme Court loses its sense of legitimacy, what then?

It’s funny that the libs only worry about the politicization of the court when they aren’t the ones picking the justices.
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A clip from Justice Ginsberg talking about how partisan these hearing have become. On a side note...I know these are lifetime appointments but surely these Justices get to a point where they are no longer intellectually capable of ruling on some of the most complex issues of the land.

Like Sotomayor?
She won't testify without full FBI investigation. I call bull on that. She is afraid of perjury. This is not a criminal case. Confirmation is done by the Senate so she has to satisfy the Senate. The Constitution says "advice and consent" of the Senate. She comes in at the very last minute and wants to change the rules based only on her accusations. Feinstein had this since, what July?
The fbi has no jurisdiction.
I can't read that I am locked out of NYT. But I am okay with that.

I haven't heard any of the rumors. It is really pretty simple though. If she wants the committee not to vote for him, she might accept their invitation to tell them her story.
I can't read that I am locked out of NYT. But I am okay with that.

I haven't heard any of the rumors. It is really pretty simple though. If she wants the committee not to vote for him, she might accept their invitation to tell them her story.

Looks to be the way it will go. Kav has testified under oath and denied it. The two other alleged participants have submitted statements and denied it. If Ford and her attorneys refuse to appear and give a sworn statement then confirmation appears likely.
I don't think her request for a non-partisan investigation to confirm or preclude the plausibility of her story is unreasonable, and the Judiciary committee is in no way non-partisan.

But I also kind of agree that if she wants to be taken seriously, she has to show up and speak directly to the senators. I believe her, and I hope she agrees to appear.
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Non-partisan; who?
Law enforcement is generally considered as non-partisan. She wants the FBI. Say what you will about them, but they are certainly less partisan than a group of sitting Senators.

I'm not saying that she deserves a full FBI investigation before she testifies. I'm just saying that some sort of cursory, independent investigation doesn't seem unreasonable. And I also think she should testify to the Senate committee in the meantime.
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Trump has spent two years either trying to subvert the FBI (Comey) and DOJ (Sessions) or destroy them. Every revelation amps up his efforts to the point that he now claims destroying the FBI as his crowning achievement. His evidence; zilch beyond a couple of personal emails. Only evidence of bias is Giuliani’s and Trump’s constant braying. With them out of the way...what is left? Not this Congress.
How do you subvert a bogus investigation?
Why the double standard? GOP lackeys still calling for HRC's head even though she has been investigated ad nauseam. Nothing. FBI decided nothing enough to warrant any more than a scolding. Even Trey Gowdy and his "witch hunt" which continued for several years, even to this day, could not find any wrong doing other than she was "unlikeable". Yet, now, when the FBI is trying to do a thorough investigation of "their guy", it's bogus, unwarranted, unfounded, etc. Clearly there is don't get that many indictments of people with connections to Trump and his family AND his businesses if there was nothing.
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Law enforcement is generally considered as non-partisan. She wants the FBI. Say what you will about them, but they are certainly less partisan than a group of sitting Senators.

I'm not saying that she deserves a full FBI investigation before she testifies. I'm just saying that some sort of cursory, independent investigation doesn't seem unreasonable. And I also think she should testify to the Senate committee in the meantime.

It is difficult for any entity that derives its funding from the votes of politicians or the generosity of donors to be impartial when its source of funding is being threatened.

Our courts are supposed to be impartial, yet here we are arguing over a presidential appointee. Not because he isn’t qualified for the job, but rather, because people are afraid he will do his job.
It is difficult for any entity that derives its funding from the votes of politicians or the generosity of donors to be impartial when its source of funding is being threatened.

Our courts are supposed to be impartial, yet here we are arguing over a presidential appointee. Not because he isn’t qualified for the job, but rather, because people are afraid he will do his job.
We could have a philosophical debate over whether anything is truly "non-partisan". Everyone has an axe to grind somehow or another. But the Senate Judiciary Committee has got to be one of the worst examples of partisan hackery that ever existed. Almost any other body that could investigate could comparatively be called "non-partisan", and that is the spirit in which I use the word.
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Trump has spent two years either trying to subvert the FBI (Comey) and DOJ (Sessions) or destroy them. Every revelation amps up his efforts to the point that he now claims destroying the FBI as his crowning achievement. His evidence; zilch beyond a couple of personal emails. Only evidence of bias is Giuliani’s and Trump’s constant braying. With them out of the way...what is left? Not this Congress.
Comey subverted himself. Ask Hillary or ask Trump, aw heck, ask the IG.

