Ahmaud Arbery Killing


I.T.S. University President
Gold Member
Jun 13, 2005
Based on everything known and can be seen in the video, these guys need to go to jail for a long time. It's impossible to know what their internal beliefs/motivations are, but it's hard not to see racism in killing a black man out jogging because you think he looks like someone who broke into a house. Very sad.
Based on everything known and can be seen in the video, these guys need to go to jail for a long time. It's impossible to know what their internal beliefs/motivations are, but it's hard not to see racism in killing a black man out jogging because you think he looks like someone who broke into a house. Very sad.
I hadn't really payed much attention to it until I just watched the video that was released. After reading the apparent reports that these men saw him running down the street and (mis)identified him as a suspected criminal then jumped in their truck and drove after him would make this a pretty open and shut case. You can't just take the law into your own hands like that, even if you suspect someone to have committed a crime.
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I hadn't really payed much attention to it until I just watched the video that was released. After reading the apparent reports that these men saw him running down the street and (mis)identified him as a suspected criminal then jumped in their truck and drove after him would make this a pretty open and shut case. You can't just take the law into your own hands like that, even if you suspect someone to have committed a crime.
Apparently in Georgia you can take the law into your own hands. The DA who recused himself wrote a note about why he didn't think charges were warranted and included something to the effect of 'They informed the deceased that they were trying to make a citizens arrest' and then he goes on to say, this is allowed under Georgia law. I believe he also mentioned Georgia's stand your ground law and mentions that it appeared Arbery attacked the younger person when he passed the truck. Um, the dude had a shotgun put into his face...of course he is going to get aggressive in defending himself. Apparently stand your ground laws only apply to white people who get afraid when a POC comes into their neighborhood.

I would say this needs the US attorney's office to pursue this as a federal hate crime but we know Barr will not want it pursued...because we know who Barr is.

I am anti-death penalty. These bitches need to be put in the middle of general pop of the GA State Prison. That would be true justice. But I can also see them acquitted in which point I also envision a "A Time to Kill" scenario. It is deep south Georgia after all.
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Apparently in Georgia you can take the law into your own hands. The DA who recused himself wrote a note about why he didn't think charges were warranted and included something to the effect of 'They informed the deceased that they were trying to make a citizens arrest' and then he goes on to say, this is allowed under Georgia law. I believe he also mentioned Georgia's stand your ground law and mentions that it appeared Arbery attacked the younger person when he passed the truck. Um, the dude had a shotgun put into his face...of course he is going to get aggressive in defending himself. Apparently stand your ground laws only apply to white people who get afraid when a POC comes into their neighborhood.

I would say this needs the US attorney's office to pursue this as a federal hate crime but we know Barr will not want it pursued...because we know who Barr is.

I am anti-death penalty. These bitches need to be put in the middle of general pop of the GA State Prison. That would be true justice. But I can also see them acquitted in which point I also envision a "A Time to Kill" scenario. It is deep south Georgia after all.

