Climate Change: the costs of doing nothing

roads yes. cars no. fuel no.
Don't hear you bitching bout leaded gas ⛽. That was the government involved with that change.

Government gets involved where the market doesn't lend to change for the good of the people, or the good of the people fast enough.

You'd rather make changes 20 years from now, when it's too late. Oh wait, no. You think this is just normal change, and think no bad ju ju is coming from it.

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roads yes. cars no. fuel no.
Fuel yes. The government gives heavy subsidies to refineries in the form of depreciation tax breaks. Several of the refineries would be processing the crude from the Canadian Tar Sands via the XL pipeline are actually owned by the Saudi’s. So we’re actually saving the Saudi’s money through our taxes. (Though it admittedly does help drive the cost of petroleum goods downwards)
Fuel yes. The government gives heavy subsidies to refineries in the form of depreciation tax breaks. Several of the refineries would be processing the crude from the Canadian Tar Sands via the XL pipeline are actually owned by the Saudi’s. So we’re actually saving the Saudi’s money through our taxes. (Though it admittedly does help drive the cost of petroleum goods downwards)
then the gov taxes it.
but they dont build gas stations.
They did not have to because the filling stations weren’t replacing any competitive (yet bad for the environment and US energy security) alternatives.

Also, that was a time when companies like Standard Oil were allowed to do pretty much whatever they wanted and could drive almost any company they wanted out of the market. It would be as if Tesla was given free reign on the generation, transmission, and sale of electricity for vehicle consumption.
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The real problem with nuclear war? You guessed it…..climate change.

in the 1953 movie Titanic, the Titanic ran into a piece of ice berg that melted and broke off from a larger berg. GW existed in the artic 110 years ago.
19th- and early 20th-century medical and psychological term, an "idiot" was a person with a very profound intellectual disability.
So they’re going to be buying less US coal. Unless coal is going up as a share of their generation portfolio then it doesn’t make a difference where it’s coming from. The real problem will be that our coal mines will try to sell to other emerging 3rd world countries to perpetuate their industry.
Guess you missed this ? Makes sense why they are increasing their coal mining capacity.

in 2018 we were exporting our excess oil.
Some of my estimates were from incomplete data, but should be close enough to not change the point.

Our demand/consumption dropped around 12% due to covid. Our production(supply) obviously dropped due to that. It dropped less than 5%. Recovery to previous levels due to increased demand is being delayed by covid related issues of labor and parts shortages, and time.

Our demand is in front of our production. That's due to the aforementioned reasons, more than the small caps by the Biden administration on oil production on federal lands. Those caps if taken off, would not solve the temporary shortage by anything close to 100%.

Quit posting ignorant bs, because you don't understand this.
Some of my estimates were from incomplete data, but should be close enough to not change the point.

Our demand/consumption dropped around 12% due to covid. Our production(supply) obviously dropped due to that. It dropped less than 5%. Recovery to previous levels due to increased demand is being delayed by covid related issues of labor and parts shortages, and time.

Our demand is in front of our production. That's due to the aforementioned reasons, more than the small caps by the Biden administration on oil production on federal lands. Those caps if taken off, would not solve the temporary shortage by anything close to 100%.

Quit posting ignorant bs, because you don't understand this.
starting in 2018 we exported oil excess oil. this comtinued in 2019.
In 2020 we still exported oil in spite of covid and the lock downs.
In 2021 things changed, we had a vaccine, businesses reopened, we opened up but oil production dropped.

in 2021, Biden took office with an agenda on oil. aoc's new green deal. Evan his energy sec stated that she hoped the oil co would go broke. So new regulation were implimented to acomplish their goals.

Now we have an oil crisis, but you cant just turnd the tap back on. How can oil cos take the risk, can banks take the risk and trust that any investment a this time to ease the oil crisis here will not be undermined by this admistration.
starting in 2018 we exported oil excess oil. this comtinued in 2019.
In 2020 we still exported oil in spite of covid and the lock downs.
In 2021 things changed, we had a vaccine, businesses reopened, we opened up but oil production dropped.

in 2021, Biden took office with an agenda on oil. aoc's new green deal. Evan his energy sec stated that she hoped the oil co would go broke. So new regulation were implimented to acomplish their goals.

Now we have an oil crisis, but you cant just turnd the tap back on. How can oil cos take the risk, can banks take the risk and trust that any investment a this time to ease the oil crisis here will not be undermined by this admistration.

Oil supply and demand are not just on and off. It's not like a factory. The shortages didn't happen until 2021, because supply lags behind demand & vice versa. And on top 🔝 of the lag was shortages of labor, raw materials, and supply of parts, which increased the lag.

Quit talking about the new green deal and aoc. None of that stuff you are all in a tizzy about ever came close to a real vote, much less being passed.