So far, though it may be true, there is not a shred of actually evidence against Kavanaugh. Ford has asked the FBI to go looking for some. She hasn't even claimed it under oath. The Senate has the authority to confirm or deny and they are the very group she won't testify before. Lying in a letter forward to a newspaper is not a crime or a proof. She sure doesn't want to be put under oath.
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This is not an FBI matter
I agree if we are talking about a criminal investigation. It wasn't a federal crime to begin with, and they would have no jurisdiction in a criminal probe.

However, the FBI are the ones who did his initial background check before the hearings began. Having them look at this as part of a reopened background investigation would hardly be unprecedented or unreasonable. It would be more of a "We looked into this, and he definitely didn't do it", or a "We looked into this and it is absolutely plausible" kind of thing. They probably didn't focus too much on his teenage years in the initial background check.

That is exactly what they did when Anita Hill came forward, also at the 11th hour, so it would make sense for them to do it again. Of course, they also had bi-partisan support for reopening Thomas's background check. As contentious as those hearings were, Congress functioned a little better back then. There should be no question about formally looking into these allegations
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The fbi wasn't invesigating a crime, they were doing background check on someone entering the federal system

States can't be involved in federal laws; ie. Imigration.

Federal agencies can't be involved in state crimes.
This allegation wasn’t made at the last minute. It was made months ago. The Dems sat on it until the last minute instead of asking for an investigation. Still no idea if Ford will testify. Sounds like her attorneys are trying to make demands they know will be rejected. Hoping she decides to appear.
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Law enforcement is generally considered as non-partisan. She wants the FBI. Say what you will about them, but they are certainly less partisan than a group of sitting Senators.

I'm not saying that she deserves a full FBI investigation before she testifies. I'm just saying that some sort of cursory, independent investigation doesn't seem unreasonable. And I also think she should testify to the Senate committee in the meantime.
Impartial fbi?
Where have you been for the last 2 years?
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They offered to let her testify on Wednesday, and she (so far) hasn't gone for it. I am hearing that Ford's reasoning for refusing to testify before Thursday is because she has safety concerns about flying on a commercial jet to get to DC in time. She is planning on driving, and doesn't think she can get there and be well-rested enough to participate before Thursday.

I don't know whether to call BS or not... I can certainly understand her not being comfortable in public with her newfound notoriety, but it still seems oddly flaky. If she's prepared to face down sitting Senators who are trying to prove her to be a liar, then surely she can handle some random yokels jeering at her on a plane? But I can also see why she wants to simply avoid that and show up a few days later. If only someone high up in government had access to a private jet they could send for her. Mr. Trump, are you listening? She needs a plane! I guess she could also just have a genuine fear of flying, but that would seem weird for an academic that presumably travels to conferences regularly.

The arguing over the date does seem kind of petty to me, as long as it happens next week sometime. If she tried to push it out for weeks on end, that would be one thing. But they offered her Wednesday, and she is asking for Thursday... It's one extra day. I just really hope that sanity reigns and something can be worked out.

I guess what I am saying is this: Call her bluff, GOP, and work in good faith to get her out there asap. There are two possibilities.
1 ) She continues to beat around the bush. Then you can in good faith ignore her and get on with the confirmation, while being honestly able to say to the media and voters, "Hey, we tried to get her out here to tell her story, but she was being completely uncooperative." You'll look compassionate, and it would give you the cover you need to vote to confirm. All you have to do is say, "I did take the allegations very seriously, but the accuser refused to cooperate, and I had to make a decision. I can't let an unconfirmed accusation from someone who refuses to go on the record influence my vote."

