Warren Buffett to help Burger King to Move to Canada..

why not? the Canadian Corp tax rate is less.
all BHO is going to do with tax revenue is GIVE it to deadbeats.
Interesting. Buffet was a big supporter of BHO when he was campaigning to increase taxes on the rich.

I guess Buffet thought that applied to the other rich people.
We have the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. Buffet has an issue with the double taxation angle and would prefer the tax rate be raised on the corporate distribution side in preportion to the recepients income bracket. Corporations will continue to shift income out of this country until our tax policies become competitive with the rest of the world imo.
Originally posted by lawpoke87:

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. Buffet has an issue with the double taxation angle and would prefer the tax rate be raised on the corporate distribution side in preportion to the recepients income bracket. Corporations will continue to shift income out of this country until our tax policies become competitive with the rest of the world imo.
Sounds like what Reagan would say. Oh, and Kennedy too! Lower taxes seemed to work well in them thar days.
This post was edited on 8/27 6:55 PM by rabidTU
If Buffet thinks BHO should tax the rich more, then he should keep BK in the us.

I bet Buffet has accounts in the same off-shore banks as Romney.
How do you spell Hypocrit.
This post was edited on 8/27 5:51 PM by aTUfan
I think every billionaire lieberal who supports the welfare system should not necessarily have their taxes rise while alive, but should live like kings as long as possible, but when they pass on, should have to "donate" all their assets to the frderal govt instead of their heirs and beneficiaries. That way, the assets have truly been redistributed to the most needy. Also it gives their heirs a chance to learn what the american work ethic is and how hard most of us have to struggle to make ends meet. I think I'll call Bonney Fwank and see if he "appwooooves".
Thats not a bad idea. Even better might be that every Billionaire Liberal who supports Welfare should have to live next to the receipients of their generosity. Then they could see first hand the results of their investments.

I would love to see the look on Warren Buffets face when Madd Dogg and Valium Head Ed knock on his door and politely ask if he would mind giving them a ride to the Liquor Store.
every Billionaire Liberal

I don't understand. I thought only Republicans were rich.