Ahmaud Arbery Killing

It's unconfirmed internet gossip, so it would be wise to take it with a nice serving of salt, but I had also read somewhere that these guys were all part of a facebook group where they were posting racist stuff all the time and basically planned this attack together.

Edit: It's also the case that there was a water source in the garage where he frequently stopped. The homeowner has publicly speculated that Arberry was possibly stopping there for water while on his jogging route. He said running water can be heard in a couple of the recordings.

On a couple of occasions, I have personally stopped at people's houses and drunk from water hoses on long runs (> 15 miles) where I failed to bring enough water and got dangerously dehydrated. I understand that may make the homeowner uncomfortable. It's possible I've even had the cops called on me and not realized it because I was long gone. But I would never expect someone to chase me down with a shotgun. Much less shoot me with it.
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I'm just talking in terms of what I think would be "just". Not necessarily what would happen. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if any or all of them didn't get off due to the nature of the system. I'd be surprised if any of them actually serve a life sentence but I think the dad absolutely should.
The person who pulled the trigger will never leave prison, unless there’s something I’m missing. These facts aren’t hard. It’s a routine manslaughter bar fight gun gets drawn case with some interesting facts that turn it into murder.