Where did the virus come from?


I.T.S. Senior
Nov 17, 2017
I heard a passing reference the other day about a 'laughable claim' that the Corona virus originated in the US and was passed on to China by US soldiers. US soldiers? Really? Sounded lame.

But this article provides some context for the claim. Interesting, but I'll have to ask some others about how to evaluate it. Global Research is an independent research group in Canada.

Equally disturbing is the claim that the virus may have been in the US much longer than we realize--as the CDC has been categorizing at least some earlier corona virus deaths as the flu.
Checking up on the Global Research site, it is listed by some as addicted to conspiracy theories. So take it their claims with some salt.
I could swear you hate the United States.

No, I love this country but I do despise what incompetency, dishonesty, greed, ignorance, and xenophobia do to it. Turning a blind eye is only abetting it.
No, I love this country but I do despise what incompetency, dishonesty, greed, ignorance, and xenophobia do to it. Turning a blind eye is only abetting it.

I obviously asked due to your heavy dose of anti-US pro Chinese posts
The guy who says it's conservatives who believe conspiracy theories is spreading a conspiracy theory, and Chicom propaganda at that
I don't trust any web sites that start off with an IQ Test anymore than I trust the poster below who says Tom Hanks wife died.
Some posters just can't stick to the facts and issues but have to personalize their disagreements. Sad but it explains a lot.

BTW those horrible Chinese are at it again!!

Gestures by a wealthy man do not paper over the fact that the chinese government hid the outbreak and punished individuals who alerted them and tried to get the word out. They are the reason for the pandemic. Spreading Chi-com propaganda isn't a good look
Nice gesture by an individual billionaire. Doesn’t change anything about the repressive Chinese government.
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Some posters just can't stick to the facts and issues but have to personalize their disagreements.

BTW those horrible Chinese are at it again!!
I very much doubt that he will be donating 500,000 test kits. The point was made yesterday by Dr. Fauci who pointed out the difference between kits and tests. Kits are just that, a kit is the equipment to run many tests. He is more likely correct than Rolling Stone.
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I could swear you hate the United States.
Unfortunately, this is true. It did come from the United States but not from patriotic active duty soldiers. A partisan traitor within a certain three letter intel agency (céntrelo something agency?) traded or sold (or gave) it to China with the goal of saving globalists from 4 more years of Trump.

I was aware of this before it even reached the US - it originated in the Virology laboratory in Wuhan & is a chemically engineered bioweapon. I am 50/50 on whether the entire disease was given to China or if the technology was given to them. The first thing to remember is these people aren’t smart, so if they’re saying it came from the Army that probably means they’re saying it bc they believe we’ll never believe that to be true. There are a lot of people in the army that are C_A. Clown intelligence agency. They operate completely autonomously & we’ve known for decades the spy on Americans. I’m now leaning toward it coming from at least somewhere in the US military & traded/sold/given to China in some form. Either way, it did come from the US.
I could swear you hate the United States.
Also, they do hate the United States. Just like the traitor who transferred this technology/virus to China.

They refuse to wonder why Angela Merkel (daughter of Adolf H) was in Wuhan casing all the hospitals with President Xi back in September, 2019 & they also visited the Virology laboratory. This place is also located almost across the street from the local market where China initially claimed it began from bat soup or whatever - it is less than 300 meters away. It actually would be across the street but you know how China has all those tiny little alleys etc to allow for their dense population (it started back before cars) & thus you can’t see it from the market but from parts of the market you can see the street & if the angle were slightly wider you’d see the Virology laboratory.
Thankfully those are counter-balanced by the anti-US posts :).

All this China hatred is really sad. Calling positive posts about China as hatred of the US is ...what? Racism? Xenophobia? Or just too much Fox News? Whatever, it's sick.
All this China hatred is really sad. Calling positive posts about China as hatred of the US is ...what? Racism? Xenophobia? Or just too much Fox News? Whatever, it's sick.

I was referring to actual anti-US posts. Did you happen to see where China just kicked out western journalist from those questionable outlets like the WSJ, NYT, etc... ? I apologize in advance for offending you with my last question.

I started a thread on the subject if you care to chime in on it .
All this China hatred is really sad. Calling positive posts about China as hatred of the US is ...what? Racism? Xenophobia? Or just too much Fox News? Whatever, it's sick.

