Winners and Losers in last nights debate.


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003

Winner: Hillary. She preformed well in batting practice before a friendly crowd. Stabilized the situation.
Losers: Joe Biden. He has waited too long. All other Demo candidates but Sanders.
Broke Even: Sanders. He didn't win but with Biden probably not running and the others seeming weird he came across okay.


They were a winner. The basic philosophy of the two parties couldn't be clearer. So they can choose who they like or at least dislike the least between parties. It's in their hands.


Who knows. It was a wake up call. Stay with Trump or pick someone who can appeal to independents.
Trump: Possible loser
Bush: Bush who?
Others: Possible gainers last night. No secret here, I want Rubio.
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Hillary won by default. She looked well rehearsed - CNN wouldn't pass her the questions beforehand would they?

Bernie was the crowd favorite. But they actually mentioned his conscientious objector status during the "Nam" and his honeymoon in the Soviet Union. This shows how radical the democrats are and they will be portrayed that way in the general election. I was shocked that Bernie suggested that some folks should have their second amendment rights "allowed". Wow! Bernie for president!

The others were just there to occupy their podiums. That tall Rhode Island guy was amazingly bad.

At least CNN gave these poor unfortunates an obvious bathroom "commercial" break.

Yes, the Republicans can and will win if they run the right candidate - IMO that's Marco who is a distinct contrast to the old radicals who lost the Vietnam war for us, spit on the troops when they came back, ran up the debt (how are they going to pay for all the new entitlements they now promise?) and now want to take away our guns/bibles etc.

Hillary's main problem is going to be Bill as we go along in the process and those ladies he's molested. The Reps will eventually bring those ladies out of hiding and display them as "women" who don't support Hillary and for good reason. How can you be for women's rights and allow your husband to abuse innocent women in that way?
Still can't believe Bernie didn't have the courage to say that ALL LIVES MATTER and instead pandered to what amounts to a terrorist organization which chants about murdering people less than 24 hours after a cop was murdered in Texas.
Just a little information about the e-mail accounts used by Hillary and mentioned in the debate last night. They aren't actually her "private" email accounts. Since she was using them as Secretary of State for the countries business, they actually no longer are "HER" private emails. They become the business of the US federal govt you see.

Now the mainstream media needs to get the terminology right - otherwise its just deception. The media wouldn't do that would they? :eek:
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My favorite CNN questions was [wording approximate]: What enemy are you proudest of having? If there had been time they might have asked "If you could be an animal, which animal would you choose?

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