Biden “forced” out of race…what do Dems do now ?

That's really interesting and I have to respect your willingness to share. I have a follow up question. Do you not feel that Trump's behavior post election put him into a different category of risk? Including his inaction during the capitol riot and his encouragement of Pence to overturn the vote?

This is a genuine question. How did you see those events and how do they figure into your judgment of the candidates? Or maybe you don't figure that into your assessment?
I definitely do and it makes me wonder how out of all of America , Donald Trump and Harris are the best candidates we can come up with ? Something is not right with that , two extremists . I would go back to voting Democrat if it went back to what it used to be ( for the working class ) I do believe we need rules and laws in life, I believe in paying our fair amount in taxes , I don’t believe we need to live in a lawless society.
As far as January 6th goes, that was absolutely horrific to see, a protest should never turn into a riot , but it all goes back to being an extremist .
As far as Kamala goes , I think she would be worse than Biden as far as other countries actually respecting us and the economy . In short , the lefts values no not add up with my personal beliefs , I don’t believe in abortions ( unless the moms life is in danger ) I don’t believe in the gender deal ( you are either a man or a woman , not a cat or a tree ) the immigration issue is something else I look at , something needs to be fixed as far as making it easier for people who just want a better life to come in legally , my heart breaks for those who are in a terrible country and just want to come over here for a better life , there needs to be a better and easier way for them to legally come here so they can pay taxes and be able to work and make a good life for themselves , not just opening the borders to everyone . There are people we don’t want in this country ( terrorists , cartels , ect )
Another issue I have with the left is the people voted for Biden , not Harris , so they basically said those peoples voted s don’t matter , we are picking the candidate , that is just as dangerous to me as Trump .

All in all I’m not a fan of either , but I’m going to go with Trump over Harris .
Ps I think you got me talking politics more in one paragraph than I have in 4 years 😂
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Yall cracc me up. I know y’all been missin me on here so I’ll fill yall in on the truth: Joe Biden has been dead for years. That signature is a forgery & so are a bunch of the ones on executive orders of the past 2-3 years.

My timeline is full of black ppl saying they’re not voting for commala lmao

When this video came out I told everyone “this is proof Joe Biden isn’t alive,” because in it, SHE FUCCN SAYS JOE BIDEN IS VERY MUCH ALIVE!!! LMAO WHO SAYS THAT PLUS WE ALREADY KNOW ALL THESE DEMS DO IS LIE ANYWAY

I thought this joker was on a lifetime ban. Guess he slipped through the cracks after a while. @Chris Harmon
Is he shon in disguise ?
Yeah he's actually admitted it in a couple of places, like it wasn't obvious without the admissions. I quoted him left and right, and @'ed Harmon, to avoid him deleting his posts, which he has already done. Don't have a clue why he deletes posts when I've quoted them. Kind of defeats the purpose when they have been quoted.
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Yeah he's actually admitted it in a couple of places, like it wasn't obvious without the admissions. I quoted him left and right, and @'ed Harmon, to avoid him deleting his posts, which he has already done. Don't have a clue why he deletes posts when I've quoted them. Kind of defeats the purpose when they have been quoted.
That’s the kind of example I am referring to with drboobay in my discussion with him about how there are extremist on the right as well
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That’s the kind of example I am referring to with drboobay in my as an extremist on the right
What does that have to do with drboobay's posts? That seems to be stretching the bounds of an analogy rather thinly?
I don't follow.
Me either. When he mentioned rippin it made sense, when he added you to the equation it didn't. Whether he was trying to make an analogy, compare it to what you were saying somehow, or something else??? I got nothing.
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Me either. When he mentioned rippin it made sense, when he added you to the equation it didn't. Whether he was trying to make an analogy, compare it to what you were saying somehow, or something else??? I got nothing.
I don't follow.
Sorry guys, didn’t mean it like that , I was trying to state that guys like Shon were the example I was making of someone being an extremist, I was trying to say that’s what I was talking about in my discussion with drboobay , not that drboobay was an extremist , I didn’t write that very well, my bad. Also auto correct did me no favors as well
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I definitely do and it makes me wonder how out of all of America , Donald Trump and Harris are the best candidates we can come up with ? Something is not right with that , two extremists . I would go back to voting Democrat if it went back to what it used to be ( for the working class ) I do believe we need rules and laws in life, I believe in paying our fair amount in taxes , I don’t believe we need to live in a lawless society.
As far as January 6th goes, that was absolutely horrific to see, a protest should never turn into a riot , but it all goes back to being an extremist .
As far as Kamala goes , I think she would be worse than Biden as far as other countries actually respecting us and the economy . In short , the lefts values no not add up with my personal beliefs , I don’t believe in abortions ( unless the moms life is in danger ) I don’t believe in the gender deal ( you are either a man or a woman , not a cat or a tree ) the immigration issue is something else I look at , something needs to be fixed as far as making it easier for people who just want a better life to come in legally , my heart breaks for those who are in a terrible country and just want to come over here for a better life , there needs to be a better and easier way for them to legally come here so they can pay taxes and be able to work and make a good life for themselves , not just opening the borders to everyone . There are people we don’t want in this country ( terrorists , cartels , ect )
Another issue I have with the left is the people voted for Biden , not Harris , so they basically said those peoples voted s don’t matter , we are picking the candidate , that is just as dangerous to me as Trump .