Watu can’t help but start with character attacks when he gets a bit agitated. Meanwhile he’s spreading Chi-com conspiracies and propaganda.
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All this China hatred is really sad. Calling positive posts about China as hatred of the US is ...what? Racism? Xenophobia? Or just too much Fox News? Whatever, it's sick.
Dude do you not remember all your cnn / msnbc commentators calling it the “Wuhan virus” or the “chinese Corona virus” before it got to the US. Please, don’t be a hypocrite.
I actually looked at the site Watu linked to. I've never heard of it, but I wouldn't trust it. For one, they have a "9/11" tab, and I don't understand why any reputable news agency would still have a dedicated tab nearly 20 years later unless it was conspiratorial nonsense. But otherwise, they try to link the lung collapse deaths from vaping last fall with COVID-19 to prove it was here before it was in China. They make the specious unsupported claim that vaping does not explain the deaths.

While it is true we can't fully explain what caused the spate of vaping deaths, it was decidedly linked to vaping. There were a couple thousand cases through the end of the year 2019. And there were NOT a couple thousand cases of random lung collapse in otherwise healthy people among people who didn't vape. Further, those cases were investigated very carefully for commonalities, and no common viral infections were found. Vaping (and specifically vaping THC products) was the commonality. The symptoms and progression is similar enough to fuel some theories I am sure, but the vaping illness is fundamentally a lung injury vs. an infection.

The other claim that some early COVID deaths were blamed on the flu is true, I am sure. But it signifies nothing. COVID complications look a lot like flu complications, and flu tests can sometimes give false positives/negatives. Further, the flu test is more readily available at every hospital and takes ten minutes to get a result so you would always do that one first. If it gives a false positive, they probably aren't going to retest you for COVID given the testing shortage (at least not for awhile). So you will be labelled as "flu patient" and counted in those numbers if you die. So what? To quote everyone's favorite politician, "What difference does it make?" Someone getting misdiagnosed with a similar and more common (at least until very recently) illness is not evidence of any sort to support their claims.

I'll stop there. Sorry that was a much more detailed breakdown than necessary, but I am stuck at home and bored.
I actually looked at the site Watu linked to. I've never heard of it, but I wouldn't trust it. For one, they have a "9/11" tab, and I don't understand why any reputable news agency would still have a dedicated tab nearly 20 years later unless it was conspiratorial nonsense. But otherwise, they try to link the lung collapse deaths from vaping last fall with COVID-19 to prove it was here before it was in China. They make the specious unsupported claim that vaping does not explain the deaths.

While it is true we can't fully explain what caused the spate of vaping deaths, it was decidedly linked to vaping. There were a couple thousand cases through the end of the year 2019. And there were NOT a couple thousand cases of random lung collapse in otherwise healthy people among people who didn't vape. Further, those cases were investigated very carefully for commonalities, and no common viral infections were found. Vaping (and specifically vaping THC products) was the commonality. The symptoms and progression is similar enough to fuel some theories I am sure, but the vaping illness is fundamentally a lung injury vs. an infection.

The other claim that some early COVID deaths were blamed on the flu is true, I am sure. But it signifies nothing. COVID complications look a lot like flu complications, and flu tests can sometimes give false positives/negatives. Further, the flu test is more readily available at every hospital and takes ten minutes to get a result so you would always do that one first. If it gives a false positive, they probably aren't going to retest you for COVID given the testing shortage (at least not for awhile). So you will be labelled as "flu patient" and counted in those numbers if you die. So what? To quote everyone's favorite politician, "What difference does it make?" Someone getting misdiagnosed with a similar and more common (at least until very recently) illness is not evidence of any sort to support their claims.

I'll stop there. Sorry that was a much more detailed breakdown than necessary, but I am stuck at home and bored.
As I posted several days ago (see post above):

"Checking up on the Global Research site, it is listed by some as addicted to conspiracy theories. So take it their claims with some salt."

I posted the initial post above as it explained the context behind the Chinese health official's statement. The personal slurs that any remotely positive statement about China or negative statement about Trump's performance draws from a few on this board undermines the whole concept of principled discussion or even discussion at all. Personal attacks are just an indication that a person has nothing else to offer.
As I posted several days ago (see post above):

"Checking up on the Global Research site, it is listed by some as addicted to conspiracy theories. So take it their claims with some salt."

I posted the initial post above as it explained the context behind the Chinese health official's statement. The personal slurs that any remotely positive statement about China or negative statement about Trump's performance draws from a few on this board undermines the whole concept of principled discussion or even discussion at all. Personal attacks are just an indication that a person has nothing else to offer.

Watu, type "meanwhile in China" if you're being held captive by Chi-com thugs
As I posted several days ago (see post above):

"Checking up on the Global Research site, it is listed by some as addicted to conspiracy theories. So take it their claims with some salt."

