Execution Hypocrisy?


I.T.S. University President
Gold Member
Jan 2, 2004
As I've stated in the past, (my personal view) is that I'm against the death penalty which is not the popular stance here in Oklahoma, but a view that has evolved since I see it as unfair - primarily because we selectively kill one defendant while allowing another committing an almost identitcal crime, to live and eventually go free. If all men are equal before the law, then that would seem to counter the intent of sentencing defendants to death in the first place.

But I find it completely hypocritical for the POTUS to have Holder investigate the execution of Mr Lockett, since Obama has passed sentence on americans by "droning" them without a single trial, declaration of guilt by a jury or judge or even a law passed by congress without SCOTUS review on the subject (as far as I can tell). He, most of all, should keep his mouth shut on this issue. But its pretty obvious that peoples lives and the law itself is just another politically expediant moment - an opportunity to keep power by fuelling his political base. In the end, people and the law mean nothing to a politician like him. He, most of all, needs to follow the laws he swore to uphold.


Totally agree. I don't understand how you can be "troubled" by this but unilateral order the killing of hundreds of people by a means as messing as explosions knowing innocent people are being murdered along with those "we" have deemed as guilty of something.
He murdered someone.
He was tried and convicted.
He was sentenced to die.
He died.
Case closed!

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