Wouldn’t surprise me if Barr pursued it. They don’t care. There is no ethos. They will claim they are good guys. “See, we got the open and shut bigots, the world is better, Vote Trump.”
I expected they would argue the stand your ground bull crap. The problem to me is that, this wasn’t their ground so to speak. They pursued an unarmed and innocent citizen and harassed him with brandished weapons. If anything he had every right to stand HIS ground and not continue to be harassed. Moreover in Georgia and many other states citizens arrests may only proceed if the citizen witnessed the crime or had “immediate knowledge” and the crime was a felony. The “immediate knowledge” contingent seems like it’s the linchpin of the case. Neither of these men had immediate knowledge that this black man committed the crime. From what I’ve read the “immediate knowledge” standard is above and beyond the “probable cause” standard.
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Yeah even if he did commit a crime, they wouldn't have known it was him. Two random guys pull up on you with guns and you fight them, you're just defending yourself. He probably thought getting the gun from the guy was the only chance he had.
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I expected they would argue the stand your ground bull crap. The problem to me is that, this wasn’t their ground so to speak. They pursued an unarmed and innocent citizen and harassed him with brandished weapons. If anything he had every right to stand HIS ground and not continue to be harassed. Moreover in Georgia and many other states citizens arrests may only proceed if the citizen witnessed the crime or had “immediate knowledge” and the crime was a felony. The “immediate knowledge” contingent seems like it’s the linchpin of the case. Neither of these men had immediate knowledge that this black man committed the crime. From what I’ve read the “immediate knowledge” standard is above and beyond the “probable cause” standard.
I'm on the side of right here which means I am like 95% of the population that see this as another heinous act of racism, pure and simple. He was killed because he was black. Remember, it's Georgia where the Klan still exists and is open about it and in the part of Georgia where they are at for them to find both an unbiased jury and a non-majority white jury will be nearly impossible. This will turn into the OJ case circus and the hooded defense attorney will argue the second Arbery took a swing, the stand your ground law applies. I'm hopeful there is an impartial jury who can see the truth...but with social media there's virtually no chance of ever seating a 100% impartial jury in this. Half the country has seen the video now and formed an opinion one way or the other.
Yeah even if he did commit a crime, they wouldn't have known it was him. Two random guys pull up on you with guns and you fight them, you're just defending yourself. He probably thought getting the gun from the guy was the only chance he had.
Bubba in the truck bed was ready and willing to take him down if that happened. That's exactly why he was in the truck bed and not on the ground with little Bubba. Tell me that set-up doesn't reek of people going hunting
I'm on the side of right here which means I am like 95% of the population that see this as another heinous act of racism, pure and simple. He was killed because he was black. Remember, it's Georgia where the Klan still exists and is open about it and in the part of Georgia where they are at for them to find both an unbiased jury and a non-majority white jury will be nearly impossible. This will turn into the OJ case circus and the hooded defense attorney will argue the second Arbery took a swing, the stand your ground law applies. I'm hopeful there is an impartial jury who can see the truth...but with social media there's virtually no chance of ever seating a 100% impartial jury in this. Half the country has seen the video now and formed an opinion one way or the other.

And I would argue, the second you (as a citizen with no current charge as an officer of the peace) point your loaded weapon at an inoccent civilian the stand your ground law applies to the innocent civilian. The "I was afraid for my life" argument applies more to the person with the gun pointed at them than the person holding the gun.
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And I would argue, the second you (as a citizen with no current charge as an officer of the peace) point your loaded weapon at an inoccent civilian the stand your ground law applies to the innocent civilian. The "I was afraid for my life" argument applies more to the person with the gun pointed at them than the person holding the gun.
I understand that and I think the stand your ground laws are ridiculous. It essentially has been interpreted to give the right of anyone in those states to shoot another person if they simply are afraid. They're ridiculous in their scope...and any good defense attorney can get you off because there is no way to disprove that you feared for your life in any situation whether or not anyone else finds that reasonable.

I do have a question about this case. Who shot the video that was released? Why were they there and why is the video just now coming out? I haven't seen any of the info on that side of things. Did the DA have the video and just hope the person who took it wouldn't make it public? Seems like a possibility....
I understand that and I think the stand your ground laws are ridiculous. It essentially has been interpreted to give the right of anyone in those states to shoot another person if they simply are afraid. They're ridiculous in their scope...and any good defense attorney can get you off because there is no way to disprove that you feared for your life in any situation whether or not anyone else finds that reasonable.

I do have a question about this case. Who shot the video that was released? Why were they there and why is the video just now coming out? I haven't seen any of the info on that side of things. Did the DA have the video and just hope the person who took it wouldn't make it public? Seems like a possibility....
There was a third party who was associated with the father and son who was chasing the guy as well... he just showed up late. The guy had a dash cam.
Couple of things: at least in Florida stand your ground is a policy in state statute not a defense. It’s something the State has enacted to prevent prosecuting people or overcharging you. If you are standing in line at the bank, and the guy in front of you pulls out a gun, you don’t have to keep yours in your pocket, get on the ground or run. You can pull yours out and shoot without fear of being charged with murder of the guy or being civilly sued.

These laws are a relatively recent phenomenon, particularly in states with high gun ownership, where judges have found that people had to retreat in their own homes or should have called the police and waited while their wives were raped and bludgeoned to death, etc.

