Will Biden Resign?


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
It would seem there are threats being made to Biden to declassify certain conversations Biden had with Ukrainian businessmen he denied ever knowing. With 4 federal investigations now being conducted on Hunter for a variety of charges and email leaks happening daily linking Joe to Hunter, I wonder if Joe will resign soon? If he resigns, wouldn’t that make Harris President? Convenient for the Dems!
He isn't resigning. He's not being investigated. Hunter is being being investigated for his taxes. And still the only "evidence" anyone is pointing to is a random hard drive that shows up in a 2nd hand computer shop? No one has seen the hard drive except Giuliani. You still believe all the crap that side puts out despite NO ACTUAL PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. All of it is 2nd hand and hearsay.

Shon, you're getting very close to being part of the QAnon nonsense. I believe you're smarter than that
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He isn't resigning. He's not being investigated. Hunter is being being investigated for his taxes. And still the only "evidence" anyone is pointing to is a random hard drive that shows up in a 2nd hand computer shop? No one has seen the hard drive except Giuliani. You still believe all the crap that side puts out despite NO ACTUAL PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. All of it is 2nd hand and hearsay.

Shon, you're getting very close to being part of the QAnon nonsense. I believe you're smarter than that
I think the main stream media refusal to acknowledge there were serious issues with Hunter before the election have made many question many norms.
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I think the main stream media refusal to acknowledge there were serious issues with Hunter before the election have made many question many norms.
Evidence? You yelled about evidence for the whole Mueller thing for 3 years and then the Ukraine thing this past year. They'll report it when there's credible evidence. Right now there is none just Giuliani yelling...that's not evidence.
Evidence? You yelled about evidence for the whole Mueller thing for 3 years and then the Ukraine thing this past year. They'll report it when there's credible evidence. Right now there is none just Giuliani yelling...that's not evidence.
I have only been on this board for a couple of months so I wasn’t yelling for three yrs about anything. The media’s coverage or lack there of with this and many other important things is criminal and I look forward to the day they pay.
I have only been on this board for a couple of months so I wasn’t yelling for three yrs about anything. The media’s coverage or lack there of with this and many other important things is criminal and I look forward to the day they pay.
As a reporter covering the electoral college elections just said "they're living in fantasy land".

I fear our democracy will never recover with the damage Trump has caused and the legions of QAnon terrorists it has created.
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As a reporter covering the electoral college elections just said "they're living in fantasy land".

I fear our democracy will never recover with the damage Trump has caused and the legions of QAnon terrorists it has created.
The pot can’t talk about the kettle. If you are calling QAnon a terrorist group it’s only fair to add BLM and ANTIFA to that list. Bidens comments saying ANTIFA was an ideology was his endorsement of domestic terrorist.
Getting close to qanon? He's all the way in. He was there long before he posted on here.
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We need norms and institutions to have a functioning society. For example, we have medical groups that we should rely upon for information on disease. And we have a mainstream press we should rely upon for news.

Now that is not to say one should not think for oneself, cross check sources, ask hard questions, and consider possible biases. But the institutions we have largely serve us well.

When fringe elements are given equal or greater weight than our standard institutions, it is a sign that society is risking collapse. Hopefully our new President, who largely does not reflect my policy preferences by the way, and his experienced cabinet will put an end to the last four years of fringe thinking and get some sense back for the country.
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We need norms and institutions to have a functioning society. For example, we have medical groups that we should rely upon for information on disease. And we have a mainstream press we should rely upon for news.

Now that is not to say one should not think for oneself, cross check sources, ask hard questions, and consider possible biases. But the institutions we have largely serve us well.

When fringe elements are given equal or greater weight than our standard institutions, it is a sign that society is risking collapse. Hopefully our new President, who does not reflect my political preferences, and his experienced cabinet will put an end to the last four years of fringe thinking and get some sense back for the country.
There are too many shons & aTUfans in the world to keep that as totally fringe. We're stuck with 20m reading that crap, and being less informed than they already were.
We need norms and institutions to have a functioning society. For example, we have medical groups that we should rely upon for information on disease. And we have a mainstream press we should rely upon for news.

Now that is not to say one should not think for oneself, cross check sources, ask hard questions, and consider possible biases. But the institutions we have largely serve us well.

When fringe elements are given equal or greater weight than our standard institutions, it is a sign that society is risking collapse. Hopefully our new President, who largely does not reflect my policy preferences by the way, and his experienced cabinet will put an end to the last four years of fringe thinking and get some sense back for the country.

I agree with pretty much all of this, but it should be noted that one of the reasons so many people are finding crappy sources and conspiracy nonsense so appealing is that so many of our institutions have failed in living up to the standards they need to to earn public trust. If you’re a public health expert and you want mass buy-in on mask wearing you can’t come out and say “don’t wear masks, they don’t work” and then come back months later saying the opposite and admit that what you said originally was just a “noble lie” to conserve mask supply. Leaving aside that this makes no sense when you consider they’ve been recommending cloth masks as an alternative(what’s to conserve?), lying to people and then acting like there’s nothing wrong with it destroys trust. And then when some of those same experts endorse or stay silent about mass gatherings(of the right political variety) while endorsing bans on funerals for loved ones it becomes impossible to get buy-in. Experts and institutions have to do more than present their credentials if they want to be trusted. They have to earn it. Same with news. I’ll never trust OAN or Gatewaypundit over any established news source, but it’s easy to see why that’s happening.
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I agree with pretty much all of this, but it should be noted that one of the reasons so many people are finding crappy sources and conspiracy nonsense so appealing is that so many of our institutions have failed in living up to the standards they need to to earn public trust. If you’re a public health expert and you want mass buy-in on mask wearing you can’t come out and say “don’t wear masks, they don’t work” and then come back months later saying the opposite and then come out and admit that what you said originally was just a “noble lie” to conserve mask supply. Leaving aside the fact that this makes no sense when you consider they’ve been recommending cloth masks as an alternative(what’s to conserve?), lying to people and then acting like there’s nothing wrong with it destroys trust. And then when some of those same experts endorse or stay silent about mass gatherings(of the right political variety) while endorsing bans on funerals for loved ones it becomes impossible to get buy-in. Experts and institutions have to do more than present their credentials if they want to be trusted. They have to earn it.
Besides the lazy readers get fed up and switches, rather than sift thru the biases.
I saw a poll that has Biden just barely ahead of Trump. How could that happen when 95% of the stoies about Trump are negative and the media burries negative stories about Biden
Not resign, but there does need to be a mothers rally for decency for pu--y grabber.
And an investigation into his connection to all the voter fraud.
And have an impeachment trial for his threat to the Ukraine.

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