You can't reassemble Departments like the Department of Education in 3 months like it never happened. You put people out of a job. Nobody will continue for 3 mo. without a job. It takes all the people who are experts away from the Department. Few people will sit around for 3 mo to see if congress passes a bill while they have no income. And those that do will cost the government because they will be on unemployment. The cost of reassembling a Department will cost an inordinate amount, not save money. The Department will suffer, and take years to get it back to functioning like it used to. Not to mention policies that are necessary will be on hold for 3 mo.
You can't just try things out in government for 3 mos. It's not like putting out a new product line, and realizing it is a failure a few months later. The agency I was talking about to ensure Congress was less corrupt would not work like I said when I was laying it out as a possibility. It was pie in the sky and I stated as such. But this suggestion is even more ridiculous, and you think it's a real suggestion.
There are some policies that would work better than tearing a dept apart, but most wouldn't work well. Silly idea with tons of reasons why this would make things worse. Just because things pop into your head doesn't make them a good idea. You don't even spend 5 minutes to think about the pro's & cons of utilizing your ideas. Or maybe you did, and couldn't comprehend the difficulties it would pose.