My criticism is not aimed at you. I am just commenting on the criticism coming from people of like mind to you, as opposed to him cutting the budget, and gaining support from people of like mind to Watu. He cannot win this argument because he would gain critics no matter what he did, increase or decrease. And increase or not, it is still a decrease, in that it is not currently keeping up with inflation.WATU has consistently been on record of supporting cuts to the DOD. I assume which is why he pointed out the amount today. Is not my question to a progressive as to his feeling about Biden not cutting the DOD budget during a time of peace not fair game? One could argue that even maintaining the status quo in defense spending from war time to peace time is an net increase as those war related expenses are now being budgeting to other defense areas.
I don’t understand why speaking out on the largest defense budget in history would evoke criticism? The only criticism at least from myself would be not speaking out against the budgeted amount given one’s strong opposition in the past. Now if a person now supports such a budget because of the political party of those in the White House and Congress then we obviously have a major issue of credibility.