Why does everything on computers

You mean the format something is in,(facebook etc.) or program updates/upgrades?
Yes, both. Facebook has changed twice in the last week or two. This morning when I first looked at Edge it was like last night and now it all changed. Complete shutdown and windows comes up changed back. I checked "not now." and it went back to what it 8 am style.
Yes, both. Facebook has changed twice in the last week or two. This morning when I first looked at Edge it was like last night and now it all changed. Complete shutdown and windows comes up changed back. I checked "not now." and it went back to what it 8 am style.
The answer to both those points identical. They are always trying to stay new and exciting to keep up w the joneses, in order to attract new users, and keep old ones. A lot of the changes are unneccessary, and don't do anything to improve the product in any noticeable way, but just happen cuz they can't think of anything new that actually does improve the product in any drastic way.. It's all part of the product cycle which is maintained generally on an annual basis. It ends up accelerated beyond the time neccessary for real improvements.
Yes, both. Facebook has changed twice in the last week or two. This morning when I first looked at Edge it was like last night and now it all changed. Complete shutdown and windows comes up changed back. I checked "not now." and it went back to what it 8 am style.
It's the same thing with why they come out w new and different models every year of just about everything, whether it be a coffee grinder, a lawn mower, or computer software.
Apple has done similar things with their operating system over the years, the most notable in how iTunes was changed to Music. Some of the scripting done in iTunes was changed greatly for programs like radio automation that worked with iTunes. Programs had to be recoded for the software to continue working, but Apple works pretty well with developers to ensure the migration is ready when the OS changes roll out.