2) She agrees to testify. You should use kids gloves on her for the most part, because you don't want to appear to be bullying a potential sexual assault victim. She could either be a very damning and believable witness, or her story could wilt in the spotlight. Either way, you look like compassionate human beings who were willing to hear out a credible accuser. If her story falls apart, then hey, win-win and you vote to confirm. If she appears credible, you can reject and declare a redo, and again look like decent human beings. "We heard her out, and we are not able to dismiss her testimony. Whatever character Brett Kavanaugh may have, we feel his presence on the court would do a dishonor to sexual assault victims everywhere, and would serve as a constant distraction to him and render him ineffective. We look forward to a quick and non-controversial confirmation of whomever Mr. Trump appoints in his place, and wish Mr. Kavanaugh the best of luck in his continued career as a federal judge."

You could even still vote to confirm and tell the voters with a straight face "We met her every request and considered her testimony very seriously. She was treated respectfully and we gave her the benefit of the doubt. Ultimately, we believe that Brett Kavanaugh today is not the same man that Dr. Ford regrettably encountered, and we don't feel that it will affect his ability to be an effective and impartial justice." It wouldn't endear them to women voters, but I think it would certainly be better then dismissing her without considering any of her concerns about testifying.
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I just checked it to see if it was feasible. If she left tomorrow AM at 9:10, she could get on the train at Emeryville, CA and get into Union Station in Washington DC on Tuesday afternoon. So it is feasible, although it would be 3 days, not two.

However, if her primary objection to flying is not wanting to be gawked at the whole trip by strangers en route, I don't see how sitting on a train for 72 hours with a bunch of strangers is an improvement...
Subpoena her.
Have federal Marshals bring her into custody.
Fly her back on tomorrow’s plane.

Subpoena her.
Have federal Marshals bring her into custody.
Fly her back on tomorrow’s plane.

Would work, but the imagery of taking a suspected attempted rape victim into custody would not exactly work in the GOP's favor... They could show a softer touch by either arranging some form of private transport, or allowing her to show up Thursday on her own.

I say let her show up on Thursday if she wants to drive herself. Does it really matter if it is Wednesday or Thursday?
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Would work, but the imagery of taking a suspected attempted rape victim into custody would not exactly work in the GOP's favor... They could show a softer touch by either arranging some form of private transport, or allowing her to show up Thursday on her own.

I say let her show up on Thursday if she wants to drive herself. Does it really matter if it is Wednesday or Thursday?

Put her on Feinstein’s private jet and fly her in for Monday testimony.

All this delay is smoke and mirrors by the Dems as they try to stir the crap pot more.

The term starts in 2 wks and the Dems want to make sure the court isn’t filled. If her testimony is that believable, they will have her there Monday morning.. otherwise she is merely a pawn for the Dems as they use a potential sexual assault victim to advance their cause. Justice isn’t served by delay, only politics.
Put her on Feinstein’s private jet and fly her in for Monday testimony.

All this delay is smoke and mirrors by the Dems as they try to stir the crap pot more.

The term starts in 2 wks and the Dems want to make sure the court isn’t filled. If her testimony is that believable, they will have her there Monday morning.. otherwise she is merely a pawn for the Dems as they use a potential sexual assault victim to advance their cause. Justice isn’t served by delay, only politics.
Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Call her BS by accomodating her. Give her a private jet, or even let her drive if she promises to be there Thursday. If she still finds some reason to delay, then you know that it this is all BS and can continue with the confirmation.
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Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Call her BS by accomodating her. Give her a private jet, or even let her drive if she promises to be there Thursday. If she still finds some reason to delay, then you know that it this is all BS and can continue with the confirmation.

No. The Democrats get her there Monday morning. This charade has gone on long enough. Further accommodation will not improve her memory or the quality of her testimony.
Exactly right. Being gracious is a plus for Republicans. Short of that plays into current gender bias meme.

Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Call her BS by accomodating her. Give her a private jet, or even let her drive if she promises to be there Thursday. If she still finds some reason to delay, then you know that it this is all BS and can continue with the confirmation.
She is a professor. Maybe she could come during the CHristmas Break.
I dont understand.

Ted Kennedy killed his girl friend, and became the king of the Senate.

Bill Clinton gets a bj in the whitehouse, and has multiple rape accusers, and he is a hero to the dems.
I know both victims of rape and victims of false allegations. This entire ordeal is difficult to watch and neither side is behaving like they actually care that a person might have been assaulted/a person's life might be ruined by a lie