The only thing that was enacted was a ban on new drilling on federal lands. It wasn't even a ban on oil production on federal lands. Federal lands are such a small percentage of our oil production. (8% or 10%). New drilling would comprise of less than 1% of our oil production.

I don't even know why anybody tries to dumb down posts to you.(I'm one of the two or three idiots still banging my head against the wall on occasion.🙄) You are indoctrinated, and can't see the tree 🌳 for the leaves, never mind the forest.
So literally 4 countries are the problem. Seems addressable if we work with them.
We’ve been “working” with them. They literally don’t care as has been proven time and time again. Building multiple new coal fire plants combined with new coal mining is a huge “F U” to the climate advocates.
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We’ve been “working” with them. They literally don’t care as has been proven time and time again. Building multiple new coal fire plants combined with new coal mining is a huge “F U” to the climate advocates.
Well, it’s something we have to succeed at. Just because we haven’t yet doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Throwing in the towel won’t work.
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Well, it’s something we have to succeed at. Just because we haven’t yet doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Throwing in the towel won’t work.
It’s a fairly good indication that the likes of China aren’t going to all of sudden start playing ball. Seeing that they are currently investing hundreds of millions of dollars into new coal fired plants along with coal production. As I’ve said many times, we might want to face the reality of the situation and start diverting money and efforts into best coping with the coming warming
It’s a fairly good indication that the likes of China aren’t going to all of sudden start playing ball. Seeing that they are currently investing hundreds of millions of dollars into new coal fired plants along with coal production. As I’ve said many times, we might want to face the reality of the situation and start diverting money and efforts into best coping with the coming warming
It’s more likely that they play ball than we learn to live in a hotter world. And the costs of achieving that alignment will be less in terms of blood and treasure than the effects of a worsening climates.
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It’s more likely that they play ball than we learn to live in a hotter world. And the costs of achieving that alignment will be less in terms of blood and treasure than the effects of a worsening climates.
You did read where China is building 43 new coal fire plants and expanding their coal production … correct. There is zero chance they are spending that kind of money just to shut them down anytime soon. I’ve said for years that China along with most of Asia won’t comply with reducing emissions. They have proven me right every step of the way. We better face reality …and soon.
i remember the summer of 1980. .

69 days 100+
42 consecutive
28 days 105+
5 days 110+

42 years ago.
this year isnt even close.

maybe its global cooling
i remember the summer of 1980. .

58 69 days 100+
28 days 105+
5 days 110+

42 years ago.
this year isnt even close.

maybe its global cooling
Your memory is suspect.

11 days off is quite a difference. And we had two sets of consecutive, not one.(20+21) We've never had any more than 22 days of consecutive 100+. I couldn't find the 105+ & 110+ in a 2 or 3 minute google search, but I suspect your memory was off there as well. We're still in July you nunce. The majority of those records was in July and August. We've only made it through not quite 3 weeks of that nearly 9 week period.
Your memory is suspect.

11 days off is quite a difference. And we had two sets of consecutive, not one.(20+21) We've never had any more than 22 days of consecutive 100+. I couldn't find the 105+ & 110+ in a 2 or 3 minute google search, but I suspect your memory was off there as well. We're still in July you nunce. The majority of those records was in July and August. We've only made it through not quite 3 weeks of that nearly 9 week period.
dallas, noaa. follow the science.
dallas, noaa. follow the science.
I thought you lived in Tulsa in 1980. Did you ever live here? When did your dad teach at TU.

Irregardless we are still in July. You can't be saying we are cooling when we haven't even reached August. You don't know that we won't blow 1980 out of the water.
Using the actions of other countries as an excuse for doing nothing is just that: making excuses instead of dealing with the problem.
Using the actions of other countries as an excuse for doing nothing is just that: making excuses instead of dealing with the problem.
Oh my God, how obtuse. When the actions of other countries negate most of the work you want to do, it is not an excuse. Let's just bang our head against the wall, regardless of other countries policies. That would accomplish almost as much.
so only the ice cap in the water is melting and the ice cap on land isnt
Yeah, that 'land' ice cap can definitely reach the Colorado River or Utah's Salt Lake, or Lake Mead, per say.

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Check out what he is saying at 4:43. I believe he is referring to the Bill's opening up of permitting as an easier process to increase oil & gas production beyond anything it has recently been at.(This includes easier production than anything that existed even during Trump's regime.) This would definitely deal with Russia/Ukraine.

I haven't read the bill, but it seems like it might be meeting short term needs and long term goals in the same bill. That is what many of us have been talking about. If so, it meets the Republican party in the middle. They will fight the bill and never admit that though. It shows the absolute mess this war between the parties brings about. They(both parties) can't shut themselves down for two seconds, in order to legitimately consider the merits of a bill before them. It is only Democrats vs Republicans that occupies their minds.

Quit bickering and do your job!
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