CORONAVIRUSMerck Scraps COVID Vaccines; Says It’s More Effective To Get The Virus And Recover

And? We have two exceptionally effective vaccines out there.
Why would Merck essentially throw shade on all vaccinations? Are they now not following the science? This is a deadly virus. Why would they publicly state that it’s more effective to get it and recover?
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Why would Merck essentially throw shade on all vaccinations? Are they now not following the science?

I don't know what that means. Merck's vaccine, while somewhat effective, doesn't match the other vaccines that are in use and about to be in use, so it doesn't make sense to move forward with a product that's not going to be used.
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I don't know what that means. Merck's vaccine, while somewhat effective, doesn't match the other vaccines that are in use and about to be in use, so it doesn't make sense to move forward with a product that's not going to be used.
I read this as a broad statement for the whole Covid vaccination research program.
Let's let more people die because those that live will have a better protection than those that took the vaccine and got their immunity immediately. Ands that's related purely to the vaccine that has less protection, and is coming out with difficulty, because it has too few over 65's in their test results at this moment. That's a flawed circular logic that doesn't work, even if you ignored it's very specific application to Merck and only Merck's vaccine. Yeah let's over generalize that statement, and talk like that is what it said when it didn't. We didn't debate it.
Vaccines are a lot less likely to kill you and don’t actually give you the virus, which is the goal. Getting the virus means you have a chance of dying or permanent injury. And, possibly more important, you are just one more vector that can further spread the disease, increasing the chances of mutation or killing or injuring someone you know or love. The goal is to stop spreading the disease so we can all get on with our lives. You don’t do that by getting the disease and possibly spreading it. This isn’t hard.

A thought experiment: In what way is ‘herd immunity’ achieved via mass infection rates in the general population in any way distinguishable from ‘the worst case scenario‘ of the disease’s potential spread? And when has that strategy ever been successful in human history? We did nothing to stop smallpox and allowed it to run rampant (because we didn’t know how for most of human history), but it stayed with us for thousands of years and we never achieved herd immunity. What finally stopped that? Oh yeah, a vaccine.

edit: fixed typo.
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Merck is simply looking out for Merck. They didn't make a good vaccine and it is too late to start over, so they are saying let the Covid run free while we catch up.
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Can someone explain why we are giving illegals covid shots. We can barely service our own citizens.

I know it's to prevent the spread but they aren't supposed to be here anyway, so They should return to their country of origin to get it.
Can someone explain why we are giving illegals covid shots. We can barely service our own citizens.

I know it's to prevent the spread but they aren't supposed to be here anyway, so They should return to their country of origin to get it.
It’s part of the current America Last Policy.
Let 'em die right after they infect 50 people.
How about not opening up the border at all to them? You sound more and more like a globalist everyday. No borders, no walls, no USA at all right! 😉
Globalist, yeah. You can't be sane and not be a globalist today. No borders doesn't come into a rational support of the global economy, and how you interact with it.
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Globalist, yeah. You can't be sane and not be a globalist today. No borders doesn't come into a rational support of the global economy, and how you interact with it.
You made your bed! Good to know!
Globalist is one of those words kinda like "Neo-liberal" or "the establishment" that when a person uses it I know they've stopped thinking so I don't really need to argue with them
Globalist is one of those words kinda like "Neo-liberal" or "the establishment" that when a person uses it I know they've stopped thinking so I don't really need to argue with them
It would definitely be a one way only conversation! America first, always, and forever!
Hooray!!!!!! Our grandkids are going back to in class full time. It's been a year of hybrid learning; some home school online and some in class.

Now I get to go back to being just a grandparent and not the mean old teacher and principal.

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