Biden Not Running


I.T.S. University President
Gold Member
Jan 2, 2004

If the Reps run the right candidate against Hillary, they'll win. IMO
Hillary is going to make meatloaf out of the idiot the GOP elects, maybe the Donald and Ben will be their ticket?
eastcane - According to the polls, most people think Hillary is a liar and dishonest. So you're saying a dishonest liar will make meatloaf out of an idiot and the dishonest liar should be president. So dishonesty wins out?

But that presupposes one of the idiots will be the Rep candidate. Are you sure? The dems have a nearly 70 year old dishonest liar challenged by an over 70 yo Moscow loving Marxist who "objected" to military service.

OK, lets do this. Have all the republican idiots take an IQ test as part of the election process and then a background check into the history of the Dem candidates to see what their basic belief system is. Let the process begin.
Will the Dems nominate a candidate who most of the public believes is fundamentally dishonest?
Excellent speech in the Rose Garden to announce that he is not running. Threw a few barbs at Hillary. He would only have to change a few words here and there in the unlikely event that events force him to run.

By the way I'm not running for president, either. Paid for by 'Me for Speaker of the House Committee. Doesn't it have a nice ring to it, " 'Me is the Speaker of the House, 'Me took the job nobody wanted." "I interviewed 'Me about the Speakership."
Democrats would rather sell their soul to the Devil than see any Republican succeed.
No, no, but the current configuration of the Republican Party insures that they will advocate laws for the super rich, religious nut baskets (planned parenthood lies and bs an example), and gun nuts. With that trifecta, I wouldn't worry about the Democratic party's soul, a party actually attempting to provide for those less fortunate than many of us.
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Less fortunate doesn't mean a free middle class lifestyle. Anyone who is for that must be on the receiving end. From my experience, the people doing the giving don't need the govt forcing them to give, its already being done.

The richest area in the nation is in the DC area sucking up our federal taxes, why don't they individually pay up first? Ya, that'll be the day.
The federal government's job should be to give the "less fortunate" access to education and job training. It is up to them to take advantage of those programs and improve their plight in life. Far too many believe the answer is putting the "less fortunate" and endless supply of government support which provides little incentive for those people to explore education, jobs and opportunity. They are stuck in a revolving cycle of poverty funded by the federal government with very little reason to explore educational opportunities.
Dems are on a par with rep when it comes to pandering to the "rich".
Raise more tax revenue without changing the tax rates: eliminate bogus business deductions. Ball game tickets, golfing trips, free meals, . . .

Nancy pelosi owns a company that by her own legislation, is exempt from minimum wage and is union free.

How much taxes does the Kennedy clan pay?

Bp gave bho over a million dollars for his campaign, they gave McCain less than one hundred thousand.

It takes BOTH parties to pass tax legislation( cuts/increases/deductions . . .)
Then Republican and Democratic Presidents signs the legislation.

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