All in all I’m not a fan of either , but I’m going to go with Trump over Harris .
Ps I think you got me talking politics more in one paragraph than I have in 4 years 😂
Thank you for elaborating. It seems we just weight it differently in our thinking. Really I don't think we are too far apart in the issues.

What I hope to see is a Republican Congress and Democratic administration. That seems like a combination that would do the least harm!
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Thank you for elaborating. It seems we just weight it differently in our thinking. Really I don't think we are too far apart in the issues.

What I hope to see is a Republican Congress and Democratic administration. That seems like a combination that would do the least harm!
That could very well happen ! And that’s the beauty of living in America , we can have different views and still get along , you don’t have to hate someone because they have a different political view
I definitely do and it makes me wonder how out of all of America , Donald Trump and Harris are the best candidates we can come up with ? Something is not right with that , two extremists . I would go back to voting Democrat if it went back to what it used to be ( for the working class ) I do believe we need rules and laws in life, I believe in paying our fair amount in taxes , I don’t believe we need to live in a lawless society.
As far as January 6th goes, that was absolutely horrific to see, a protest should never turn into a riot , but it all goes back to being an extremist .
As far as Kamala goes , I think she would be worse than Biden as far as other countries actually respecting us and the economy . In short , the lefts values no not add up with my personal beliefs , I don’t believe in abortions ( unless the moms life is in danger ) I don’t believe in the gender deal ( you are either a man or a woman , not a cat or a tree ) the immigration issue is something else I look at , something needs to be fixed as far as making it easier for people who just want a better life to come in legally , my heart breaks for those who are in a terrible country and just want to come over here for a better life , there needs to be a better and easier way for them to legally come here so they can pay taxes and be able to work and make a good life for themselves , not just opening the borders to everyone . There are people we don’t want in this country ( terrorists , cartels , ect )
Another issue I have with the left is the people voted for Biden , not Harris , so they basically said those peoples voted s don’t matter , we are picking the candidate , that is just as dangerous to me as Trump .

All in all I’m not a fan of either , but I’m going to go with Trump over Harris .
Ps I think you got me talking politics more in one paragraph than I have in 4 years 😂
I think the Democratic Party left you, and that’s probably for the best. You seem to believe in Republican economic policies which typically end up hurting the economy in the long run. Seems like you ignore the dedication that Dems have showed for the past 100 years for the strength of worker’s labor rights and the power of organized labor against corporate interests. (Which Republicans have almost always been against) You seem to think that Trump would make us more well regarded globally than Biden or Kamala which doesn’t make any sense.

And you are socially conservative

Seems like you are not the independent voter that the Dems are targeting and I don’t think you ever will be.

I’m not trying to say that confrontationally, but more as a sign that you’re really not as middle of the road as you might see yourself. In fact I don’t see many issues you could get particularly more conservative on… and the willingness to overlook Jan 6th is very troubling to me.
I think the Democratic Party left you, and that’s probably for the best. You seem to believe in Republican economic policies which typically end up hurting the economy in the long run. Seems like you ignore the dedication that Dems have showed for the past 100 years for the strength of worker’s labor rights and the power of organized labor against corporate interests. (Which Republicans have almost always been against) You seem to think that Trump would make us more well regarded globally than Biden or Kamala which doesn’t make any sense.

And you are socially conservative

Seems like you are not the independent voter that the Dems are targeting and I don’t think you ever will be.

