Where did the virus come from?

Don’t worry, I’ll bless y’all with some more uncle Devon entertainment soon. Here’s a quick taste.

2020: COVID-19 causing a novel crisis amongst liberals as for the first time in their lives they no longer want to be victims! That is like, so like, crazy like I wonder what AOC is like thinking right now! Is she still like, calling us all racist for “not patroning” Asian restaurants? Lmao holy hell these liberals are str8 proper fkd in 2020 they are so stupid I think they’re actually starting to realize how stupid they “might be” (in their minds).
I mean seriously they are so stupid that they’re saying that because they say so “Chinese” is no longer a nationality, it’s an entire friggin race! Lmao Lord help us, please save us from these bleeding heart liberals & don’t allow the ones fleeing their own states which they already screwed up royally to come to our states & make the same terrible choices.
Ps wearing a mask does not protect you from contracting the chinese Wuhan coronavirus... it only keeps you from spreading that filthy biochemically engineered virus to others AFTER you’ve contracted it yourself.