Coronavirus question


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Jun 21, 2017
So I have had a 102 fever , a headache, body aches all over, and an extremely sore throat. Would these be considered coronavirus symptoms? I have not had any shortness of breath though
hasnt the recent outbreak of covid19 surrounding Trump shed light on the fact that the virus spreads quickly and easily .
And of all the people who have tested positive, each has had a different reaction.
But there doesnt seen to be a widespread devastation.

we still need a vaccine, and treatment medication.

at this point it is acting kind of like our seasonal flu.
hasnt the recent outbreak of covid19 surrounding Trump shed light on the fact that the virus spreads quickly and easily .
And of all the people who have tested positive, each has had a different reaction.
But there doesnt seen to be a widespread devastation.

we still need a vaccine, and treatment medication.

at this point it is acting kind of like our seasonal flu.
Yeah it's just like the flu. The very highest amount of US deaths annually for the past decade has been 61,000. We have flu season not even here yet, and over 210,000 deaths. By january 1 it is projected to have killed over 400k. By mid February it will have taken at least that many, and probably more. So 4-500k/40k.(average annual over last decade) Yeah it's just like the flu.(x 10)

It's already 5x's more deadly, and we haven't even been through flu season.
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hasnt the recent outbreak of covid19 surrounding Trump shed light on the fact that the virus spreads quickly and easily .
And of all the people who have tested positive, each has had a different reaction.
But there doesnt seen to be a widespread devastation.

we still need a vaccine, and treatment medication.

at this point it is acting kind of like our seasonal flu.
Uh so does the common cold! Oh wait, the cold is part of the China Virus 🦠 so if you invent a cure for the China Virus than you invent a cure for the cold! Sorry to disappoint but That’s not going to happen! We have the closest thing we will have to a non Bill Gates cure in Regeneron.
Yeah it's just like the flu. The very highest amount of US deaths annually for the past decade has been 61,000. We have flu season not even here yet, and over 210,000 deaths. By january 1 it is projected to have killed over 400k. By mid February it will have taken at least that many, and probably more. So 4-500k/40k.(average annual over last decade) Yeah it's just like the flu.(x 10)

It's already 5x's more deadly, and we haven't even been through flu season. still kills less than 1% of the people in the US who die from it! It’s sad that our world has completely bowed down to tyrants who push fear to achieve their financial agendas. 20 years after the Patriot Act was passed you still don’t have your freedoms back! Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twatter.......all have cart Blanche to turn your voice off whenever they choose while stealing every piece of information about your life they can. Social credit scores being rolled out now world wide, China virus vaccinations being proposed as mandatory to be able to travel, and mobs of thugs camouflaged under the umbrella of social justice being used to intimidate the masses. We have learned nothing! The US was the last bastion of freedom. When we fall, so will the rest of the world. Only then, when we are under complete control, will those who are asleep or under the liberal spell wake to fight but it will be too late.
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We have over 700 people in the hospital in Oklahoma with it, and over 1000 people dead ,I don’t know how many times it takes to show the numbers for people to realize this is way worse than the flu, I had it a couple of months ago and it was the worst sickness I have ever had, and I’m a young and healthy guy.
We have over 700 people in the hospital in Oklahoma with it, and over 1000 people dead ,I don’t know how many times it takes to show the numbers for people to realize this is way worse than the flu, I had it a couple of months ago and it was the worst sickness I have ever had, and I’m a young and healthy guy.
You lived, I goes on. If that’s the worst I have to experience in my life than great
You lived, I goes on. If that’s the worst I have to experience in my life than great
I do agree life does go on, but there is a good middle ground , no you do not need to live in fear, but that does not mean you need to just ignore that it is not there, we have over one thousand dead in Oklahoma and it’s just been over half of a year, with record highs in the ICU now, the Oklahoma hospitals are full because of covid, it’s nothing to just look past
Also, I tend to care about the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, and to them, this virus is no joke, PLEASE BE CAREFUL
Also, I tend to care about the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, and to them, this virus is no joke, PLEASE BE CAREFUL
Oklahoma is one of the unhealthiest states in the Union and for that matter in the world. No surprise that it has hit Oklahoma so hard.
Oklahoma is one of the unhealthiest states in the Union and for that matter in the world. No surprise that it has hit Oklahoma so hard.
And I hope you don’t take my opinions as attacking you, I just want people to be careful, yes , live your life , but just be cautious
Yeah, let's not require the vaccine to travel, we want to let it kill as many people as the virus possibly can throughout the world for all eternity. What a joke those views are. Let's question the entire history of world health due to vaccines because some quack got the world to fall for a fake risk of autism in children at cause to vaccines one uneducated person at a time. Come back when you aren't using a republican policy to say that our rights to freedom are still being violated as a threat of what will happen when a 'liberal' policy is 'enacted' to insist that the vaccine is distributed to those who wish to travel. You speak out of both sides of your mouth without even realizing it.
If I believed the China Virus was on the same level as Polio or Chicken Pox or Mumps, I would support a vaccination.
If it only kills this much, it's negligible, let em all die. What a loon.
If it only kills this much, it's negligible, let em all die. What a loon.
Your words not mine! I value life but don’t fear death. I put the needs of the many over those of the few. The few being the 1% that die from the China Virus.
We need a vaccine. It may be hard to perfect or may work well. But we owe it to ourselves and to humanity to keep trying. Yes, I'm in the high risk group but I am doing well thank you. It may be like the flu in that we need a new vaccine every year, but I believe many people are alive because it there is a flu vaccine. And the
"only like the flu" argument is out of place since we have been fighting the flu since World War I and have vaccines each year. "Only like polio" or "only like small pox" doesn't get it.
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I admit I am bias against the flu vaccination. It is only at best 60% effective in the very best years while in normal yrs only 40% effective. Unless you are considered at risk, which for 90% of the population this is not applicable, why get vaccinated? The Flu is the cousin of the common cold and the China Virus (much more complicated). Does logic tell you that we will ever find a cure? The more likely scenario is the evil rich want to line their pockets with our money and provoke fear to make us get what’s for most people completely unnecessary. I prefer Regeneron's antibody treatment over a vaccination but hey, to each their own.
So if you’re under 50 and in good health would you get an untested vaccine ? Would you make your children get the vaccine ? These are the questions many of us will soon be making.
So if you’re under 50 and in good health would you get an untested vaccine ? Would you make your children get the vaccine ? These are the questions many of us will soon be making.
My mother was adamant that I not get the polio vaccine. Other people cut the number of victims. When I went in the Army it was "get in that line over there." Besides polio there were 14 shots 7 in each arm with an air gun before going to VN. Plus a nightly pill and a weekly pill for "malaria" in country.