The justified use of deadly force is a defense that is older than our Republic. The DA didn’t initially charge because of faulty or wrongful application of the SYG law. It’s commonly misunderstood even by career prosecutors I’ve worked with and against. The defense will be raised at trial. They will claim they had to shoot once he struggled for the gun. It won’t get far. these guys are looking at lwop or death. And they are decidedly guilty. These facts really aren’t that different from a rip and run where a group of guys in a house see somebody who ripped off their drug money last week and chase him down and kill him. Those facts comes back guilty every day in this country. They can claim vigilante but it’s no different. This is a two day trial at most. Four if they certify death.
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Couple of things: at least in Florida stand your ground is a policy in state statute not a defense. It’s something the State has enacted to prevent prosecuting people or overcharging you. If you are standing in line at the bank, and the guy in front of you pulls out a gun, you don’t have to keep yours in your pocket, get on the ground or run. You can pull yours out and shoot without fear of being charged with murder of the guy or being civilly sued.

These laws are a relatively recent phenomenon, particularly in states with high gun ownership, where judges have found that people had to retreat in their own homes or should have called the police and waited while their wives were raped and bludgeoned to death, etc.

The justified use of deadly force is a defense that is older than our Republic. The DA didn’t initially charge because of faulty or wrongful application of the SYG law. It’s commonly misunderstood even by career prosecutors I’ve worked with and against. The defense will be raised at trial. They will claim they had to shoot once he struggled for the gun. It won’t get far. these guys are looking at lwop or death. And they are decidedly guilty. These facts really aren’t that different from a rip and run where a group of guys in a house see somebody who ripped off their drug money last week and chase him down and kill him. Those facts comes back guilty every day in this country. They can claim vigilante but it’s no different. This is a two day trial at most. Four if they certify death.
I have a basic understanding of what the SYG laws say...problem is you end up with juries that are sympathetic and then all the defense attorney has to do is "prove" you had a reasonable right to fear someone/something to justify you shooting them. How in the world does George Zimmerman get acquitted? It's insane to think he had any reasonable reason to fear Trayvon Martin.
I hate the idea of armed people taking the law into their hands off their property. I can see this case getting messy. I think the defense might be able to prove that the victim was the guy who stole the goods. Don't know Georgia law well enough to know what the rights of the party whose stuff was stolen.

Funny how the media picks and chooses what to publicize and how they play narratives out.
There was a third party who was associated with the father and son who was chasing the guy as well... he just showed up late. The guy had a dash cam.
After that, the video was in the custody of a defense attorney that the men had been consulting with. He released it because he though it made them look better. For their sakes, they made a wise choice not to go with that attorney because he is clearly an idiot. The case was dying and no arrest had been made until that video was released and reignited the firestorm.

Even if you genuinely thought he was a dangerous criminal, I don't see any reason to try and use lethal force to detain him while he is on a jog. Maybe try to surreptitiously get his picture for the cops after you've called them. That's about as far as I can see anyone justifiably taking it. And if you don't genuinely feel the guy is a dangerous criminal, then none of the armed detention crap was necessary in the first place. No doubt, they thought he would see their guns and cower feebly.

All they witnessed was him taking a breather from a jog and kicking the tires at a construction site. I've done that myself a few times.
I hate the idea of armed people taking the law into their hands off their property. I can see this case getting messy. I think the defense might be able to prove that the victim was the guy who stole the goods. Don't know Georgia law well enough to know what the rights of the party whose stuff was stolen.

Funny how the media picks and chooses what to publicize and how they play narratives out.
Well, the owner of the house that was under construction that this guy stopped at (for all of two minutes) has publicly stated that nothing was stolen. And although the shooters claim he was a suspect behind a string of recent burglaries in the area, there had been only one reported burglary in the area in the last three months at the time of the incident. I can't remember where I found that info, but I can probably dig up the source for you if you want.

