Electoral College

Doing away of the EC would help the candidated with their campaign travel cost.

Democrats would only need to campaign in LA , Chicago, Detroit, NYC and and a few other large cities.
You see that’s just not true. The top 10 urban metros only represent something like 25% of the total US population and 4-5 of them are in areas where Republicans make strong showings (Dallas, Houston, Miami/Ft. Lauterdale, Phoenix, and Atlanta) in terms of voting electorate those top 10 metros would probably only represent about 40 million votes out of the 120-160 million we would expect to see.
With popular vote, you only need a handful of heavy democratic large urban area votes. And it would be easier to manipulate the election. I
With popular vote, you only need a handful of heavy democratic large urban area votes. And it would be easier to manipulate the election. I
It’s easier to manipulate a couple thousand votes in a few swing states than it is to manipulate the larger (millions of votes) margins that we see nationally. It would involve a much larger, much more complex operation.
it really doesn't matter which system, until the votes are cast and counted with credibility.
Not sure what those are...I was always worried Trump would buy his way into electors in Georgia or Wisconsin but they've already cast their electoral ballots for him. As has Pennsylvania. If he tries to have the Senate do something then our Constitution is dead and we're headed towards a fascist theocracy
Im curious to know what your opinion is on these statistics. Obviously this article is bias, but when I look at the math, I can’t figure where they skewed these numbers. @astonmartin708 @Gmoney4WW
New math.
If the math is wrong, I just want someone with good research skills to show me where they are flawed bc I have searched the net for the last couple of days far and wide and can’t seem to discredit their math.
If the math is wrong, I just want someone with good research skills to show me where they are flawed bc I have searched the net for the last couple of days far and wide and can’t seem to discredit their math.
Here it is


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