Department of Energy has some Cool Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids..

noble cane

I.T.S. University President
Feb 25, 2002
Just another reason the DOE needs to be DOA....

Department of Energy urges children to dress as solar panels for Halloween

By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 28, 2015
The Department of Energy is urging children to dress up as solar panels and wind turbines for Halloween in a green initiative it's dubbing "Energyween."

The department offers up instructions on its website on how kids can create their own costumes. All they need is a suit and tie, a white wig, and a Quadrennial Energy Review if they feel like going as Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz for Halloween.

Kids can also be a solar panel, a wind turbine, a particle accelerator, or an "energy vampire," the Daily Caller News Foundation reported.

"You are a creature of the night. You lurk in the shadows, draining the power of the unwary," reads the DOE description of an energy vampire. "No energy bill is safe! Far scarier than the stuff of Dracula or Twilight, energy vampires are home appliances and electronic devices that suck electricity even when they aren't in use. This Halloween, unplug all the unused phone chargers in your house and attach them to yourself for a costume that will fill your friends with terror while saving you money."

The department also posted a video tutorial on carving energy-themed jack-o'-lanterns in the shape of compact fluorescent lamps, electrical cars, windmills and solar panels.

DOE spokesman Eben Burnham-Snyder responded to a request for comment by stating that Energyween had received "more treats than tricks," the Daily Caller reported.

When asked why the department didn't suggest that kids dress up as nuclear reactors or natural gas, the spokesman said, "nuclear energy and natural gas are more mature technologies, so we thought those might be better costumes for adults."

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I seriously could have confused that for something out of The Onion. My favorite was this little gem:

"Kids can also be a solar panel, a wind turbine, a particle accelerator, or an energy vampire"

I'd love to see that costume.
Undoubtedly, a Dodge SuperCab truck with a Hemi engine is the energy black of course.