What activity fo you miss most

High school baseball

The panic-demic sure has made a mess out of recruiting
Being able to leave my house whenever I please. Honestly, with young kids that isn't that often but its the principle of being stuck in the house that I hate the most.
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I miss the courts being open the most right now. It's got everybody in a holding pattern on settling my parents estate. Not to mention the fact that we still haven't had their funeral yet. Right now we are tentatively looking at dates in the second half of June for the funeral/wake/family reunion. Didn't want it to be mixed in with the family reunion, but not much I can do about it.
Going to the gym (Case Community is closed UFN). I use the machines (probably the last thing to be opened.) But I especially miss walking the indoor track with three of my friends. (Another thing that will be out for a good while.) Since will all take medicines we refer to ourselves as the Four Horsemen of the Apothecary. The two who are in their 80s are the stronger walkers. Do it for my heart, but it is also good for the moral. Used to be feeding at pigeons at the court house a generation before my time. This is a big improvement.
I miss watching my kid play soccer as well as seeing our soccer friends I will think twice before I bitch about the time, commitment and travel it takes having a kid play a competitive sport. i still hate the travel but the other two I certainly would love to have back. Hoping mid to late May.
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I miss watching my kid play soccer as well as seeing our soccer friends I will think twice before I bitch about the time, commitment and travel it takes having a kid play a competitive sport. i still hate the travel but the other two I certainly would love to have back. Hoping mid to late May.

Same with baseball... I feel bad for the seniors like my son... NJ had each of his scheduled starts on his calendar.. today would have been his 10th of the season.. he understands the situation.. but the boredom is killing him.. distance learning is a joke.. basically if he is satisfied with his grades, he doesnt have to even log in since there will be no new material covered.. he and his teammates get run out of the park for long toss and fungo (300' of social distancing)... he has seven fellow seniors that he has played ball with since they were 5... he cant wrap his head around never suiting up with them again or celebrating a real senior nite...