Voter Justice


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
In every election known to man, some sort of cheating has occurred. With the current investigations going on across the US looking into highly suspicious voting irregularities from BOTH parties, will the average voters see justice in the form of prosecution for wrongdoers in the coming months?
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Every time you say something stupid like this, I picture you with your tit hanging out like the lead singer below. Might as well get a hearty laugh out of it.

What an ignorant thing to show about the election. They set there and say we have to go over this again, slowly and carefully. So they admit they haven't even gone over it 'carefully' 'yet', and they are not even the people who should officially analyze something like this. This would be partial, unanalyzed evidence in court, and would thus have been thrown out. There would have been so many questions they could not answer. And that is assuming that these people are actually giving unbiased 'complete' evidence, or as complete of evidence as they actually honestly know.(which wouldn't be much) Just on that quickly evident fact you can throw out this footage. Further analysis, and in depth study of the video and questions answered through research which they probably already did, would throw it into even more question. There is no way this gets even close to a courtroom, at least not without a lot of laughter.

You have just proven beyond a shadow of a doubt why this stuff should never be brought out in the middle of an investigation, even if it was decent evidence. You certainly wouldn't show it to the public. You have proven why conspiracy theory idiots should not be allowed on the internet as well. You just don't realize how many people on this board think and know that you are a fool. This board is not the same as the conspiracy blogs where you find followers and like minds. The iq quotient is a lot higher, and idiots are in the minority.
we havent had real journalism since Cronkite, Huntley, Brinkley. today we just get smug hosts
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If you only knew how liberal they were. Smug hosts prevalent on both sides of the isle.(spelled it incorrectly just for you. aisle)
They check their bias at the door before reporting.

There used to be liberal/conservative discussion programs. Point counterpoint. Buckley and Gore Vidal , and more recent Hannity and Combs, where both sides were presented.
Dems claim the new GA voting laws are voter suppression and affect blacks the most. Still waiting for someone to.provide details and evidence.
Which is voter suppression.

diluting valid votes with illegals vote or harvested extra votes.
Only allowing registered people vote.
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voting is pretty simple.

register before the election
you have 9 month in a given year to do so

by-mail, early, in person
just verify you are who you are

count the votes
correctly and honestly

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