I’m not trying to say that confrontationally, but more as a sign that you’re really not as middle of the road as you might see yourself. In fact I don’t see many issues you could get particularly more conservative on… and the willingness to overlook Jan 6th is very troubling to me.
First , I’m not overlooking Jan 6th, that was horrific , and I do blame that on trump , as I have stated multiple times , I’m not a trump fan , but you can say the same thing about far leftist with the whole antifa deal where they went around destroying cities a few summers ago , neither side is innocent, when you say the Democratic Party left me , you are correct , I would support the old democrat party that was for the working class , but now all it is is an extreme liberal party , which you would be 100 percent correct in saying I do not support. The Democratic Party also screwed its own people who voted Joe Biden as the nominee and replaced him with someone nobody voted for. I’m not for corporate interests and believe they all need to pay more taxes than they do , corporate America is a big problem in this country with so much greed ,
First , I’m not overlooking Jan 6th, that was horrific , and I do blame that on trump , as I have stated multiple times , I’m not a trump fan , but you can say the same thing about far leftist with the whole antifa deal where they went around destroying cities a few summers ago , neither side is innocent, when you say the Democratic Party left me , you are correct , I would support the old democrat party that was for the working class , but now all it is is an extreme liberal party , which you would be 100 percent correct in saying I do not support. The Democratic Party also screwed its own people who voted Joe Biden as the nominee and replaced him with someone nobody voted for. I’m not for corporate interests and believe they all need to pay more taxes than they do , corporate America is a big problem in this country with so much greed ,
Corporate taxes in the realm of consumer goods production, just get transferred to the individual taxpayer. Provides federal funds, but paid for by the state sales taxpayer. So it is really a regressive method of taxation.
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No point in constantly trying to pick a fight. Tulsarising and I are drawing different conclusions from a set of mostly commonly recognized facts. There are also differences of opinion on priorities. No real defensiveness.

That's the kind of discourse that we need IMO.
No point in constantly trying to pick a fight. Tulsarising and I are drawing different conclusions from a set of mostly commonly recognized facts. There are also differences of opinion on priorities. No real defensiveness.

That's the kind of discourse that we need IMO.
Ya I don’t get where he thinks I was “ over looking Jan 6th, but that’s why he doesn’t get listened too, because he tries to just start insulting people that does not agree with him, I can respect you though because we can actually have a respectful conversation
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First , I’m not overlooking Jan 6th, that was horrific , and I do blame that on trump , as I have stated multiple times , I’m not a trump fan , but you can say the same thing about far leftist with the whole antifa deal where they went around destroying cities a few summers ago , neither side is innocent, when you say the Democratic Party left me , you are correct , I would support the old democrat party that was for the working class , but now all it is is an extreme liberal party , which you would be 100 percent correct in saying I do not support. The Democratic Party also screwed its own people who voted Joe Biden as the nominee and replaced him with someone nobody voted for. I’m not for corporate interests and believe they all need to pay more taxes than they do , corporate America is a big problem in this country with so much greed ,
I respect your take on it.

I tend to disagree that the democratic party is screwing its own people when the primaries were pro forma with no meaningful competition, and Biden's condition was not public knowledge. I've seen polls that something like 70%+ of democrats wanted him to leave the race after the debate.

That's certainly no guarantee that Harris was going to win the primaries on her own had they occurred, but you could also argue that the Democratic party and Biden himself are listening to the voters and are responding as nimbly as is practical. Looks like the public response from most dems is one of abject relief, so it is hard to say Dems everywhere have been disenfranchised. They were disenfranchised by not having a meaningful primary in the first place. This is an imperfect and late remedy to that mistake.

On January 6th, I'll just note that Harris is the sitting VP, and I'd be absolutely stunned if she were to try and pull a stunt on Jan 6 2025 similar to what Trump wanted Pence to do if she loses the election. And at that point, I'll concede to you that she is just as bad and it doesn't even really matter. But until she loses and tries to seize power anyways, I don't think the comparisons to what is happening now are fair to compare to Trump's behavior on Jan. 6.

I will concede your point that the Democratic primary/convention process is completely FUBAR this cycle. Dems might be relieved for the moment, but it's worth examining our process and trying to improve it or shorten it all around. I hate the year long election process, and if anything, this shows us that maybe it doesn't have to be that way. These events have exposed one of the risks in such a traditionally slow and arcane process.

Just my $0.02
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I respect your take on it.

I tend to disagree that the democratic party is screwing its own people when the primaries were pro forma with no meaningful competition, and Biden's condition was not public knowledge. I've seen polls that something like 70%+ of democrats wanted him to leave the race after the debate.