In more modern times, I take the flu shot every year. Some people have bad results, but few except the hurry up year of swine flu (?). But you go with the odds. Before I started taking flu shots I got the flu a few times and several times bronkitis. The odds have worked for me. My wife never takes flu shots except when she worked for the hospital.
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I admit I am bias against the flu vaccination. It is only at best 60% effective in the very best years while in normal yrs only 40% effective. Unless you are considered at risk, which for 90% of the population this is not applicable, why get vaccinated? The Flu is the cousin of the common cold and the China Virus (much more complicated). Does logic tell you that we will ever find a cure? The more likely scenario is the evil rich want to line their pockets with our money and provoke fear to make us get what’s for most people completely unnecessary. I prefer Regeneron's antibody treatment over a vaccination but hey, to each their own.
Regeneron is just as untested for this use as a vaccine for covid will be. But you will use it regardless. Your thought processes are not very rational and/or well supported.
Both are untested and neither would be recommended hands down over the other by any unbiased scientist. Your reference to half assed shows your uninformed bias. Therapeutics are not any better or worse than vaccinations, they both have their specific uses.
Both are untested and neither would be recommended hands down over the other by any unbiased scientist.
Why take a vaccination if you don’t have to? It’s like taking a pain pill for a small headache when I can just get acupuncture. Western scientist push pills, Eastern scientist push natural remedies.
I am all for balancing naturopathic remedies with science. Balance is the key word. Anyone who mostly abandons science for the majority of naturopathic solutions is not looking out for their health very well.
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I am all for balancing naturopathic remedies with science. Balance is the key word. Anyone who mostly abandons science for the majority of naturopathic solutions is not looking out for their health very well.
That’s your western Indoctrination speaking so I can’t blame you for that! The naturopathic method Seems to work just fine for the billions of Asians who follow it.
That’s your western Indoctrination speaking so I can’t blame you for that! The naturopathic method Seems to work just fine for the billions of Asians who follow it.
No it's my rational analysis speaking. I had a mother who went 90% with naturopathic. She did a lot of research. She bought into a few worthless remedies. It got her & my dad into trouble sometimes. I imagine my exposure to naturopathic remedies is at least as great as yours is. I try to take as few pills as possible.

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