Could Trump be good for democracy?

I was going to post that very article, and you beat me to it, almost did it earlier today.

Granted I don't agree with the whole article, especially some of the finer points made in the middle of the article.(The excerpt going from: Trump lacks the comic chops of a Colbert or Paulsen,.. THROUGH ...Fiorina finished the job by counterpunching Trump with more vigor than Bush could muster.) But overall this article captures the rediculousness of THE DONALD, and it's significance on the political state of affairs in the Presidential Race.
I sure as hell hope he is correct on his assessment that Trump won't get the nomination. Every day that passes makes me a little more nervous.
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Agreed, but as the article points out, Trump is basically clearly stating positions that other candidates and much of the Republicans agree with but will only say using code words.

Btw my wife and I watched Fiorina with Chuck Todd this am. She is the most ferociously dishonest person I have seen in some time. Doubled down on her Planned Parenthood video lie and her poor HP record while sullying those who disagreed with her. My wife was a much tougher critic than I.
More ferociously dishonest than someone who would attack a 12 year old rape victim to defend a rapist she knew was guilty?
now that's a salient point. always a fan of the "yeah but your side does it too" approach to political discourse.
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This is a Tulsa sports message board. Very little of the "political discourse" is worth caring about, particularly when it comes to WATU. His post was not an attempt at an honest nuanced discussion, and it rarely is. His entire schtick is "but look how bad the other side is." So yeah since he's crying about one person's dishonesty(shocker it's a republican) but has been defending another's(shocker it's a democrat) I pointed out the hypocrisy.
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