That's certainly no guarantee that Harris was going to win the primaries on her own had they occurred, but you could also argue that the Democratic party and Biden himself are listening to the voters and are responding as nimbly as is practical. Looks like the public response from most dems is one of abject relief, so it is hard to say Dems everywhere have been disenfranchised. They were disenfranchised by not having a meaningful primary in the first place. This is an imperfect and late remedy to that mistake.

On January 6th, I'll just note that Harris is the sitting VP, and I'd be absolutely stunned if she were to try and pull a stunt on Jan 6 2025 similar to what Trump wanted Pence to do if she loses the election. And at that point, I'll concede to you that she is just as bad and it doesn't even really matter. But until she loses and tries to seize power anyways, I don't think the comparisons to what is happening now are fair to compare to Trump's behavior on Jan. 6.

I will concede your point that the Democratic primary/convention process is completely FUBAR this cycle. Dems might be relieved for the moment, but it's worth examining our process and trying to improve it or shorten it all around. I hate the year long election process, and if anything, this shows us that maybe it doesn't have to be that way. These events have exposed one of the risks in such a traditionally slow and arcane process.

Just my $0.02
I can respect that , I think this election will be very interesting , I am looking forward to see those 2 debate
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I can respect that , I think this election will be very interesting , I am looking forward to see those 2 debate

Regardless of political ideologies, I personally don't think either one of them(Trump/Harris) have the intellectual tools to take on the office of the Presidency. The office of the Presidency will be run by administrations that are embarrassing to 99% of past presidents. The debate will be a chance to see how bad they both are, not how good they both are.

I will be voting for the administration that can do the least harm to the office of the presidency, and the least permanent harm to our form of government. I will expect the one I vote for to be a placeholder that does less damage in four years than the other candidate. I just pray we have better candidates next time around.(On both sides.)
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Regardless of political ideologies, I personally don't think either one of them(Trump/Harris) have the intellectual tools to take on the office of the Presidency. The office of the Presidency will be run by administrations that are embarrassing to 99% of past presidents. The debate will be a chance to see how bad they both are, not how good they both are.

I will be voting for the administration that can do the least harm to the office of the presidency, and the least permanent harm to our form of government. I will expect the one I vote for to be a placeholder that does less damage in four years than the other candidate. I just pray we have better candidates next time around.(On both sides.)
Such a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in.

I don’t blame Biden. I believe Jill was 100% behind him running again as well as the attempts to conceal his cognitive abilities. I also don’t blame there Dem party. They were placed in a bad situation when Biden withdrew and did what that had to do.

I do fault the media. They were intentionally complacent in aiding the charade. All out of their support for Biden. If the fourth estate isn’t dead it’s very ill. Biden was forced resigned when it became obvious he had no chance of beating Trump. I don’t blame the Dems Politics is politics.
Such a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in.

I don’t blame Biden. I believe Jill was 100% behind him running again as well as the attempts to conceal his cognitive abilities. I also don’t blame there Dem party. They were placed in a bad situation when Biden withdrew and did what that had to do.

I do fault the media. They were intentionally complacent in aiding the charade. All out of their support for Biden. If the fourth estate isn’t dead it’s very ill. Biden was forced resigned when it became obvious he had no chance of beating Trump. I don’t blame the Dems Politics is politics.
I don't blame the party for the same things you don't blame them for. I do blame the media for aiding and abetting Kamala into the nomination. But they were blinded by the fact that their positions are 100% of Kamala's positions despite the fact that those positions won't win the presidency.

They are giddy that they think they can throw Kamala atop the imaginary white horse, and she will ride it all the way to the Presidency. They think they will get everything they ever wanted this way. Their delusions of grandeur are almost as bad as Trumps. Regrettably, they just won Trump the election, before it ever got started.
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If the deep state is successful in taking out Trump, can JD Vance have Trump’s donations transferred to his campaign for president?
I haven’t been able to locate a single clip of Coup-mala (that’s what this is a bad coup) I’m sorry Kamala talking intelligently about anything. Please if you have one do share the url!
Ya I don’t get where he thinks I was “ over looking Jan 6th, but that’s why he doesn’t get listened too, because he tries to just start insulting people that does not agree with him, I can respect you though because we can actually have a respectful conversation
I don't think that voting for Trump after what he tried to do on January 6th can be considered anything other than overlooking what he did. You are tacitly saying that you think other issues are of higher priority, and that's simply antithetical to the ideals of America. Nothing is more important than the free transfer of power and the voice of the people in a Republic.