I am sure their attorney will try and muddy the waters as much as possible into a "This guy had it coming" kind of defense. A shame that his character is going to go under the spotlight in the national media. It might be their best hope, but I think it is a poor defense effort since none of what eventually gets dragged up will have been known by the shooters contemporaneously.
It’s interesting the way we casually watch snuff films these days without a second thought about whether that’s a good idea or what the guy’s family might think about that.
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It’s interesting the way we casually watch snuff films these days without a second thought about whether that’s a good idea or what the guy’s family might think about that.
I agree. I will note that in this case, the family has said that they want it to be public and for people to watch it.
I feel the same way about it being public as I do about al-qaeda/isis beheading videos. They're awful, but people need to see them. You owe the victim not to turn away from what happened to them. It's one thing to hear about a person being killed, but it hits you a completely different way when you see it.
I feel the same way about it being public as I do about al-qaeda/isis beheading videos. They're awful, but people need to see them. You owe the victim not to turn away from what happened to them. It's one thing to hear about a person being killed, but it hits you a completely different way when you see it.
Yeah, that thinking smacks of the Ray Rice video (no pun intended). The Ravens and NFL did their thing, suspended him for a couple of games. Everyone knew exactly what he did. He didn't deny it at all, the girlfriend/now wife wasn't pressing charges. It should have ended there. Then the video gets released, Goodell and the Ravens look like they're soft on domestic violence, Rice then has his suspension lengthened to a year and the Ravens release him and he's been blacklisted ever since. Everyone who had paid any attention to that situation at all knew exactly what was going to be shown on that tape. EVERY. LAST. PERSON. The NFL, Ray Rice, his girlfriend all described the incident accurately. Yet, when it comes out on video half the world is shocked at such behavior. I'm not saying what he did wasn't wrong but he got punished a 2nd time and more harshly because we've become numb to seeing newsprint that says "Rice suspended 2 games for domestic abuse"...but when we see him take a swing and knock her out in the elevator, all of a sudden it becomes worse? We all knew exactly what was going to be on the video of the Joe Mixon thing too. Nothing in any investigation said otherwise. But people flip out when they see it. (Had that video emerged during the year he sat out he would have never stepped on the field for OU).
Yeah, I’m not gonna cry for Ray Rice. 6 year career, Super Bowl ring, Pro-Bowler, played twice as long as most RB and longer than most starting RBs. Was given $3 million to go away after committing a violent felony on tape and basically got slapped on the wrist for knocking his future wife unconscious. He can pretty much jump in a river.
Based on everything known and can be seen in the video, these guys need to go to jail for a long time. It's impossible to know what their internal beliefs/motivations are, but it's hard not to see racism in killing a black man out jogging because you think he looks like someone who broke into a house. Very sad.
You know nothing. This idiot took off running because he got caught either casing or stealing from a house that is under renovation. Why do I get to call him an idiot? Because he broke one of the few universal rules which is DO NOT ATTACK SOMEONE HOLDING A RIFLE (shotgun) WITH PUNCHES & TRY TO TAKE THEIR FIREARM! That alone is attempted felony murder (idk if that’s a thing but it should be.) If anyone ever tries to take my firearm, MY RIFLE, while I am legally holding it, at that point it’s on & the only way it ends is one of us is dead.

Fkn bleeding heart libtards, I swear.

I feel the same way about it being public as I do about al-qaeda/isis beheading videos. They're awful, but people need to see them. You owe the victim not to turn away from what happened to them. It's one thing to hear about a person being killed, but it hits you a completely different way when you see it.
Hahahahaha HOW IN TF IS AHMAUD ARBERY THE VICTIM?! He INVADED an unoccupied dwelling, he took off running, he used the truck as a buffer to plan his quick attack on the man with the rifle.

Keep in mind, the man with the shotgun who killed Arbery was previously involved with an investigation into Arbery carrying a gun ILLEGALLY into a hs basketball game. It’s entirely possible that MAUD recognized this man. MAUD was also on probation/parole FOR BURGLARY! He knew this guy was trying to send him back to prison SO HE DECIDED TO LAUNCH AN UNPROVOKED ATTACK ON THIS DUDE, PUNCHING HIM & GRABBING THE BARREL (causing the first discharge which injured his hand - it wasn’t bad enough to blow his hand off but it was bad enough that it’s been called a gunshot wound, so he’s still able to walk off or ask for medical help) THEN CONTINUES TO TRY & FORCIBLY TAKE THE WEAPON!!!!

This is Trayvon Martin 2.0, only difference is this is on video & George Zimmerman wasn’t open carrying. Which makes Maud’s crime/decision to attack the younger Mick even worse.

It sucks, neither of the deceased I’ve mentioned should be dead. No one gets the death penalty for burglary. Do you know why Maud’s case was ruled justifiable homicide? DO YOU KNOW?! It wasn’t because the Micks had a relationship with the prosecutor, you can’t say that because they sent it to a 2nd prosecutor who said “fk this is blatant self defense.” It’s not some “Georgia good ol’ boys” making these decisions - these are prosecutors in & around Brunswick & they want to charge people with murder as much as possible. That’s their job. Except this isn’t murder.

