Winning and quality Home opponentsWhich is why we have to figure out how to be Tulsa’s team rather than depending on alumni/students to fill the stadium.
Winning and quality Home opponentsWhich is why we have to figure out how to be Tulsa’s team rather than depending on alumni/students to fill the stadium.
Winning and quality Home opponents
Winning and quality Home opponents
Worked for Houston.If you can’t get a quality home opponent then you abuse the ones you get.
If you can score 100 points, do it. Don’t call the dogs off.
Don’t worry about being accused of running the score up. Try for 1000 yds total offense in a game.
Big numbers will get headlines.
Noble is the most right.
Win BIG.
Playing exciting ball.
Win the big games you shouldn’t.
Get ranked.
Stay ranked.
Do all of the above consistently.
We’re in a good enough conference to draw well but we can’t be great 1 year, OK 1 year, then suck balls the next. We need a couple great years, an OK year, then a couple more great years.
I think people are tired of showing up for the big game with all the pomp and circumstance just to watch us lose close or get our azzes kicked.
The last truly big win at home that counted for “The City” was BYU. And, that was a damn spectacular game!
Nothing is stopping you from rocking a 3 piece.In the 1940-1950 era a smaller stadium was always SRO. With oil company headquarters here, men turned out in three piece suits and overcoats and women wore hats, fur coats and pom-poms and TU football was the only attraction in town--and there were no sports on TV. Unfortunately, as the stadium size increased, the crowd changed and decreased.
I don't know why they don't just tape the games and insert as many TV commercials as they like. So there is a little delay between the live game and the picture--who cares? Then if the delay bothers anyone, let them go to the game!As I sit glaring on the little man in red with his headset and arms out... I often think:
The first conference that decides to take the game back for itself will gain a huge following.
More fans going to games.
More fans watching on TV.
Better paying advertisers.
If European soccer leagues can each make billions of dollars without constantly stopping the game to run ads, surely Americans can figure something out. It should be easy, American football has plenty of natural breaks where you can run 1 minute of commercials (score = commercial. Injury. Timeout. Quarters. Half Time). If it's not worth grabbing the remote to change the channel (or waiting for TIVO to get ahead and skip), the commercials are more desirable (and profitable). Then there's in-game advertisements, easily superimposed in 2018.
I'd imagine there would be many new fans who greatly prefer the experience of "football first" to 5 hours in the sun so the Big 12 can make make money the old fashioned way. If its a toss up between Iowa State - K State for 4 hours on TV or watching non-stop football of AAC teams... many would chose the AAC teams. Overall all hours of eyes on football would likely go up.
Heck, it's at least worth a pilot program.
This is still true at Georgia, Auburn, Alabama and several other Southern schools.In the early '60s the frat boys, myself included, wore their uniforms -- wool blazers, gray wool slacks, button-down shirt and striped tie, and cherry cordovan saddle shoes