It doesn't matter if the other candidate is Daffey Duck or Wiley Coyote....

It doesn't matter if the guy is offering you a free mansion in Malibu along with repealing every law you disagree with...

... the person that has tried to overthrow the Republic DOES NOT get put into office.

I think there are a few people that would still vote for him if he pulled someone out into the street and shot him in cold blood so long as he promised them tax cuts and a supreme court who would fight against Roe.
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I don't think that voting for Trump after what he tried to do on January 6th can be considered anything other than overlooking what he did. You are tacitly saying that you think other issues are of higher priority, and that's simply antithetical to the ideals of America. Nothing is more important than the free transfer of power and the voice of the people in a Republic.

It doesn't matter if the other candidate is Daffey Duck or Wiley Coyote....

It doesn't matter if the guy is offering you a free mansion in Malibu along with repealing every law you disagree with...

... the person that has tried to overthrow the Republic DOES NOT get put into office.

I think there are a few people that would still vote for him if he pulled someone out into the street and shot him in cold blood so long as he promised them tax cuts and a supreme court who would fight against Roe.

If one believes a Kamala presidency would lead us to economic ruin whether it’s due to her lack of intellect or left wing policies then I can absolutely understand not voting for her. Being able to provide food and shelter for your family supersedes everything else. Doesn’t have to be a vote for Trump but certainly wouldn’t be a vote for Harris. The problem is the Dems didn’t provide a viable alternative for half of the country. An alternative which wasn’t selected by the people but the party bosses. An alternative who imo would not have won the nomination if left to the will of the people. Going to take a lot of lipstick for this pig.
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I don't think that voting for Trump after what he tried to do on January 6th can be considered anything other than overlooking what he did. You are tacitly saying that you think other issues are of higher priority, and that's simply antithetical to the ideals of America. Nothing is more important than the free transfer of power and the voice of the people in a Republic.

It doesn't matter if the other candidate is Daffey Duck or Wiley Coyote....

It doesn't matter if the guy is offering you a free mansion in Malibu along with repealing every law you disagree with...

... the person that has tried to overthrow the Republic DOES NOT get put into office.

I think there are a few people that would still vote for him if he pulled someone out into the street and shot him in cold blood so long as he promised them tax cuts and a supreme court who would fight against Roe.

We aren’t going to get anywhere , our views are so different , neither one of us are going to change each other’s minds , so why argue about it ? I told you multiple times I don’t like Trump or Kamala , but I think Kamala is worse , i personally feel she does not have what it takes to be president and I often feel she was Bidens VP just to make a political point about having a woman as VP, if they can do the job , I have no issue with it , but just to vote for someone because they are a woman is not smart. You think because someone isn’t a hardcore liberal like yourself , that they are a hardcore trump supporter
If one believes a Kamala presidency would lead us to economic ruin whether it’s due to her lack of intellect or left wing policies then I can absolutely understand not voting for her. Being able to provide food and shelter for your family supersedes everything else. Doesn’t have to be a vote for Trump but certainly wouldn’t be a vote for Harris.
Exactly , he acts like I worship trump because I would vote for him over Kamala
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Aston supported a potted plant because of his party affiliation and thats fine. It’s party loyally. Hes an extreme partisan and I respect his steadfast support for whoever the Dems throw out there. Nothing said here is going to change that. In fact, I doubt anything said here is going to sway any of us. We’re all pretty hard strong.
Aston supported a potted plant because of his party affiliation and thats fine. It’s party loyally. Hes an extreme partisan and I respect his steadfast support for whoever the Dems throw out there. Nothing said here is going to change that. In fact, I doubt anything said here is going to sway any of us. We’re all pretty hard strong.
Absolutely, agree 100 percent , I usually don’t talk politics because it usually just ends up in a pissing contest , very rarely can people have a civil conversation like DrBoobay and I have had on why we will vote for a certain person , I’m definitely not loyal to any party , I think both sides have corruption imo
I don't think that voting for Trump after what he tried to do on January 6th can be considered anything other than overlooking what he did. You are tacitly saying that you think other issues are of higher priority, and that's simply antithetical to the ideals of America. Nothing is more important than the free transfer of power and the voice of the people in a Republic.

It doesn't matter if the other candidate is Daffey Duck or Wiley Coyote....

It doesn't matter if the guy is offering you a free mansion in Malibu along with repealing every law you disagree with...