Lord, help us all. This generation is doomed.
I feel the same way about it being public as I do about al-qaeda/isis beheading videos. They're awful, but people need to see them. You owe the victim not to turn away from what happened to them. It's one thing to hear about a person being killed, but it hits you a completely different way when you see it.
Hahahahaha HOW IN TF IS AHMAUD ARBERY THE VICTIM?! He INVADED an unoccupied dwelling, he took off running, he used the truck as a buffer to plan his quick attack on the man with the rifle.

Keep in mind, the man with the shotgun who killed Arbery was previously involved with an investigation into Arbery carrying a gun ILLEGALLY into a hs basketball game. It’s entirely possible that MAUD recognized this man. MAUD was also on probation/parole FOR BURGLARY! He knew this guy was trying to send him back to prison SO HE DECIDED TO LAUNCH AN UNPROVOKED ATTACK ON THIS DUDE, PUNCHING HIM & GRABBING THE BARREL (causing the first discharge which injured his hand - it wasn’t bad enough to blow his hand off but it was bad enough that it’s been called a gunshot wound, so he’s still able to walk off or ask for medical help) THEN CONTINUES TO TRY & FORCIBLY TAKE THE WEAPON!!!!

This is Trayvon Martin 2.0, only difference is this is on video & George Zimmerman wasn’t open carrying. Which makes Maud’s crime/decision to attack the younger Mick even worse.

It sucks, neither of the deceased I’ve mentioned should be dead. No one gets the death penalty for burglary. Do you know why Maud’s case was ruled justifiable homicide? DO YOU KNOW?! It wasn’t because the Micks had a relationship with the prosecutor, you can’t say that because they sent it to a 2nd prosecutor who said “fk this is blatant self defense.” It’s not some “Georgia good ol’ boys” making these decisions - these are prosecutors in & around Brunswick & they want to charge people with murder as much as possible. That’s their job. Except this isn’t murder.

Lord, help us all. This generation is doomed.
Well, the owner of the house that was under construction that this guy stopped at (for all of two minutes) has publicly stated that nothing was stolen. And although the shooters claim he was a suspect behind a string of recent burglaries in the area, there had been only one reported burglary in the area in the last three months at the time of the incident. I can't remember where I found that info, but I can probably dig up the source for you if you want.

I am sure their attorney will try and muddy the waters as much as possible into a "This guy had it coming" kind of defense. A shame that his character is going to go under the spotlight in the national media. It might be their best hope, but I think it is a poor defense effort since none of what eventually gets dragged up will have been known by the shooters contemporaneously.


Had MAUD been white & the Mick been black, I WOULD STILL SAY IT IS SELF DEFENSE!

By the way, you know who was hunted down & killed? Paul & Lidia Marino. They were 85 & 86 years old visiting the gravesite of their deceased son. They were shot from a distance by a guy hiding in a ditch with a scoped hunting rifle. They were HUNTED AND SNIPED?!

Say their names. Say Paul & Lidia Marino.

What happened to the guy who sniped them? He got into a shootout with police. The brutal slaying of 2 elderly parents was not covered by national media because the sniper, Sheldon Francis (first & last time I will ever say this piece of human scum’s name) is black & the Marinos were white.
The justification hoops you jump through are amazing in number and non-believability. Trying to figure if you're an ammosexual without a gun, or an homosexual without a d**k.(Eunuch) Prolly a little of both.

In your book, every black is guilty of something, so they are guilty of everything.
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The justification hoops you jump through are amazing in number and non-believability. Trying to figure if you're an ammosexual without a gun, or an homosexual without a d**k. Prolly a little of both.

In your book, every black is guilty of something, so they are guilty of everything.