I posted the initial post above as it explained the context behind the Chinese health official's statement. The personal slurs that any remotely positive statement about China or negative statement about Trump's performance draws from a few on this board undermines the whole concept of principled discussion or even discussion at all. Personal attacks are just an indication that a person has nothing else to offer.

Let me be very clear. I have no issues with anyone calling out Trump. I have a huge problem with a poster constantly praising one of the most repressive regimes in the world while regularly calling out the United States. A poster who ignores behavior like expelling media outlets like the NYT and WSJ in order to hide their activities..even after being asked to comment on the same. At a time of crisis here in the US, I find such behavior disgusting. Please feel free to going back calling me a racist, xenophobe, etc....
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Coronavirus: Masks and test kits donated by Jack Ma arrive in US

Cissy Zhou
South China Morning PostMarch 17, 2020
I very much doubt both sources. Dr. Fauci made a point of explaining the difference in tests and test kits. 500,000 test kits would 10,000 for each state. The tests are vial like glass apparatuses. They contain the reagents for the test. The actual kits are the are what is used to read the results of the tests. Compare to 500,000 spectrophotometers.

Dr. Fauci took the microphone to point out the difference. He has world respect and 60 years of experience and the respect of both parties. Match that up against Cissy Zhou of the South China Morning Post. And against MSN referencing Cissy.

Note the Dr. Fauci says when he disagrees with Trump and that the media quotes him. But you want to take Cissy's word over the United State's top expert on infectious diseases.
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Let me be very clear. I have no issues with anyone calling out Trump. I have a huge problem with a poster constantly praising one of the most repressive regimes in the world while regularly calling out the United States. A poster who ignores behavior like expelling media outlets like the NYT and WSJ in order to hide their activities..even after being asked to comment on the same. At a time of crisis here in the US, I find such behavior disgusting. Please feel free to going back calling me a racist, xenophobe, etc....
as opposed to bho barred fox and other conservative outlets.
No, I love this country but I do despise what incompetency, dishonesty, greed, ignorance, and xenophobia do to it. Turning a blind eye is only abetting it.

As I posted several days ago (see post above):

"Checking up on the Global Research site, it is listed by some as addicted to conspiracy theories. So take it their claims with some salt."

I posted the initial post above as it explained the context behind the Chinese health official's statement. The personal slurs that any remotely positive statement about China or negative statement about Trump's performance draws from a few on this board undermines the whole concept of principled discussion or even discussion at all. Personal attacks are just an indication that a person has nothing else to offer.

Hello, Pot.
Well we should probably all think about donating money to the innocence project, then.

I’m kidding, fk the innocence project, fk Kim Kardashian & fk the young Turks. Fk all the rat habit idiots, too.
By the way, it came from China. So fk China. Also, do all the idiots in the butt who say it’s “waysisss” to call it the “Chinese virus” or the “Wuhan virus” of whatever. It’s a joke because this is the country that literally penalizes Asians applying to universities more than any other race BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE!
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Seriously, we should be at war with China right now. Although, it’s not just their fault - we can’t forget about everyone else who sold us out which includes all of our leaders since the assassination of JFK, Jr.
What a warped dfi.
Oh, so you’re down with selling us out to China? Makes enough sense... you want the days of Hussein Obama (Barry Soetoro) & his husband Michael (you probably call her Michelle) to come back to the White House however you see fit. Speaking of Michael *cough* I mean Michelle, why didn’t “she” run for President this year? I mean, it only makes sense, right? You had progressives dying for him *cough* “her” to run. Michael/Michelle did not run. You know why? I’ll be genders fluid here - they can’t. They were not born in the USA.
Oh, so you’re down with selling us out to China? Makes enough sense... you want the days of Hussein Obama (Barry Soetoro) & his husband Michael (you probably call her Michelle) to come back to the White House however you see fit. Speaking of Michael *cough* I mean Michelle, why didn’t “she” run for President this year? I mean, it only makes sense, right? You had progressives dying for him *cough* “her” to run. Michael/Michelle did not run. You know why? I’ll be genders fluid here - they can’t. They were not born in the USA.
Huh, gullible enough for Trump's ruse. That's pretty gullible.
Huh, gullible enough for Trump's ruse. That's pretty gullible.
Not gullible enough to not notice when our federal politicians who take up 25%-40% of our workweeks sell us out to China. Thanks, though.
We’ve been sold out to China by previous administrations FOR DECADES NOW! This is why the swamp must be drained (it’s finally happening to a level adequate enough for us to notice) & why they have fought Trump tooth & nail on everything.

We should not be dependent on China for ANYTHING! If we are no longer dependent on the Middle East for oil, for exactly what on earth should we need to be dependent on China?! Don’t worry, I’ll wait.