... the person that has tried to overthrow the Republic DOES NOT get put into office.

I think there are a few people that would still vote for him if he pulled someone out into the street and shot him in cold blood so long as he promised them tax cuts and a supreme court who would fight against Roe.
and yet they lied about Russian interference and used the fake Steele Dossier to prove it, used third party notes, to impeachment, investigated Jan 6, not to get the truth, but place blame, and now, falsly painting Trump with project 2025.
If one believes a Kamala presidency would lead us to economic ruin whether it’s due to her lack of intellect or left wing policies then I can absolutely understand not voting for her. Being able to provide food and shelter for your family supersedes everything else. Doesn’t have to be a vote for Trump but certainly wouldn’t be a vote for Harris. The problem is the Dems didn’t provide a viable alternative for half of the country. An alternative which wasn’t selected by the people but the party bosses. An alternative who imo would not have won the nomination if left to the will of the people. Going to take a lot of lipstick for this pig.
You can do whatever you want, but we all know that's a wasted vote considering the realities of the situation.... and if you're in a battleground state it could be effectively a vote for Trump.

I don't believe economic prosperity should be your primary driver over freedom and democracy. (Though I don't particularly believe that Kamala or any Dem admin would be particularly terrible for the economy considering that things are subpar but not atrocious right now, and not all of what has happened economically can be pinned singularly on the Democratic Party)

Things were pretty touch and go economically, before, during, and after the American Revolution that doesn't mean King George was a better alternative.
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We aren’t going to get anywhere , our views are so different , neither one of us are going to change each other’s minds , so why argue about it ? I told you multiple times I don’t like Trump or Kamala , but I think Kamala is worse , i personally feel she does not have what it takes to be president and I often feel she was Bidens VP just to make a political point about having a woman as VP, if they can do the job , I have no issue with it , but just to vote for someone because they are a woman is not smart. You think because someone isn’t a hardcore liberal like yourself , that they are a hardcore trump supporter

Exactly , he acts like I worship trump because I would vote for him over Kamala
I can't comprehend, given all we know about Trump, how you believe anyone could be worse for the country. That's why there are "Never Trumpers" out there. I'm not arguing that you're a Trump worshiper.... I'm arguing that your conservative nature and your distaste for liberal policies have blurred your perspective on how much of a danger Trump is.

It's why a potted plant, a dead man in his casket, a dumb prosecuter etc... would be the logical alternative to Trump. One may be incompetent.... the other is malicious. Malicious is always, always, always, always, always, ALWAYS worse.

You can generally fix errors of incompetency, especially if Congress is maintaining a proper check / balance.... it's a lot harder (potentially even impossible) to remedy malicious activity done with the cooperation of Congress. I thought Biden was too old, and he was the political equivalent to Vanilla ice cream.... Kamala isn't super intelligent nor is she a uniter. They are both preferable to someone who is solely out for their own aggrandization.

I will say this.... I think RFK Jr. is a spastic who follows lots of flawed science. Given any viable alternative, I would never vote for him, but If he was my best alternative to keep a person who has said and done what Trump has out of office. I would vote for him in a heartbeat.

If I were in your shoes (a supporter of conservative politics who considers both executive choices a danger) I would probably be voting split ticket, to try and maintain a check / balance on whoever is found to be the executive whether it's Trump or not.
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I can't comprehend, given all we know about Trump, how you believe anyone could be worse for the country. That's why there are "Never Trumpers" out there. I'm not arguing that you're a Trump worshiper.... I'm arguing that your conservative nature and your distaste for liberal policies have blurred your perspective on how much of a danger Trump is.

It's why a potted plant, a dead man in his casket, a dumb prosecuter etc... would be the logical alternative to Trump. One may be incompetent.... the other is malicious. Malicious is always, always, always, always, always, ALWAYS worse.

You can generally fix errors of incompetency, especially if Congress is maintaining a proper check / balance.... it's a lot harder (potentially even impossible) to remedy malicious activity done with the cooperation of Congress.
Because extreme liberal policies are just as dangerous , lawpoke also pointed out some very good points as well as why people would not vote for Harris , she hasn’t proven anything that would suggest she would be a good president , there are going to be people out there that vote for her just simply for the fact that she is a black woman , we should never pick someone or not pick someone because they are a certain gender or color , it shouldn’t be that hard for democrats to win this election if they could put out some sort of decent candidate , but the best they put out is Kamala Harris , sorry , but that’s not good enough for me to vote for her

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