Let me guess, a certain someone thinks that having been seen at a construction site justifies two men (who did not see him at the construction site and have no way of knowing he committed a crime) chasing him down and threatening him with guns?
Let me guess, a certain someone thinks that having been seen at a construction site justifies two men (who did not see him at the construction site and have no way of knowing he committed a crime) chasing him down and threatening him with guns?
Pretty much, with an interesting # of repulsively false caveats included, seeing as how his posts are so short.
It's funny now, that only gold*, me, and aTUfan are not ignoring him. Eventually I'll get tired of making fun of him, and ignore him.
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Oh, wait @TU_BLA , isn't ignoring him. TUBla, you forgot that their is NO moderation on this board.
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Let me guess, a certain someone thinks that having been seen at a construction site justifies two men (who did not see him at the construction site and have no way of knowing he committed a crime) chasing him down and threatening him with guns?
That’s not what happened. The video shows him approaching their truck while discarding items. One of them appears to be a pistol, which would make sense considering on the 911 call made by the micks in the truck you can hear the father yelling “drop it” before Arbery decides to attack the son. Whether he had a pistol or not, this is justifiable homicide. The two previous counties’ DAs who investigated arrived at the same conclusion for a reason. It wasn’t until some libtard sjw on the inside decided to leak the video to a local radio host that they were even being considered as being suspects of any crime.
Also, I think I should mention, they have 3 more reels of camera footage that show 5 people other than Aubery entering the house and walking around. The owners knew none of them.
Yeah, I’m not gonna cry for Ray Rice. 6 year career, Super Bowl ring, Pro-Bowler, played twice as long as most RB and longer than most starting RBs. Was given $3 million to go away after committing a violent felony on tape and basically got slapped on the wrist for knocking his future wife unconscious. He can pretty much jump in a river.
I'm not defending Ray Rice as much as I'm condemning the court of public opinion that only goes into an outrage when they see a video when they knew all the facts beforehand. Tell me that if video of Joe Mixon's incident at OU had gone public a day or a week after it happened, he would have faced the same punishment and outrage? Had that happened he never would have set foot on a football field wearing an OU uniform.
Sounds like he rolled early in exchange for a cap on sentencing of a lesser included, probably conspiracy to commit first degree murder. The guys are clearly racists. Whether the dude actually said that we will never know. But it is a good way to make sure you get twenty years shaved off your sentence and don’t fry, isn’t it? Nothing a death penalty co-defendant says another co-defendant said is ever true.
I'd say the father should probably get life. The son could get life, but maybe something less. The accomplice should see maybe 3-5 years.

I'd also like the Georgia statutes regarding citizen's arrests and the use of deadly force to be clarified.
I'd say the father should probably get life. The son could get life, but maybe something less. The accomplice should see maybe 3-5 years.

I'd also like the Georgia statutes regarding citizen's arrests and the use of deadly force to be clarified.
In America we have principal liability. If you help someone, you get punished as if you did it, unless it’s the death penalty in some cases. So the sentencing guidelines won’t give him the 3-5 to you are suggesting. He will get more. He will do the 14 year minimum at least if it’s Florida. Jurors won’t know what he could get but they see what he’s charged with and it won’t match the evidence. That pisses off jurors. So the prosecutors look for reasons to avoid that. That’s one of the reasons I think there’s already a deal. They don’t mind him pleading down, they may want him pleading down, closer to the 3-5 you are talking about even if the evidence points to him being more involved. The tape is all that will matter and in the tape it shows he wasn’t involved and couldn’t have stopped it. Guys like facing life without parole get on the stand and say wild crap to wrench up cases when they are overcharged. Prosecutors will keep him happy to take the others to the gallows.
In America we have principal liability. If you help someone, you get punished as if you did it, unless it’s the death penalty in some cases. So the sentencing guidelines won’t give him the 3-5 to you are suggesting. He will get more. Jurors won’t know what he could get but they see what he’s charged with and it won’t match the evidence. That pisses off jurors. So the prosecutors look for reasons to avoid that. That’s one of the reasons I think there’s already a deal. They don’t mind him pleading down, they may want him pleading down, closer to the 3-5 you are talking about even if the evidence points to him being more involved. The tape is all that will matter and in the tape it shows he wasn’t involved and couldn’t have stopped it. Guys like facing life without parole get on the stand and say wild crap to wrench up cases. Prosecutors will keep him happy to go to the gallows.
I'm just talking in terms of what I think would be "just". Not necessarily what would happen. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if any or all of them didn't get off due to the nature of the system. I'd be surprised if any of them actually serve a life sentence but I think the dad absolutely should.